| | | |
(2501) [QA273.P272 1960] |
More... |
(2502) [QA273.P2 1984] |
Probability, Random
Variables, and Stochastic
Processes |
More... |
(2503) [QA273.P2 1965] |
More... |
(2504) [QA273.M9 1951] |
Theory of Probability |
More... |
| | | |
(2505) [QA273.M522 1973] |
Introduction to
Probability and Stochastic
Processes |
More... |
(2506) [QA273.L27 1956] |
Random Processes In
Automatic Control |
More... |
(2507) [QA273.L27 1956] |
Random processes in
automatic control |
More... |
(2508) [QA273.H694 1988] |
Probability and Statistical
Inference |
More... |
| | | |
(2509) [QA273.H67 1965] |
Elements of finite
probability |
More... |
(2510) [QA273.H6433
1995] |
Concepts In Probability
And Stochastic Modeling |
More... |
(2511) [QA273.G62 1986] |
Probability: An
Introduction |
More... |
(2512) [QA273.F3713 1968] |
An Introduction
to Probability Theory and
Its Applications, Volume 1 |
More... |
| | | |
(2513) [QA273.D46 1995] |
Probability and Statistics
for Engineering and the
Sciences |
More... |
(2514) [QA273.D35 1975] |
Probability and Statistics |
More... |
(2515) [QA273.C765 1965] |
The Theory of Stochastic
Processes |
More... |
(2516) [QA273.A43 1964] |
Introduction To
Probability & Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2517) [QA273.25.S913
1978] |
Problems in Probability
Theory, Mathematical
Statistics and Theory of
Random Functions |
More... |
(2518) [QA273.25.S64
2000] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Probability and Statistics |
More... |
(2519) [QA273.25.L56
1968] |
Schaum’s Theory and
Problems of Probability |
More... |
(2520) [QA273.25.H78
1997] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Probability, Random
Variables, and Random
Processes |
More... |
| | | |
(2521) [QA273.25.A15
2005] |
101 Special Practice
Problems In Probability
And Statistics |
More... |
(2522) [QA273.19.E4K37
1999] |
Probability and Statistics
Explorations with
More... |
(2523) [QA273 .W3 1954] |
Selected Papers on Noise
and Stochastic Processes |
More... |
(2524) [QA273 .T8 1962 ] |
Introduction to
Probability and
Mathematical Statistics |
More... |
| | | |
(2525) [QA273 .P32 1962] |
Stochastic Processes |
More... |
(2526) [QA273 .P272 1960] |
Probability Theory and Its
Applications |
More... |
(2527) [QA273 .C43 1970] |
More... |
(2528) [QA273 .B865 1986
] |
Probability and Stochastic
Processes: With a View
Toward Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(2529) [QA273 .B39 1963] |
Facsimiles of two papers
by Bayes |
More... |
(2530) [QA269.L8] |
Games And Decisions |
More... |
(2531) [QA269.J66] |
Game Theory |
More... |
(2532) [QA268 .B47 1974] |
Key Papers
in The Development of
Coding Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(2533) [QA267.C48 1987] |
Algorithmic Information
Theory |
More... |
(2534) [QA266.M254 1965] |
Algebra |
More... |
(2535) [QA266.M22 1968] |
Introduction to Modern
Algebra |
More... |
(2536) [QA266 D4 1966] |
Elements of Abstract
Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2537) [QA266 .F3 1963] |
Schaum’s outline of theory
and problems of abstract
algebra |
More... |
(2538) [QA265.G3 1964] |
Linear Programming |
More... |
(2539) [QA263.V3 1963] |
Matrix Iterative Analysis |
More... |
(2540) [QA263.P4 1952] |
Theory of Matrices |
More... |
| | | |
(2541) [QA263.P25 1960] |
Matrices |
More... |
(2542) [QA263.H6 1964] |
More... |
(2543) [QA263.F72 1968] |
Matrix Theory |
More... |
(2544) [QA263.F72 1968] |
Matrix Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(2545) [QA263.F72 1968] |
Matrix Theory |
More... |
(2546) [QA263.D3 1965] |
MATRICES: A First Book
of Matrix Theory and Lin |
More... |
(2547) [QA263.B36 1970] |
Introduction to Matrix
Analysis |
More... |
(2548) [QA263.B36 1970] |
Introduction To Matrix
Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(2549) [QA263 H6 1964] |
Elementary Matrix
Algebra |
More... |
(2550) [QA263 .T942 1961] |
introduction to the theory
of canonical matrices |
More... |
(2551) [QA263 .J6] |
Linear Equations And
Matrices |
More... |
(2552) [QA263 .E85 1980 ] |
Elementary Matrix
Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(2553) [QA261.W7 1963] |
Introduction to Vector and
Tensor Analysis |
More... |
(2554) [QA261.S4673 1961] |
Introduction to the
Theory of Linear Spaces |
More... |
(2555) [QA261.P5 1933] |
Vector Analysis |
More... |
(2556) [QA261.P5] |
More... |
| | | |
(2557) [QA261.G4 1960] |
Vector Analysis |
More... |
(2558) [QA261.C779 1967] |
A History of Vector
Analysis |
More... |
(2559) [QA261.B63 1947] |
Vector and Tensor
Analysis |
More... |
(2560) [QA261.B38 1970] |
Vector Calculus |
More... |
| | | |
(2561) [QA261 .W7 1972] |
Introduction to Vector and
Tensor Analysis |
More... |
(2562) [QA261 .W53 1958] |
Vector Analysis With
an Introduction to Tensor
Analysis |
More... |
(2563) [QA251.Z43 1968] |
A First Course in Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2564) [QA251.W63 1964] |
Principles of Modern
Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2565) [QA251.P46 1970] |
Elements of Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2566) [QA251.P25 1961] |
Elements of Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2567) [QA251.P25 1961] |
Elements of Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2568) [QA251.N54 1969] |
Applied Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2569) [QA251.N45 1963] |
Linear Algebra and
Matrix Theory |
More... |
(2570) [QA251.M8 1953] |
Introduction to measure
and integration |
More... |
(2571) [QA251.M57 1972] |
Elementary Linear and
Matrix Algebra |
More... |
(2572) [QA251.M38 1965] |
Introduction To Linear
Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2573) [QA251.M37 1968] |
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2574) [QA251.M37] |
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2575) [QA251.L53 1968] |
Schaum’s Outline Series:
Theory and Problems of
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2576) [QA251.L26 1966] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2577) [QA251.K7 1970] |
Introduction to Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2578) [QA251.J26 1971] |
Linear algebra |
More... |
(2579) [QA251.H67 1961] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2580) [QA251.H25 1961] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2581) [QA251.G713 1967] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2582) [QA251.G46 1970] |
Elements of linear algebra |
More... |
(2583) [QA251.F8 1966] |
Linear Algebra with
Applications |
More... |
(2584) [QA251.F313 1959] |
Computational Methods
of Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2585) [QA251.F313 1959] |
Computational Methods
of Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2586) [QA251.F283 1963] |
Computational Methods
of Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2587) [QA251.F283 1959] |
Computational Methods
Of Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2588) [QA251.E33 1971] |
Introduction To Linear
Algebra For Science And
Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(2589) [QA251.D35 1969] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2590) [QA251.A45 1970] |
Fundamentals of linear
algebra |
More... |
(2591) [QA251.A3 1937] |
Modern Higher Algebra |
More... |
(2592) [QA251 .S77 1969] |
An Introduction
to Matrices and Linear
Transformations |
More... |
| | | |
(2593) [QA251 .F55 1970] |
An introduction to linear
algebra |
More... |
(2594) [QA248.L6 1954] |
The Elements Of The
Theory Of Real Functions |
More... |
(2595) [QA248.K7693
1961] |
Introduction To Set
Theory And Topology |
More... |
(2596) [QA248 A23 1965] |
The Theory of Sets and
Transfinite Arithmetic |
More... |
| | | |
(2597) [QA247.W4 1998] |
Algebraic Number Theory |
More... |
(2598) [QA247.5.M36et
1998] |
e: The Story of a Number |
More... |
(2599) [QA247 .H24 2000 ] |
Field Theory and Its
Classical Problems |
More... |
(2600) [QA246.J36 2003] |
The Prime Number
Theorem |
More... |
| | | |
(2601) [QA246.G49 1993] |
Primes and Programming |
More... |
(2602) [QA246.5.B74 1965] |
An Introduction to
Fibonacci Discovery |
More... |
(2603) [QA246 .D47 2003 ] |
Prime Obsession |
More... |
(2604) [QA244.S56 1997] |
Fermat’s Last Theorem |
More... |
| | | |
(2605) [QA244.L36 1971] |
Euler Products |
More... |
(2606) [QA244.A29 1996] |
Fermat’s Last Theorem:
Unlocking the Secret of
an Ancient Mathematical
Problem |
More... |
(2607) [QA244.A29 1996] |
Fermat’s Last Theorem:
Unlocking the Secret of
an Ancient Mathematical
Problem |
More... |
(2608) [QA244 S55 1998] |
Fermat’s Enigma: The
Epic Quest to
Solve the World’s Greatest
Mathematical Problem |
More... |
| | | |
(2609) [QA241.W45 1940] |
Algebraic Theory of
Numbers |
More... |
(2610) [QA241.V513 2003] |
Elements Of Number
Theory |
More... |
(2611) [QA241.V513 1954] |
Elements Of Number
Theory |
More... |
(2612) [QA241.S815 2003] |
A Primer of Analytic
Number Theory: From
Pythagoras to Riemann |
More... |
| | | |
(2613) [QA241.S8 1952] |
More... |
(2614) [QA241.N56 1991] |
An Introduction to the
Theory of Numbers |
More... |
(2615) [QA241.N56 1972] |
Introduction to the
Theory of Numbers |
More... |
(2616) [QA241.N56 1966] |
An Introduction to the
Theory of Numbers |
More... |
| | | |
(2617) [QA241.L57 1990] |
Elementary Theory of
Numbers |
More... |
(2618) [QA241.K685 2007] |
1001 Problems in Classical
Number Theory |
More... |
(2619) [QA241.H28 1979] |
An Introduction to the
Theory of Numbers |
More... |
(2620) [QA241.E39 2001] |
Riemann’s Zeta Function |
More... |
| | | |
(2621) [QA241.D6 1969] |
Sets, logic and numbers |
More... |
(2622) [QA241.B83 1976] |
Elementary Number
Theory |
More... |
(2623) [QA241.B827 1997] |
A Pathway Into Number
Theory |
More... |
(2624) [QA241.B655 1972] |
Number systems |
More... |
| | | |
(2625) [QA241 .R67 2000
Suppl. ] |
Students Solutions
Manual |
More... |
(2626) [QA241 .N58 1961] |
Numbers: Rational And
Irrational. |
More... |
(2627) [QA241 .G2613
1965] |
Arithmeticae |
More... |
(2628) [QA221.C47] |
Introduction to
Approximation Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(2629) [QA214.A77 1998] |
Galois Theory |
More... |
(2630) [QA191.M95 1930] |
A Treatise On The Theory
Of Determinants |
More... |
(2631) [QA188.S68] |
Computational Matrix
Algebra |
More... |
(2632) [QA188.R52 1981] |
Matrix Computations and
Mathematical Software |
More... |
| | | |
(2633) [QA188.N35 1984] |
Matrix Algebra: An
Introduction |
More... |
(2634) [QA188.M348 1992] |
Matrices And Matlab: A
Tutorial |
More... |
(2635) [QA188.M34 1985] |
Applied Matrix Models |
More... |
(2636) [QA188.L57 2001] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2637) [QA188.L57 1991] |
Schaum’s Outline Of
Theory And Problems Of
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2638) [QA188.H55 1987] |
in Computational Matrix
Algebra |
More... |
(2639) [QA188.B759 1989] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems of
Matrix Operations |
More... |
(2640) [QA188.A44 1990] |
Extreme Properties of
Linear Transformations |
More... |
| | | |
(2641) [QA188 .A96 1962] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems of
Matrices |
More... |
(2642) [QA185.D37 G65
1999] |
Linear algebra
and differential equations
using matlab |
More... |
(2643) [QA184.W54 1979] |
Linear Algebra, Calculus,
Differential Equations |
More... |
(2644) [QA184.T74 1997] |
Numerical Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2645) [QA184.S94 2000] |
Student Solutions Manual
for ’Linear
Algebra: An Introduction
Using Mathematica’ |
More... |
(2646) [QA184.S8 1980] |
Linear Agebra and Its
Applications |
More... |
(2647) [QA184.S8 1980] |
Linear Agebra and Its
Applications |
More... |
(2648) [QA184.S56 1977] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2649) [QA184.R67 1979] |
Applications of
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2650) [QA184.R67 1977] |
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2651) [QA184.O5 1990] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2652) [QA184.N6 1977] |
Applied Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2653) [QA184.N6 1977] |
Applied Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2654) [QA184.N6 1977] |
Applied Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2655) [QA184.N47 1974] |
Elementary linear algebra |
More... |
(2656) [QA184.M57 1982] |
Introduction to Linear
Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2657) [QA184.L39 2000] |
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2658) [QA184.L38 1971] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2659) [QA184.J66 1973] |
Linear Algebra |
More... |
(2660) [QA184.H362 1989] |
Linear algebra AN
More... |
| | | |
(2661) [QA184.H33 1988] |
Applied Numerical Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2662) [QA184.A57 1987] |
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2663) [QA184.A57 1987] |
Elementary Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2664) [QA184.5 .M35
2005] |
A Maple Supplement for
Linear Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2665) [QA184.2.S77 2006] |
Linear Algebra and Its
Applications |
More... |
(2666) [QA184.2 .L463
2002] |
Student Study Guide:
Linear Algebra With
Applications |
More... |
(2667) [QA184 .L37 1970] |
Introduction to Linear
Algebra |
More... |
(2668) [QA174.7.S96.G55
2007] |
The Symmetry Of Chaos |
More... |
| | | |
(2669) [QA174.2.I.58 2005] |
The Equation That
Couldn’t Be Solved |
More... |
(2670) [QA171.W65 1931] |
Gruppentheorie und ihre
Anwendung |
More... |
(2671) [QA171.H27 1959] |
The Theory of Groups |
More... |
(2672) [QA171.D5 1958] |
Linear Groups with an
Exposition of the Galois
Field Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(2673) [QA171.5.P189
2008] |
Structural analysis a
mattrix approach |
More... |
(2674) [QA166.T78 1980] |
Applied Combinatorics |
More... |
(2675) [QA166.B54 1976] |
Graph Theory 1736-1936 |
More... |
(2676) [QA165.A58 1977] |
Theory of Partitions:
of mathematics and its
applications vol 2 |
More... |
| | | |
(2677) [QA164.P45 2003] |
Computational Discrete
Combinatorics and Graph
Theory with Mathematica |
More... |
(2678) [QA164.L57 1985] |
Elements of Discrete
Mathematics |
More... |
(2679) [QA164.L57 1977] |
Elements of Discrete
Mathematics |
More... |
(2680) [QA164.C6 1979] |
Basic Techniques of
Combinatorial Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(2681) [QA164.B46 1991] |
Foundations of Applied
Combinatorics |
More... |
(2682) [QA162.M39 1992] |
Abstract Algebra and
Solution by Radicals |
More... |
(2683) [QA162.M331 2010] |
Abstract Algebra And
Solution By Radicals |
More... |
(2684) [QA162.L37 1975] |
Abstract algebra: A first
course |
More... |
| | | |
(2685) [QA162.L35 1989] |
An Introduction to
Algebraic Structures |
More... |
(2686) [QA162.K65 2000] |
Algebra Applications with
Maple |
More... |
(2687) [QA162.F7 1982] |
A First Course in Abstract
Algebra |
More... |
(2688) [QA162.B46 1994] |
Basic Abstract Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2689) [QA162.B46 1986] |
Basic Abstract Algebra |
More... |
(2690) [QA162 .A97 1965 ] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Modern Abstract Algebra |
More... |
(2691) [QA157.P68 1996] |
Challenging Problems in
Algebra |
More... |
(2692) [QA157.F353 1965] |
Problems in higher algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2693) [QA157.A48 2000] |
REA. Algebra
& Trigonometry Problem
Solver |
More... |
(2694) [QA157.7.E4 M3
1988 ] |
Maple Reference Manual |
More... |
(2695) [QA155.W322 1953] |
Modern Algebra Volume 1
Rev English Edition |
More... |
(2696) [QA155.M8 1966] |
Linear Algebra for
Undergraduates |
More... |
| | | |
(2697) [QA155.M8 1957] |
Linear Algebra for
Undergraduates |
More... |
(2698) [QA155.K813 1965] |
Lectures on General
Algebra |
More... |
(2699) [QA155.H4 1964] |
Topics in Algebra |
More... |
(2700) [QA155.G5913
1968] |
Algebra (Translation of
Cours d’ Algebre) |
More... |
| | | |
(2701) [QA155.A5 1956] |
More... |
(2702) [QA155.7E4M36
1991] |
Maple V Library
Reference Manual |
More... |
(2703) [QA155.7.E4M5213
1991] |
Mathematics for
Computer Algebra |
More... |
(2704) [QA155.7.E4G43
1992] |
Algorithms for Computer
Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2705) [QA155.7.E4F56
1992] |
First Leaves: A Tutorial
Introduction to Maple V |
More... |
(2706) [QA155.7.E4D38
1988] |
Computer Algebra:
Systems and
Algorithms for Algebraic
Computation |
More... |
(2707) [QA155.7.E4.C635
2002] |
Computer Algebra and
Symbolic Computation:
Elementary Algorithms |
More... |
(2708) [QA155.7.E4 C65
1982] |
Computer Algebra
symbolic and algebraic
computation |
More... |
| | | |
(2709) [QA154.V18 1963] |
Modern College Algebra |
More... |
(2710) [QA154.S73 1955] |
College algebra and plane
trigonometry |
More... |
(2711) [QA154.R67 1949] |
College Algebra |
More... |
(2712) [QA154.R67 1939] |
College Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2713) [QA154.R4 1954] |
College Algebra |
More... |
(2714) [QA154.L35 1965] |
Algebra |
More... |
(2715) [QA154.H25 1953] |
College algebra |
More... |
(2716) [QA154.G56 1970] |
Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2717) [QA154.3.B58 2002] |
Intermediate Algebra:
Concepts and
Applications |
More... |
(2718) [QA154.2.L56 1981] |
Elements of Algebra and
Algebraic Computing |
More... |
(2719) [QA154.2.L36 1993] |
Algebra |
More... |
(2720) [QA154.2.J32 1974] |
Basic Algebra I |
More... |
| | | |
(2721) [QA154.2.J32 1974] |
Basic Algebra 2 |
More... |
(2722) [QA154 .W26 1970] |
Algebra: Volume 2 |
More... |
(2723) [QA154 .L5 1970 ] |
A University Algebra |
More... |
(2724) [QA154 .B4 1968] |
College algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2725) [QA152.W434 1957] |
Algebra: Book Two |
More... |
(2726) [QA152.V26] |
Modern Algebra and
Trigonometry |
More... |
(2727) [QA152.F553 1958] |
Integrated Algebra and
Trigonometry |
More... |
(2728) [QA152.D8 1960] |
Intermediate Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2729) [QA152.3.S74 2000
sol] |
Student solutions manual
for Stewart, Redlin, and
Watson’s College algebra |
More... |
(2730) [QA152.3 .S4813
2003] |
Discourses On Algebra |
More... |
(2731) [QA152.2 .S95 1972] |
Fundamentals of Algebra
and Trigonometry |
More... |
(2732) [QA152.2 .R53
1973] |
Outline Series. Principles
and problems of modern
elementary algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2733) [QA152 .S36 1956 ] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems of
College Algebra |
More... |
(2734) [QA152 .R6 1873] |
new elementary algebra |
More... |
(2735) [QA152 .R46 1960 ] |
Schaum’s Elementary
Algebra |
More... |
(2736) [QA151.D47 2006] |
Unknown Quantity:
A Real And Imaginary
History Of Algebra |
More... |
| | | |
(2737) [QA150 .A4 1984] |
Algebra And Its
Applications |
More... |
(2738) [QA99.M363 1998] |
Mathematically Speaking |
More... |
(2739) [QA95.S62 1975] |
Game playing with
computers |
More... |
(2740) [QA95.S3613 1969] |
The Master Book of
Mathematical Puzzles and
Recreations |
More... |
| | | |
(2741) [QA95.K72 1953] |
Mathematical Recreations |
More... |
(2742) [QA95.G72 1959] |
Ingenious Mathematical
Problems And Methods |
More... |
(2743) [QA95.B2 1987] |
Mathematical Recreations
and Essays |
More... |
(2744) [QA93.W38 1997] |
The Penguin Book of
Curious and Interesting
Mathematics |
More... |
| | | |
(2745) [QA93.S87 1984] |
Mathematics in Action |
More... |
(2746) [QA93.S737 1995] |
Nature’s Numbers: The
Unreal Reality of
Mathematics |
More... |
(2747) [QA93.P474 1990] |
of Truth: A Mathematical
Mystery Cruise |
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(2748) [QA93.H53 1997] |
Mathematical Reflections |
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(2749) [QA93.D47 2002] |
The Millennium Problems |
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(2750) [QA93.B45 1970] |
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