================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[Object detection and localization using neural network] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141598/object-detection-and-localization-using-neural-network
Four important computer vision tasks are classification, localization, object detection and instance segmentation (image taken from cs224d course):
These four tasks are all built on top of the deep ...
- asked by xslittlegrass (30 votes), answered by xslittlegrass (33 votes)
[Ball Bouncing on Hilly Terrain] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141209/ball-bouncing-on-hilly-terrain
There is a maple code for the bouncing ball on the given curve.
I tried to make this animation by using Mathematica
Why does the following code not work?
surf := Sin[x] + (0.2 Cos[4 x + Sin[4 ...
- asked by vito (19 votes), answered by Stitch (15 votes)
[Dataset is 20X slow when adding column heads] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141223/dataset-is-20x-slow-when-adding-column-heads
I’m trying to use Dataset to explore some large data. I notice that the performance decrease more than 20X by adding heads to the columns. Here is an example:
We generate some data with integers
- asked by xslittlegrass (14 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (3 votes)
[Benchmarking: unexplained switching between high and low performance] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141350/benchmarking-unexplained-switching-between-high-and-low-performance
tl;dr I am trying to accurately benchmark some vectorized operations, and compare them between systems. But benchmarking is hard to do well, and I am getting inconsistent results: performance is ...
- asked by Szabolcs (13 votes)
[How to visualize attention?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141542/how-to-visualize-attention
In the articles about sequence attention we can see images like this:
Here we see that while translating from French to English, the network attends sequentially to each input state, but sometimes ...
- asked by Alexey Golyshev (12 votes), answered by xslittlegrass (4 votes)
[Can one create a custom front-end for Mathematica?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141581/can-one-create-a-custom-front-end-for-mathematica
I’d like to create my custom front-end for Mathematica. I know there’s a console interface (launched as math), which mostly works great, but it can’t really provide functionality of e.g. interactive ...
- asked by Ruslan (9 votes)
[How to clear Integrate internal memory?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141324/how-to-clear-integrate-internal-memory
I noticed that when I call Integrate for the first time, on an integral that I know will take longer than the time limit I give it, it will abort for the first time, as expected when wrapped by ...
- asked by Nasser (9 votes), answered by J. M. (11 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Creating legends for plots with multiple lines?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4025/creating-legends-for-plots-with-multiple-lines
So I have a graph with multiple lists, for e.g.
data = {{1,2}, {3,4}, {3,5}, {2,3} . . .} If I then do ListLinePlot[Table[{#1,Log[b,#2]}&@@@data, {b,1,10,2}]] I have no way to generate a legend ...
- asked by Eiyrioü von Kauyf (60 votes), answered by Jens (89 votes)
[Labeling individual curves in Mathematica] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4444/labeling-individual-curves-in-mathematica
I need to create a plot for export and inclusion in a report. Is there a better way to label curves than PlotLegends? From what I’ve read and my personal experience, PlotLegends is pretty bad.
Is ...
- asked by Tianxiang Xiong (49 votes), answered by Artes (39 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[GraphicsComplex dynamic colors] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141489/graphicscomplex-dynamic-colors
I have a fairly large GraphicsComplex (surface mesh with more than several thousand vertices) and I want to visualize a scalar function that is defined on the vertices. I map the function to vertex ...
- asked by Beginner (6 votes)
[how to efficiently generate all directed graphs with 6 vertices] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141681/how-to-efficiently-generate-all-directed-graphs-with-6-vertices
I am attempting to generate all non-isomorphic directed graphs with 6 vertices using command ListGraphs[6, Directed].But it does not work efficiently and takes a month producing nothing.
Can anyone ...
- asked by Mike (6 votes)
[Bug in Limit in version 11.1.0] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/141233/bug-in-limit-in-version-11-1-0
Bug introduced in version 11.1.0
The infinite limit
Assuming[a>0&&b>0, Limit[((1+a)*b*x)/Sqrt[1+(1+a)*b*x*((1+a)*b*x+Sqrt[1+(1+a)^2*b^2*x^2])], x->Infinity]]
gives the ...
- asked by Roman (5 votes)