================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[Replace elements that do not match a pattern] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/149736/replace-elements-that-do-not-match-a-pattern
I have the following matrix
I would like to replace the zero elements of it with 1 and the remaining with zero. The first step would be
However I ...
- asked by Galuoises (12 votes), answered by eldo (7 votes)
[Image segmentation by pixel value] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/149966/image-segmentation-by-pixel-value
I’m looking for a way to segment a grayscale image (or a 2D array) by its pixel values. We look at two neighboring pixels, if their values are close within a certain threshold, then we say they are ...
- asked by xslittlegrass (11 votes), answered by nikie (11 votes)
[Can trees be made into graphs?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/151155/can-trees-be-made-into-graphs
When one has the output of a function like TreeForm, for instance:
Can this be turned into a Graph object? I would like to be able to apply functions like VertexList, VertexDegree, AdjacencyList, ...
- asked by M. Brandt (8 votes), answered by C. E. (5 votes)
[Layout tips to keep UI responsive] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/149835/layout-tips-to-keep-ui-responsive
Bug introduced in V10.4 or earlier and persisting through V11.1.1
CASE:3914402 Here is an example of a problem I have. Gutted version of something much bigger: handler2 = Framed[#, ...
- asked by Kuba (8 votes), answered by Kuba (1 vote)
[How to use LaTeXin Mathematica text] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/151102/how-to-use-latex-in-mathematica-text
I would like to formulate a question in a notebook for my students using LaTeX(or MathML) to typeset functions and matrices. I specifically want a language other than Mathematica as students ...
- asked by user49947 (7 votes), answered by Nasser (6 votes)
[getting zero for special positions in a matrix] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/149767/getting-zero-for-special-positions-in-a-matrix
There are a list
list={{1, 2, 3, 2, 3}, {3, 1, 1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 1, 3, 2}, {1, 2, 1, 1, 1}}; I wish to have all elements be zero except the first and the fourth in each row: desired: list={{1, 0, ...
- asked by Irreversible (7 votes), answered by tomd (7 votes)
[To Work with Barchart or DiscretePlot?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/149960/to-work-with-barchart-or-discreteplot
I would like to create a graph similar to this below using some slightly dotted bar style like the one shown in the figure ...
And I’m trying to open a space between bars 6 and 8, but I’m failing.
- asked by LCarvalho (7 votes), answered by kglr (6 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[How to manipulate 2D plots?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/7142/how-to-manipulate-2d-plots
When it comes to visual analysis, large datasets or data with intricate internal details often makes plotting in 2D useless, as the outcome is either just a fraction of the full dataset, or no details ...
- asked by István Zachar (117 votes), answered by István Zachar (134 votes)
[Learn Mathematica (Wolfram) Language in one day] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/138366/learn-mathematica-wolfram-language-in-one-day
Currently I am trying to learn Python. Searching for relevant material I came across
X in Y minutes
and books with titles such as Learn Python in one day, in 24 hours, etc.
Similar material exists ...
- asked by dimitris (25 votes), answered by masterxilo (9 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Sorting a list of rules] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/149862/sorting-a-list-of-rules
When we give several definitions for a function f, the DownValues of f are automatically sorted with respect to the domain defined by the pattern:
f[x_]:=2; f[x_?Positive] := 3; f[1]=4; ...
- asked by Fred Simons (3 votes)
[Plotting orbits of trajectories of bodies sharing the earth’s orbit in coordinates centered at the barycenter of the solar system] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/151069/plotting-orbits-of-trajectories-of-bodies-sharing-the-earths-orbit-in-coordinat
I am attempting to try and plot the trajectories of a trio of satellites that are orbiting with the earth-moon system around the solar system’s barycenter. Originally, I had the satellites in orbit ...
- asked by SSoltero (1 vote)
[Mathematica not releasing RAM] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/151127/mathematica-not-releasing-ram
The following code is supposed to sequentially read data from a large CSV file and put it row by row into an SQL server. Although I thought RAM consumption should be constant the system keeps asking ...
- asked by user13892 (2 votes)