7.44 problem 1634 (6.44)

Internal problem ID [9956]
Internal file name [OUTPUT/8903_Monday_June_06_2022_05_49_26_AM_39053542/index.tex]

Book: Differential Gleichungen, E. Kamke, 3rd ed. Chelsea Pub. NY, 1948
Section: Chapter 6, non-linear second order
Problem number: 1634 (6.44).
ODE order: 2.
ODE degree: 1.

The type(s) of ODE detected by this program : "unknown"

Maple gives the following as the ode type


Unable to solve or complete the solution.

\[ \boxed {y^{\prime \prime }+f \left (x , y\right ) y^{\prime }+g \left (x , y\right )=0} \]

Maple trace

`Methods for second order ODEs:`

Solution by Maple

dsolve(diff(diff(y(x),x),x)+f(x,y(x))*diff(y(x),x)+g(x,y(x))=0,y(x), singsol=all)

\[ \text {No solution found} \]

Solution by Mathematica

Time used: 0.0 (sec). Leaf size: 0

DSolve[g[x, y[x]] + f[x, y[x]]*y'[x] + y''[x] == 0,y[x],x,IncludeSingularSolutions -> True]

Not solved