| | | |
(2251) [QA303.A37 1981] |
REA. Advanced Calculus
Problem Solver |
More... |
(2252) [QA303.5.D37L66
1994] |
Maple via Calculus: A
Tutorial Approach |
More... |
| | | |
(2253) [QA303.5.D37D48
1993] |
Calculus With Maple V |
More... |
(2254) [QA303.5.D37187
1996] |
Calculus the Maple Way |
More... |
(2255) [QA303.5.D37 F744
2001 ] |
Calculus concepts : using
derive for windows |
More... |
(2256) [QA303.5.D37 .H37
1992] |
Discovering Calculus With
Maple |
More... |
| | | |
(2257) [QA303.5.C65C66
1998] |
Multivariate Calculus and
Mathematica: With
Applications to Geometry
and Physics |
More... |
(2258) [QA303.5.C65C35
1996] |
Calculus Projects Using
Mathematica |
More... |
(2259) [QA303.5.C65 G74
1999] |
A Maple Approach To
Calculus |
More... |
(2260) [QA303.5 D37
G832m 1999 ] |
A Mathematica Approach
to Calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2261) [QA303.2.T48 1953] |
Calculus |
More... |
(2262) [QA303.2.S75 2005
manual] |
Student’s solutions
manual for Single Variable
Calculus |
More... |
(2263) [QA303.2.L53 2008] |
Calculus With
Applications |
More... |
(2264) [QA303.2.G68 1959] |
A Course
In Mathematical Analysis
Volume 1: Derivatives
And Differentials; Definite
Integrals; Expansion In
Series; Applications To
Geometry |
More... |
| | | |
(2265) [QA303.2.C34 2002] |
Calculus, Single and
Multivariable |
More... |
(2266) [QA303.2.B73 2006] |
Advanced Calculus: An
Introduction to Classical
Analysis |
More... |
(2267) [QA303.2.B36 2007] |
The Calculus Lifesaver:
All The Tools You Need
To Excel At Calculus |
More... |
(2268) [QA303.2.B23 2007] |
Advanced Calculus
Demystified |
More... |
| | | |
(2269) [QA303.2 .S752
1999] |
Complete Solutions
Manual For Stewart’s
Single Variable Calculus |
More... |
(2270) [QA303.2 .K453
2006] |
The Humongous Book Of
Calculus Problems: For
People Who Don’t Speak
Math |
More... |
(2271) [QA303.2 .H55
2003] |
Instructor’s solutions
manual Calculus |
More... |
(2272) [QA303.2 .G65
2010] |
Brief Calculus & Its
Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(2273) [QA303.2 .D86 2005
] |
The Calculus Gallery:
Masterpieces From
Newton To Lebesgue |
More... |
(2274) [QA303.086 2011] |
Calculus |
More... |
(2275) [QA303 H55 1962] |
Advanced Calculus for
Applications |
More... |
(2276) [QA303 E38 1982] |
Instructor’s manual to
accompany calculus with
analytic geometry |
More... |
| | | |
(2277) [QA303 B917 1956] |
Advanced Calculus |
More... |
(2278) [QA303 B54 1970] |
Calculus VOL 2 |
More... |
(2279) [QA303 B54 1970] |
Calculus VOL 1 |
More... |
(2280) [QA303 .T45 1988] |
1 Instructor’s Solutions
Manual: Calculus
And Analytic Geometry
7th, Thomas/Finney |
More... |
| | | |
(2281) [QA303 .S596
MANUAL 1976] |
Interface: Calculus and
the computer |
More... |
(2282) [QA303 .S5547
1996] |
Calculus With Analytic
Geometry |
More... |
(2283) [QA303 .S396 1972] |
Calculus of One Variable |
More... |
(2284) [QA303 .S17 1974 ] |
Calculus One and Several
Variables with Analytic
Geometry |
More... |
| | | |
(2285) [QA303 .S17 1974] |
Calculus: One and Several
Variables |
More... |
(2286) [QA303 .R53 1979 ] |
Calculus and Analytic
Geometry |
More... |
(2287) [QA303 .M83 1996] |
Multivariable Calculus,
Preliminary Edition,
Mathematica |
More... |
(2288) [QA303 .M63 1946] |
Differential and Integral
Calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2289) [QA303 .L45 1974] |
Differential And Integral
Calculus Vol II |
More... |
(2290) [QA303 .L33 1994] |
Multivariable Calculus |
More... |
(2291) [QA303 .K564 1995] |
Discovering Calculus with
Mathematica |
More... |
(2292) [QA303 .K33 1952] |
Advanced Calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2293) [QA303 .I56 1971] |
Solutions Manual for
Introduction To Calculus
2 |
More... |
(2294) [QA303 .H578 1995
Suppl] |
Supp Append W/Graph
Calc - Calculus |
More... |
(2295) [QA303 .H24 1960] |
Course of Pure
Mathematics |
More... |
(2296) [QA303 .G886 1993] |
Applied Calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2297) [QA303 .G878 1979
] |
The First Nonlinear
System of Differential and
Integral Calculus |
More... |
(2298) [QA303 .G878 1979
] |
The First Nonlinear
System of Differential and
Integral Calculus |
More... |
(2299) [QA303 .G72] |
A Course In Mathematical
Analysis |
More... |
(2300) [QA303 .F831 1971] |
Advanced calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2301) [QA303 .E25825
2002] |
Single Variable Calculus |
More... |
(2302) [QA303 .D58 1995] |
Calculus: Preliminary
VOL 2 |
More... |
(2303) [QA303 .D335] |
Introduction to Nonlinear
Differential and Integral
Equations |
More... |
(2304) [QA303 .C178 2002] |
REA. Calculus Problem
Solver |
More... |
| | | |
(2305) [QA303 .C155 1998
] |
Calculus |
More... |
(2306) [QA303 .A88 1964] |
Theory and Problems of
Differential and Integral
Calculus |
More... |
(2307) [QA303 .A88 1964] |
Theory and Problems of
Differential and Integral
Calculus |
More... |
(2308) [QA303 .A53 1992] |
Calculus With Analytic
Solution Manual |
More... |
| | | |
(2309) [QA303 .A367 1998] |
More... |
(2310) [QA303 .A367 1998] |
Modeling the dynamics of
life with supplementary
material |
More... |
(2311) [QA300.S4552 1996] |
Elementary Real and
Complex Analysis |
More... |
(2312) [QA300.S18 1993] |
Fundamentals of Complex
Analysis for Mathematics,
Science And Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(2313) [QA300.S18 1976] |
Fundamentals of Complex
Analysis for Mathematics,
Science and Engineering |
More... |
(2314) [QA300.R8 1964] |
Principles Of
Mathematical Analysis |
More... |
(2315) [QA300.R63 1986] |
Introduction to Analysis |
More... |
(2316) [QA300.R495 2002] |
Mathematical Methods of
Physics and Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(2317) [QA300.R325 2007] |
An Introduction to
Mathematical Analysis |
More... |
(2318) [QA300.R32 1968] |
Basic Real and Abstract
Analysis |
More... |
(2319) [QA300.P97 1964] |
Modern Mathematical
Analysis |
More... |
(2320) [QA300.M57 1957] |
Advanced Real Calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2321) [QA300.L427 2000] |
Analysis with an
Introduction to Proof |
More... |
(2322) [QA300.H352 1996] |
Analysis by Its History |
More... |
(2323) [QA300.H328 2002] |
Mathematical Analysis
Business |
More... |
(2324) [QA300.D82 2011] |
Advanced Mathematics
For Engineers And
Scientists |
More... |
| | | |
(2325) [QA300.D5 1969] |
Foundations Of Modern
Analysis |
More... |
(2326) [QA300.C614 2003] |
Course in
Modern Analysis and Its
Applications |
More... |
(2327) [QA300.A9 1950] |
Schaum’s outline of theory
and problems
of differential and integral
calculus |
More... |
(2328) [QA300 A6 1974] |
Mathematical Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(2329) [QA300 .S4315
1995] |
Basic Training in
Mathematics |
More... |
(2330) [QA300 .P97 1964] |
Modern Mathematical
Analysis |
More... |
(2331) [QA300 .C58 1987] |
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics |
More... |
(2332) [QA299.3.D28 2007] |
Methods Of Numerical
Integration |
More... |
| | | |
(2333) [QA299 .6-433] |
Equadiff 6 |
More... |
(2334) [QA297S3 1961] |
Numerical Methods in
Engineering |
More... |
(2335) [QA297.W58 1972] |
Numerical Computation |
More... |
(2336) [QA297.W43 1966] |
theoretical numerical
analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(2337) [QA297.V5413 1990
] |
Numerical Methods |
More... |
(2338) [QA297.T6 1962] |
Survey Of Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2339) [QA297.S8433
1992b] |
Student Edition of Matlab
for MS-DOS Personal
Computers/Book and
Disk |
More... |
(2340) [QA297.S545 1993 ] |
Elementary Numerical
Computing With
Mathematica |
More... |
| | | |
(2341) [QA297.S35 1966] |
Numerical Mathematical
Analysis |
More... |
(2342) [QA297.S35 1958] |
Numerical mathematical
analysis |
More... |
(2343) [QA297.S35 1950] |
Numerical Mathematical
Analysis |
More... |
(2344) [QA297.S3 1961] |
Numerical Methods In
Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(2345) [QA297.R8713
1990] |
Lectures on Numerical
Mathematics |
More... |
(2346) [QA297.R495 2002] |
Advanced Mathematical
Methods with Maple |
More... |
(2347) [QA297.R445 1987] |
Reviews in Numerical
Analysis 1980-86 VOL 2 |
More... |
(2348) [QA297.R395 1998] |
The Matlab 5 Handbook |
More... |
| | | |
(2349) [QA297.R3 1965] |
First Course in Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2350) [QA297.Q83 2000] |
Numerical Mathematics |
More... |
(2351) [QA297.N866 1986] |
Numerical Recipes: The
Art of Scientific
Computing |
More... |
(2352) [QA297.N845 1983] |
REA. Numerical Analysis
Problem Solver |
More... |
| | | |
(2353) [QA297.N5 1964] |
Methods in Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2354) [QA297.M42 2000] |
MATLAB. Version 6 |
More... |
(2355) [QA297.M42 1997] |
MATLAB The Language
of Technical Computing,
Version 5. |
More... |
(2356) [QA297.M396 2001
sup.2] |
Matlab Student Version
Learning Simulink 4 |
More... |
| | | |
(2357) [QA297.M396 2001
sup.1] |
Learning Matlab
6, Release 12, Student
Version |
More... |
(2358) [QA297.M39 1999] |
Numerical Methods Using
More... |
(2359) [QA297.K8 1957] |
Numerical analysis |
More... |
(2360) [QA297.K563 1990] |
Analysis: Mathematics of
scientific computing |
More... |
| | | |
(2361) [QA297.K563] |
Analysis: Mathematics of
scientific computing |
More... |
(2362) [QA297.K52 2002] |
An Introduction To
Numerical Methods |
More... |
(2363) [QA297.J3 1977] |
Applied numerical
methods for
digital computation with
More... |
(2364) [QA297.J3 1977] |
Applied numerical
methods for
digital computation with
More... |
| | | |
(2365) [QA297.I8 1966] |
Analysis of Numerical
Methods |
More... |
(2366) [QA297.H4 1966] |
Henrici Elements of
Numerical Analysis |
More... |
(2367) [QA297.H4 1964] |
Elements of Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2368) [QA297.H38] |
More... |
| | | |
(2369) [QA297.H293 2001] |
Mastering MATLAB 6 |
More... |
(2370) [QA297.H28 1973] |
Numerical Methods for
Scientists and Engineers |
More... |
(2371) [QA297.H28 1973] |
Numerical Methods For
Scientists And Engineers |
More... |
(2372) [QA297.H28 1973] |
Numerical Methods For
Scientists And Engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(2373) [QA297.H26 1998] |
Digital Filters |
More... |
(2374) [QA297.H26 1977] |
Digital filters
(Prentice-Hall signal
processing series) |
More... |
(2375) [QA297.G75 1966] |
Brief Numerical Methods |
More... |
(2376) [QA297.G47 1999] |
Applied Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(2377) [QA297.G47 1989] |
Applied Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2378) [QA297.G47 1989] |
Applied Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2379) [QA297.G47 1978] |
Applied Numerical
Analysis |
More... |
(2380) [QA297.G47 1970] |
Applied numerical
analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(2381) [QA297.G313 1970] |
Linear Numerical Analysis |
More... |
(2382) [QA297.F6347 2001] |
Foundations of
Mathematics |
More... |
(2383) [QA297.F57 1967] |
Computer Solution Of
Linear Algebraic Systems |
More... |
(2384) [QA297.F35 1998] |
Numerical Methods |
More... |
| | | |
(2385) [QA297.E568 2007] |
Introduction to Numerical
Methods and Analysis |
More... |
(2386) [QA297.D3313
1974] |
Numerical Methods |
More... |
(2387) [QA297.C65 1980] |
Elementary Numerical
Analysis: An Algorithmic
Approach |
More... |
(2388) [QA297.C65 1972] |
Elementary Numerical
Analysis : An algorithmic
approach |
More... |
| | | |
(2389) [QA297.C65 1965] |
Elementary Numerical
Analysis an Algorithmic
approach |
More... |
(2390) [QA297.C426 2004] |
Numerical Mathematics
and Computing |
More... |
(2391) [QA297.C426 1999] |
Numerical Mathematics
and Computing |
More... |
(2392) [QA297.C426 1999] |
Numerical Mathematics
and Computing |
More... |
| | | |
(2393) [QA297.C34 1969] |
Applied Numerical
Methods |
More... |
(2394) [QA297.C34 1964] |
preliminary edition of
Applied Numerical
Methods volume 1 |
More... |
(2395) [QA297.B84 1989] |
Numerical Analysis |
More... |
(2396) [QA297.B84 1981] |
Numerical Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(2397) [QA297.A84 1978] |
An introduction to
numerical analysis |
More... |
(2398) [QA297.A33 1970] |
Numerical Methods That
Work |
More... |
(2399) [QA297.8.H34 1981] |
Applied Iterative Methods |
More... |
(2400) [QA297.5.Z53 2006] |
Finite Elements and
Approximation |
More... |
| | | |
(2401) [QA297 G73 1971] |
Introduction to Numerical
Analysis and Applications |
More... |
(2402) [QA297 .M67 1967] |
Elementary theory and
application of numerical
analysis |
More... |
(2403) [QA297 .H588 2001] |
Numerical Methods For
Engineers And Scientists |
More... |
(2404) [QA297 .D38 2005] |
MATLAB Primer |
More... |
| | | |
(2405) [QA297 .C65 1980] |
Elementary Numerical
Analysis: Algorithmic
Approach |
More... |
(2406) [QA297 .C58 1966] |
Functional Analysis And
Numerical Mathematics |
More... |
(2407) [QA295.O55 1963] |
Continued fractions |
More... |
(2408) [QA295.K74 1971] |
Theory And Application
Of Infinite Series |
More... |
| | | |
(2409) [QA295.K74 1944] |
Theory And Application
Of Infinite Series |
More... |
(2410) [QA295.K72 1956] |
Infinite Sequences And
Series |
More... |
(2411) [QA295.K34 1961] |
Analytic Inequalities |
More... |
(2412) [QA295.J6 1961] |
Summation Of Series |
More... |
| | | |
(2413) [QA295.J6 1961] |
Summation Of Series |
More... |
(2414) [QA295.J6 1925] |
Summation of series |
More... |
(2415) [QA295.F75 1960] |
On Divergent Series And
Summability, And The
Asymptotic Developments
Of Functions Defined By
Maclaurin Series. |
More... |
(2416) [QA295 .S77 1967] |
An Introduction
To Sequences, Series, And
Improper Integrals |
More... |
| | | |
(2417) [QA295 .M82 1966] |
Summable Series And
Convergence Factors |
More... |
(2418) [QA281 R5 1967] |
Difference Methods For
Initial-Value Problems |
More... |
(2419) [QA280.C4 1989] |
Analysis of Time Series:
An Introduction |
More... |
(2420) [QA279.R34 1988] |
Constructions and
Combinatorial Problems
in Design of Experiments |
More... |
| | | |
(2421) [QA279.4.M44 1978] |
Decision and Estimation
Theory |
More... |
(2422) [QA278.8.H65 1973] |
Nonparametric Statistical
Methods |
More... |
(2423) [QA278.2.N47 1985] |
Applied Linear Statistical
Models |
More... |
(2424) [QA278.2.H63 1996] |
Methods And
Applications Of Linear
Models |
More... |
| | | |
(2425) [QA278.2.B687
1990] |
Linear statistical models:
An applied approach |
More... |
(2426) [QA278 .K58 1988] |
Applied Regression
Analysis and Other
Multivariable Methods |
More... |
(2427) [QA277.K35 1998] |
100 Statistical Tests |
More... |
(2428) [QA276.W483 1964] |
Time Series |
More... |
| | | |
(2429) [QA276.S38 1979] |
Understanding and Using
Statistics |
More... |
(2430) [QA276.O77 1977] |
An introduction
to statistical methods and
data analysis |
More... |
(2431) [QA276.M69 1967] |
Multivariate Statistical
Methods |
More... |
(2432) [QA276.M426 1990] |
More... |
| | | |
(2433) [QA276.M425 2003] |
Introduction to
Probability and Statistics |
More... |
(2434) [QA276.M425 1979] |
Introduction to
probability and statistics |
More... |
(2435) [QA276.M425 1975] |
Introduction to
Probability & Statistics |
More... |
(2436) [QA276.M425 1975] |
Introduction to
Probability and Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2437) [QA276.L52 1964] |
Statistical Inference 1 |
More... |
(2438) [QA276.L314 1986] |
An Introduction
to Mathematical Statistics
and Its Applications |
More... |
(2439) [QA276.K43 1946] |
Contributions to the study
of oscillatory time-series |
More... |
(2440) [QA276.K253 2006] |
The Tao of Statistics:
A Path to Understanding
(With No Math) |
More... |
| | | |
(2441) [QA276.J59 1964] |
and Experimental Design
In Engineering and the
Physical Sciences, Volume
II |
More... |
(2442) [QA276.J59] |
and Experimental Design
in Engineering and the
Physical Sciences (Volume
1) |
More... |
(2443) [QA276.I14 1973] |
An Introduction To
The Theory Of Stationary
Random Functions |
More... |
(2444) [QA276.H59 1978] |
Introduction to
Mathematical Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2445) [QA276.H57 1954] |
More... |
(2446) [QA276.F683 1998] |
Statistics |
More... |
(2447) [QA276.F683 1998] |
Statistics |
More... |
(2448) [QA276.F683 1998] |
Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2449) [QA276.F683 1978] |
Statistics |
More... |
(2450) [QA276.D68] |
Applied Regression
Analysis |
More... |
(2451) [QA276.B855 1979] |
Principles of Statistics |
More... |
(2452) [QA276.B6846
1995] |
Understandable Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2453) [QA276.B43 1995 ] |
Statistical methods,
Volume 1 |
More... |
(2454) [QA276.A25 1959] |
Analysis of Straight-Line
Data |
More... |
(2455) [QA276.8.J38 2007] |
Stochastic Processes and
Filtering Theory |
More... |
(2456) [QA276.6.S385
1990] |
Elementary Survey
Sampling |
More... |
| | | |
(2457) [QA276.6.N55] |
Generation Of Random
Variates |
More... |
(2458) [QA276.6.A724
2006] |
Sampling Methods:
Exercises and Solutions |
More... |
(2459) [QA276.2.S725
2000] |
REA. Statistics Problem
Solver |
More... |
(2460) [QA276.2.S65 1999] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2461) [QA276.2 .F68325
1985] |
Statistics: A Tutorial
Workbook |
More... |
(2462) [QA276.2 .C728
1994] |
A Concise Course in
Advanced Level Statistics |
More... |
(2463) [QA276.19.S74
1998] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Beginning Statistics |
More... |
(2464) [QA276.19.S65
2000] |
Schaum’s Easy Outline:
Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2465) [QA276.18.J35
2000] |
Statistics for the Utterly
Confused |
More... |
(2466) [QA276.16.S84
1989] |
Statistics: A Guide to the
Unknown |
More... |
(2467) [QA276.12.Y37
1999] |
The Practice of Statistics
AP: TI-83 Graphing
Calculator Enhanced |
More... |
(2468) [QA276.12.U75
2001] |
Statistics in Plain English |
More... |
| | | |
(2469) [QA276.12.T776
2002] |
Essentials of Statistics |
More... |
(2470) [QA276.12.T76
2001] |
Elementary Statistics |
More... |
(2471) [QA276.12.T76
1986] |
Elementary Statistics |
More... |
(2472) [QA276.12.S75
1996] |
Statistics (Barron’s
College Review Series) |
More... |
| | | |
(2473) [QA276.12.S59
1967] |
statistical Methods |
More... |
(2474) [QA276.12.R53
1995] |
Mathematical Statistics
and Data Analysis
(Statistics) |
More... |
(2475) [QA276.12.M6481
1995] |
The Basic Practice of
Statistics |
More... |
(2476) [QA276.12.M648
1995] |
Basic Practice
of Statistics: Instructor’s
Manual |
More... |
| | | |
(2477) [QA276.12.M645
1994] |
Applied statistics and
probability for engineers |
More... |
(2478) [QA276.12.M4 1994] |
Statistics |
More... |
(2479) [QA276.12.M399
1990] |
Fundamental Statistics for
the Behavioral Sciences |
More... |
(2480) [QA276.12.M29
1995] |
Introductory Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2481) [QA276.12.J628
2004] |
Statistical Reasoning And
Methods |
More... |
(2482) [QA276.12.G67
1993] |
Cartoon Guide to
Statistics |
More... |
(2483) [QA276.12.D677
1996] |
Forgotten Statistics |
More... |
(2484) [QA276.12 .T762
1998] |
Elementary Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2485) [QA276.12 .S66
1981] |
Basic Statistics: Tales of
Distributions |
More... |
(2486) [QA276.12 .M648
2004] |
The Basic Practice of
Statistics, Third Edition |
More... |
(2487) [QA276 .S6 1961] |
Schaums Theory and
Problems of Statistics |
More... |
(2488) [QA276 .L54 1966] |
Introduction to
Probability and Statistics |
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| | | |
(2489) [QA276 .B56 1959
c.2 ] |
The Measurement of
Power Spectra |
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(2490) [QA276] |
Applied Statistics
Algorithms |
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(2491) [QA275.G37313
1995] |
of the Combination of
Observations Least
Subject to Errors |
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(2492) [QA274.R65 1996] |
Stochastic Processes |
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(2493) [QA274.N46 2002] |
Stochastic Modeling:
Analysis & Simulation |
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(2494) [QA273.Y29 1977] |
Probability And
Simulation |
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(2495) [QA273.U8 1937] |
Introduction To
Mathematical Probability |
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(2496) [QA273.T63 1965] |
A History Of
The Mathematical Theory
Of Probability From The
Time Of Pascal To That
Of Laplace |
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(2497) [QA273.T29 1960] |
Stochastic Processes:
Problems And Solutions |
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(2498) [QA273.S357 1995] |
To Probability And Its
Applications |
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(2499) [QA273.R84 1997] |
Introduction to
Probability Models |
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(2500) [QA273.R8 1992] |
Applied Probability
Models with Optimization
Applications |
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