================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[Framework behind Graph plots. DynamicNamespace and friends] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155237/framework-behind-graph-plots-dynamicnamespace-and-friends
As shown in DynamicLocation usage, we can use it to quickly create very nice functionality, that it to refer to graphics’ primitives relative coordinates without calculations of boundary etc.
As ...
- asked by Kuba (15 votes), answered by Kuba (12 votes)
[DynamicLocation usage] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155157/dynamiclocation-usage
DynamicLocation can be very useful:
LocatorPane[Dynamic@x, Graphics[ { EdgeForm @ Thick, FaceForm @ None, Rectangle[BoxID -> "box"] , Arrow[{Dynamic[x], ...
- asked by Kuba (14 votes), answered by b3m2a1 (9 votes)
[How can I use GitHub as a paclet server?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155123/how-can-i-use-github-as-a-paclet-server
I want to use GitHub as a paclet server, but this fails:
PacletInstall[ "ServiceConnection_StackExchange", "Site" -> "https:/github.com/b3m2a1/PacletServer" ] PacletSiteUpdate::err: An error ...
- asked by b3m2a1 (13 votes), answered by b3m2a1 (16 votes)
[Permanently extending the behaviour of functions (like decorators)] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155567/permanently-extending-the-behaviour-of-functions-like-decorators
Suppose I have a function, e.g.
f[x_] := x^2 It works like this: f[5] (* 25 *)
I would like to permanently modify it so that calling f[5] will perform some action before and after the evaluation ...
- asked by Szabolcs (11 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (9 votes)
[Is Tooltip broken in MMA 11.1.1?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155434/is-tooltip-broken-in-mma-11-1-1
Bug introduced in 11.1.0 and persisting through 11.1.1
I have just discovered that Tooltip works differently from as described in the documentation, at least in my version of MMA (, Windows ...
- asked by Oleg Soloviev (9 votes)
[Install paclets into $BaseDirectory on multi-user system] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155122/install-paclets-into-basedirectory-on-multi-user-system
PacletInstall will install paclets into the $UserBaseDirectory by default. How can we install them in $BaseDirectory so that all users on the system will have access? Is this currently possible?
- asked by Szabolcs (9 votes), answered by halirutan (5 votes)
[How can I reproduce the result of PrincipalComponents] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155467/how-can-i-reproduce-the-result-of-principalcomponents
matrix = N[{{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {4, 10}}] {{1., 2.}, {2., 3.}, {4., 10.}} res1 = PrincipalComponents[matrix, Method -> "Correlation"] {{1.10388, 0.130549}, {0.478746, -0.170139}, {-1.58262, ...
- asked by HyperGroups (8 votes), answered by J. M. (13 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Labeling individual curves in Mathematica] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4444/labeling-individual-curves-in-mathematica
I need to create a plot for export and inclusion in a report. Is there a better way to label curves than PlotLegends? From what I’ve read and my personal experience, PlotLegends is pretty bad.
Is ...
- asked by Tianxiang Xiong (52 votes), answered by Artes (40 votes)
[What does # mean in Mathematica?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/19035/what-does-mean-in-mathematica
I asked Mathematica to compute the following
Solve[c (1-x)^2-x^(1/4) == 0, x] and it returned this: x = Root[#1^8 c^4 - 8 #1^7 c^4 + 28 #1^6 c^4 - 56 #1^5 c^4 + 70 #1^4 c^4 - 56 #1^3 c^4 + 28 ...
- asked by ronanymous (20 votes), answered by Dr. belisarius (43 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Question about RandomSeed option in AdaptiveMonteCarlo NIntegrate method] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155249/question-about-randomseed-option-in-adaptivemontecarlo-nintegrate-method
I’ve been familiarising myself with the different options available in the AdaptiveMonteCarlo method for NIntegrate but one of the things that I can’t really understand is what the numbers correspond ...
- asked by user35305 (1 vote)
[Delete duplicates in a list compiled of different lists and also delete] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155261/delete-duplicates-in-a-list-compiled-of-different-lists-and-also-delete
I've got three lists: Lst1 has 100 different values for "r". Lst2 has 100 different values for "a". And Lst3=Pi*Lst1^2*Lst2. In Lst3 I've got duplicates and I want to get rid of them, but I also want ...
- asked by Cornelis (1 vote)
[How to implement LinkLaunch-like functionality with timeout?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/155493/how-to-implement-linklaunch-like-functionality-with-timeout
tl;dr: What is the best way (and correct sequence of operations) to connect two programs using MathLink while anticipating failures / timeouts?
Launch program and connect, with timeout
I have a ...
- asked by Szabolcs (4 votes)