2.2.29 problem 28
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 09:23:25 AM
[[_2nd_order, _linear, _nonhomogeneous]]
\begin{align*} y^{\prime \prime }-x y-x^{3}+2&=0 \end{align*}
Solved as second order Airy ode
Time used: 0.061 (sec)
This is Airy ODE. It has the general form
\[ a y^{\prime \prime } + b y^{\prime } + c x y = F(x) \]
Where in this case
\begin{align*} a &= 1\\ b &= 0\\ c &= -1\\ F &= x^{3}-2 \end{align*}
Therefore the solution to the homogeneous Airy ODE becomes
y = c_1 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_2 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )
Since this is inhomogeneous
Airy ODE, then we need to find the particular solution. The particular solution is now found
using the method of undetermined coefficients. Looking at the RHS of the ode, which is
\[ x^{3}+1 \]
Shows that the corresponding undetermined set of the basis functions (UC_set) for the trial
solution is
\[ [\{1, x, x^{2}, x^{3}\}] \]
While the set of the basis functions for the homogeneous solution found earlier is
\[ \left \{\operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right ), \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )\right \} \]
Since there is no duplication between the basis function in the UC_set and the basis
functions of the homogeneous solution, the trial solution is a linear combination of all the
basis in the UC_set.
y_p = A_{4} x^{3}+A_{3} x^{2}+A_{2} x +A_{1}
The unknowns \(\{A_{1}, A_{2}, A_{3}, A_{4}\}\) are found by substituting the above trial solution \(y_p\) into
the ODE and comparing coefficients. Substituting the trial solution into the ODE
and simplifying gives
6 x A_{4}+2 A_{3}-x \left (A_{4} x^{3}+A_{3} x^{2}+A_{2} x +A_{1}\right )-x^{3}+2 = 0
Solving for the unknowns by comparing coefficients results
\[ [A_{1} = 0, A_{2} = 0, A_{3} = -1, A_{4} = 0] \]
Substituting the above back in the above trial solution \(y_p\), gives the particular
y_p = -x^{2}
Therefore the general solution is
y &= y_h + y_p \\
&= \left (c_1 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_2 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )\right ) + \left (-x^{2}\right ) \\
&= c_1 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_2 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )-x^{2} \\
Will add steps showing solving for IC
Summary of solutions found
y &= c_1 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_2 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )-x^{2} \\
Solved as second order ode adjoint method
Time used: 1.019 (sec)
In normal form the ode
\begin{align*} y^{\prime \prime }-x y-x^{3}+2 = 0 \tag {1} \end{align*}
\begin{align*} y^{\prime \prime }+p \left (x \right ) y^{\prime }+q \left (x \right ) y&=r \left (x \right ) \tag {2} \end{align*}
\begin{align*} p \left (x \right )&=0\\ q \left (x \right )&=-x\\ r \left (x \right )&=x^{3}-2 \end{align*}
The Lagrange adjoint ode is given by
\begin{align*} \xi ^{''}-(\xi \, p)'+\xi q &= 0\\ \xi ^{''}-\left (0\right )' + \left (-x \xi \left (x \right )\right ) &= 0\\ \xi ^{\prime \prime }\left (x \right )-x \xi \left (x \right )&= 0 \end{align*}
Which is solved for \(\xi (x)\). This is Airy ODE. It has the general form
\[ a \xi ^{\prime \prime } + b \xi ^{\prime } + c x \xi = F(x) \]
Where in this case
\begin{align*} a &= 1\\ b &= 0\\ c &= -1\\ F &= 0 \end{align*}
Therefore the solution to the homogeneous Airy ODE becomes
\xi = c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )
Will add steps showing
solving for IC soon.
The original ode now reduces to first order ode
\begin{align*} \xi \left (x \right ) y^{\prime }-y \xi ^{\prime }\left (x \right )+\xi \left (x \right ) p \left (x \right ) y&=\int \xi \left (x \right ) r \left (x \right )d x\\ y^{\prime }+y \left (p \left (x \right )-\frac {\xi ^{\prime }\left (x \right )}{\xi \left (x \right )}\right )&=\frac {\int \xi \left (x \right ) r \left (x \right )d x}{\xi \left (x \right )} \end{align*}
\begin{align*} y^{\prime }-\frac {y \left (-c_5 \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}} \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )-c_6 \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}} \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )\right )}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )}&=\frac {-2 c_5 x \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )-2 c_6 x \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )-\frac {c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right ) x^{2} \sqrt {-3}}{2}-\frac {c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right ) x^{2}}{2}-\frac {c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right ) x^{2} \sqrt {-3}}{2}-\frac {c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right ) x^{2}}{2}}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-x \left (-1\right )^{{1}/{3}}\right )} \end{align*}
Which is now a first order ode. This is now solved for \(y\). In canonical form a linear first order
\begin{align*} y^{\prime } + q(x)y &= p(x) \end{align*}
Comparing the above to the given ode shows that
\begin{align*} q(x) &=\frac {\left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \left (\operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_5 +\operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_6 \right )}{2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\\ p(x) &=-\frac {x \left (x c_5 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+x c_6 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )}{2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )} \end{align*}
The integrating factor \(\mu \) is
\begin{align*} \mu &= e^{\int {q\,dx}}\\ &= {\mathrm e}^{\int \frac {\left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \left (\operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_5 +\operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_6 \right )}{2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}d x}\\ &= \frac {1}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )} \end{align*}
The ode becomes
\frac {\mathop {\mathrm {d}}}{ \mathop {\mathrm {d}x}}\left ( \mu y\right ) &= \mu p \\
\frac {\mathop {\mathrm {d}}}{ \mathop {\mathrm {d}x}}\left ( \mu y\right ) &= \left (\mu \right ) \left (-\frac {x \left (x c_5 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+x c_6 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )}{2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\right ) \\
\frac {\mathop {\mathrm {d}}}{ \mathop {\mathrm {d}x}} \left (\frac {y}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\right ) &= \left (\frac {1}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\right ) \left (-\frac {x \left (x c_5 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+x c_6 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )}{2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\right ) \\
\mathrm {d} \left (\frac {y}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\right ) &= \left (-\frac {x \left (x c_5 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+x c_6 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )}{\left (2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right ) \left (c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )}\right )\, \mathrm {d} x \\
Integrating gives
\begin{align*} \frac {y}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}&= \int {-\frac {x \left (x c_5 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+x c_6 \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right ) \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (1, -\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+4 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )}{\left (2 c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+2 c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right ) \left (c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )\right )} \,dx} \\ &=-\frac {x^{2}}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (\left (-\frac {1}{2}-\frac {i \sqrt {3}}{2}\right ) x \right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (\left (-\frac {1}{2}-\frac {i \sqrt {3}}{2}\right ) x \right )} + c_7 \end{align*}
Dividing throughout by the integrating factor \(\frac {1}{c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )}\) gives the final solution
\[ y = \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_5 c_7 +\operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_6 c_7 -x^{2} \]
Hence, the solution
found using Lagrange adjoint equation method is
y &= \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_5 c_7 +\operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right ) c_6 c_7 -x^{2} \\
The constants can be merged to give
y = c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )-x^{2}
add steps showing solving for IC soon.
Summary of solutions found
y &= c_5 \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )+c_6 \operatorname {AiryBi}\left (-\frac {x \left (1+i \sqrt {3}\right )}{2}\right )-x^{2} \\
Maple step by step solution
Maple trace
`Methods for second order ODEs:
--- Trying classification methods ---
trying a quadrature
trying high order exact linear fully integrable
trying differential order: 2; linear nonhomogeneous with symmetry [0,1]
trying a double symmetry of the form [xi=0, eta=F(x)]
-> Try solving first the homogeneous part of the ODE
checking if the LODE has constant coefficients
checking if the LODE is of Euler type
trying a symmetry of the form [xi=0, eta=F(x)]
checking if the LODE is missing y
-> Trying a Liouvillian solution using Kovacics algorithm
<- No Liouvillian solutions exists
-> Trying a solution in terms of special functions:
-> Bessel
<- Bessel successful
<- special function solution successful
<- solving first the homogeneous part of the ODE successful`
Maple dsolve solution
Solving time : 0.007
Leaf size : 18
dsolve(diff(diff(y(x),x),x)-x*y(x)-x^3+2 = 0,
y = \operatorname {AiryAi}\left (x \right ) c_{2} +\operatorname {AiryBi}\left (x \right ) c_{1} -x^{2}
Mathematica DSolve solution
Solving time : 0.456
Leaf size : 290
y(x)\to \frac {6 \sqrt [3]{3} \pi x \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {1}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {5}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {7}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {8}{3}\right ) \left (\sqrt {3} \operatorname {AiryAi}(x)-\operatorname {AiryBi}(x)\right ) \, _1F_2\left (\frac {1}{3};\frac {2}{3},\frac {4}{3};\frac {x^3}{9}\right )+2 \sqrt [6]{3} \pi x^2 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {2}{3}\right )^2 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {7}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {8}{3}\right ) \left (3 \operatorname {AiryAi}(x)+\sqrt {3} \operatorname {AiryBi}(x)\right ) \, _1F_2\left (\frac {2}{3};\frac {4}{3},\frac {5}{3};\frac {x^3}{9}\right )+\operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {5}{3}\right ) \left (3 \sqrt [3]{3} \pi x^4 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {4}{3}\right )^2 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {8}{3}\right ) \left (\operatorname {AiryBi}(x)-\sqrt {3} \operatorname {AiryAi}(x)\right ) \, _1F_2\left (\frac {4}{3};\frac {2}{3},\frac {7}{3};\frac {x^3}{9}\right )+\operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {2}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {7}{3}\right ) \left (-\sqrt [6]{3} \pi x^5 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {5}{3}\right ) \left (3 \operatorname {AiryAi}(x)+\sqrt {3} \operatorname {AiryBi}(x)\right ) \, _1F_2\left (\frac {5}{3};\frac {4}{3},\frac {8}{3};\frac {x^3}{9}\right )+27 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {4}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {8}{3}\right ) (c_1 \operatorname {AiryAi}(x)+c_2 \operatorname {AiryBi}(x))\right )\right )}{27 \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {2}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {4}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {5}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {7}{3}\right ) \operatorname {Gamma}\left (\frac {8}{3}\right )}