4.29 Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Top new questions this week: 

[List of symbols without built-in meaning] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147328/list-of-symbols-without-built-in-meaning

Is there a list of all symbols with special display forms but no built-in meaning? That is, operators that are described in the tutorial Operators without Built-in Meanings?

- asked by Carl Woll (17 votes), answered by Carl Woll (17 votes)


[Does Mathematica support deep links?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147374/does-mathematica-support-deep-links

So GitHub sent me on quite the journey, after it opened its desktop app from my browser. Copying the link I found something looking like: "github-mac://...". 

I spent the next like 15 minutes trying ...

- asked by b3m2a1 (12 votes), answered by b3m2a1 (12 votes)


[How and why to use monadic programming in Mathematica?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147679/how-and-why-to-use-monadic-programming-in-mathematica

This is a methodological question with two parts:

How to use monadic programming in Mathematica?

and Why use monadic programming in Mathematica?

In my opinion the questions are inter-related – ...

- asked by Anton Antonov (10 votes)


[Google Drive API connection: (or how can I build a service connection to an OAuth2 service?)] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147451/google-drive-api-connection-or-how-can-i-build-a-service-connection-to-an-oaut

From here I know how to build a a basic service connection.

And that’s fine in simple authentication cases but how do I do this for OAuth services?

Even more specifically, how can I do this for ...

- asked by b3m2a1 (10 votes), answered by b3m2a1 (9 votes)


[Performance of Nest vs. Do] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147545/performance-of-nest-vs-do

When I am iterating the logistic function using a pure function, comparing Do and Nest:

x = 0.1; Do[x = 3 x (1 - x), 300] // RepeatedTiming 
Nest[3 # (1 - #) &, .1, 300] // RepeatedTiming

- asked by Stitch (9 votes), answered by Karsten 7. (9 votes)


[Huge arrows in 3D graphics] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147586/huge-arrows-in-3d-graphics

Hi. Consider the following code:

f1 = Plot3D[-Exp[-x^2-y^2],{x,-5,5},{y,-5,5},PlotRange->All] 
f2 = Graphics3D[Table[{Arrowheads[.01],Arrow[{{2Cos[i],2Sin[i],0},{2.5Cos[i],  ...

- asked by AccidentalFourierTransform (9 votes), answered by Jens (9 votes)


[Clean package update for API/FormFunctions on Wolfram Cloud] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147330/clean-package-update-for-api-formfunctions-on-wolfram-cloud

Cross posted on community.wolfram.com (new comments)


There is a pool of kernels/sessions available for each user, you don’t have control over the pool only over specific kernel you currently ...

- asked by Kuba (7 votes), answered by b3m2a1 (7 votes)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[My Girlfriend is going to prison...Save her with Math] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/135937/my-girlfriend-is-going-to-prison-save-her-with-math

Salacious title, but true story.

 dmethyl1 = { 
      {0, 0}, 
      {.25, 1}, 
      {.5, 7}, 
      {1, 26}, 
      {1.5, 40}, 
      {2, 45}, 
      {2.5, 45}, 
      {3, 44}, 
      {3.5, 44}, 
      {4,  ...

- asked by Prisoners Dilema (37 votes), answered by bobthechemist (24 votes)


[Creating legends for plots with multiple lines?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4025/creating-legends-for-plots-with-multiple-lines

So I have a graph with multiple lists, for e.g.

data = {{1,2}, {3,4}, {3,5}, {2,3} . . .} 
If I then do ListLinePlot[Table[{#1,Log[b,#2]}&@@@data, {b,1,10,2}]] I have no way to generate a legend  ...

- asked by Eiyrioü von Kauyf (60 votes), answered by Jens (89 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[URLFetch parameters interfere with POST] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147526/urlfetch-parameters-interfere-with-post

(orig: URLFetch Multipart POST fails to post Body?)

Update 2:

So after much weeping and gnashing of teeth our Lord and Savior Mathematica deemed me worthy of figuring out (some of) what the hell was ...

- asked by b3m2a1 (1 vote)


[What is the best method for solving \(D(a,b,r,t)\) under a 5-minute computation time?] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147520/what-is-the-best-method-for-solving-da-b-r-t-under-a-5-minute-computation-ti

Consider set \(\left \{\left . T(c,d)\right |c,d\in \mathbb {Z}\right \}\), a subset of rational numbers, where \(T(c,d)\) is a function.

I want to compute \(D(a,b,r,t)\)


- asked by Arbuja (1 vote)


[Loop construction with multiple expressions for solving differential equation] https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/147523/loop-construction-with-multiple-expressions-for-solving-differential-equation

I want to solve the following ODE.

\(H'' + \frac {2}{r}H'-\frac {\partial V_{eff}(H,r)}{\partial H}=0\)

with the following conditions

\(\frac {dH}{dr}(r=0)=0\) and \(H(r= \infty )=0\)

Regardless of the ...

- asked by Konstantinos (2 votes)