| | | |
(2751) [QA93 .D46 1999] |
Mathematics: The New
Golden Age |
More... |
(2752) [QA93 .C75 2007] |
50 Mathematical Ideas
You Really Need to Know |
More... |
| | | |
(2753) [QA76.W2372 1998] |
Computer Systems |
More... |
(2754) [QA76.M34 1957] |
Notes on Analog-Digital
Conversion Techniques |
More... |
(2755) [QA76.B327 1985] |
software: An introduction
to systems programming |
More... |
(2756) [QA76.A594 1996] |
Introduction To
Scientific Computing |
More... |
| | | |
(2757) [QA76.95.W65
2003] |
The Mathematica Book |
More... |
(2758) [QA76.95.W65
1994] |
Mathematica: The
Student Book |
More... |
(2759) [QA76.95.W65
1991] |
Mathematica: A System
for Doing Mathematics by
Computer |
More... |
(2760) [QA76.95.W65
1991] |
Mathematica: A System
for Doing Mathematics by
Computer |
More... |
| | | |
(2761) [QA76.95.W65
1988] |
Mathematica: A System
for Doing Mathematics by
Computer |
More... |
(2762) [QA76.95.V36 1990] |
recreations in
Mathematica |
More... |
(2763) [QA76.95.V36 1990] |
Recreations in
Mathematica |
More... |
(2764) [QA76.95.V35 1999] |
Introduction to Scientific
Computing |
More... |
| | | |
(2765) [QA76.95.V35 1999] |
Introduction to Scientific
Computing |
More... |
(2766) [QA76.95.S52 1994] |
Applied Mathematica:
Getting Started, Getting
it Done |
More... |
(2767) [QA76.95.S52 1994] |
Applied Mathematica:
Getting Started, Getting
it Done |
More... |
(2768) [QA76.95.R87 2004] |
Mathematica Navigator |
More... |
| | | |
(2769) [QA76.95.M386
1981] |
Mathematica: A System
for Doing Mathematics by
Computer |
More... |
(2770) [QA76.95.M3654
2003] |
Learning Guide: Maple 9 |
More... |
(2771) [QA76.95.M3642
2001] |
Maple 7. getting started
guide |
More... |
(2772) [QA76.95.M36 1994] |
Maple V |
More... |
| | | |
(2773) [QA76.95.M34 2000] |
Computer Science With
Mathematica |
More... |
(2774) [QA76.95.K64 1997] |
Maple: An Introduction
and Reference |
More... |
(2775) [QA76.95.K3813
1994] |
as a Tool: An Introduction
with Practical Examples |
More... |
(2776) [QA76.95.K355
1998] |
A Guide to Maple |
More... |
| | | |
(2777) [QA76.95.G73 1991] |
Exploring Mathematics
With Mathematica:
Dialogs Concerning
Computers and
Mathematics |
More... |
(2778) [QA76.95.G72 1992] |
The Beginner’s Guide to
Mathematica Version 2 |
More... |
(2779) [QA76.95.E96 1997] |
Exploring Discrete
Mathematics With Maple |
More... |
(2780) [QA76.95.D66 2009] |
Schaum’s Outline Of
Mathematica |
More... |
| | | |
(2781) [QA76.95.D66 2001] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Mathematica |
More... |
(2782) [QA76.95.D63 1995] |
Experiments in
Mathematics Using Maple |
More... |
(2783) [QA76.95.C44 1999] |
Explorations With Matlab |
More... |
(2784) [QA76.95.B53 1992] |
Mathematica: A Practical
Approach |
More... |
| | | |
(2785) [QA76.95.B35 1995] |
Mathematica For
Scientists And Engineers |
More... |
(2786) [QA76.95.A75 1980] |
Collected algorithms from
More... |
(2787) [QA76.95.A214
1992] |
Mathematica By Example |
More... |
(2788) [QA76.95.A212
1999] |
Maple V by Example |
More... |
| | | |
(2789) [QA76.95 1998] |
Getting Started DOS/Win
- Maple V.3 |
More... |
(2790) [QA76.9.U83 .N37
1992] |
A Natural Language And
Graphics Interface |
More... |
(2791) [QA76.9.S88L53
1987] |
Fundamentals of Systems
Analysis With Application
Design |
More... |
(2792) [QA76.9.N38N384
1994] |
Natural Language
Processing |
More... |
| | | |
(2793) [QA76.9.M35K64
1999] |
Discrete Mathematical
Structures |
More... |
(2794) [QA76.9.E96H37
1985] |
Expert Systems: Artificial
Intelligence in Business |
More... |
(2795) [QA76.9.D5F37
1998] |
Java Distributed
Computing (O’Reilly
Java) |
More... |
(2796) [QA76.9.D5D4854
1992] |
Distributed Algorithms:
6th International
Workshop, 1992 |
More... |
| | | |
(2797) [QA76.9.D5.S56
1987] |
Distributed Systems And
Computer Networks |
More... |
(2798) [QA76.9.D5 1994] |
Distributed systems
concepts and design |
More... |
(2799) [QA76.9.D43 S73
1996 ] |
Debugging With Gdb,
V.4.16 |
More... |
(2800) [QA76.9.D3W53] |
Data Base Design |
More... |
| | | |
(2801) [QA76.9.D3K737
1999] |
Database Processing:
Fundamentals, Design and
Implementation |
More... |
(2802) [QA76.9.D3E57
1989 ] |
Fundamentals of database
systems |
More... |
(2803) [QA76.9.D3E57
1989] |
Fundamentals of Database
Systems |
More... |
(2804) [QA76.9.D3D37
1986] |
An Introduction to Data
Base Systems: v. 1 |
More... |
| | | |
(2805) [QA76.9.D3C655
2000] |
Information Retrieval |
More... |
(2806) [QA76.9.D35W58
1986] |
Algorithms and Data
Structures |
More... |
(2807) [QA76.9.D35S74
1994] |
Data Structures,
Algorithms, and Software
Principles |
More... |
(2808) [QA76.9.D35K524
1990] |
Algorithms and Data
Structures |
More... |
| | | |
(2809) [QA76.9.D35K52
1992] |
Dynamic Data Structures:
Theory and Application |
More... |
(2810) [QA76.9.D35H67
1984] |
Fundamentals of data
structures in Pascal |
More... |
(2811) [QA76.9.D35H67
1976] |
Fundamentals of data
structures |
More... |
(2812) [QA76.9.D35A38
1983] |
Data Structures and
Algorithms |
More... |
| | | |
(2813) [QA76.9.D35 S73
1978] |
Data Structure
Techniques |
More... |
(2814) [QA76.9.D33S76
1988] |
Data Compression:
Methods and Theory |
More... |
(2815) [QA76.9.D3 U441
1983 ] |
Principles of Data Base
Systems |
More... |
(2816) [QA76.9.D3 U44
1982] |
Principles of Data Base
Systems |
More... |
| | | |
(2817) [QA76.9.D3 E57
1994] |
Fundamentals of Database
Systems |
More... |
(2818) [QA76.9.D3 D37
1980] |
Introduction to Data Base
Systems: v. 1 |
More... |
(2819) [QA76.9.C65U39
1984] |
Simulation software and
Ada |
More... |
(2820) [QA76.9.C65P46
1999] |
An Introduction to
Computer Simulation |
More... |
| | | |
(2821) [QA76.9.C65G39
1995] |
Computer Simulations
with Mathematica |
More... |
(2822) [QA76.9.C65D36
1997] |
Computer Modeling: From
Sports to Spaceflight, from
Order to Chaos |
More... |
(2823) [QA76.9.C65.L38
1991] |
Simulation Modeling And
Analysis |
More... |
(2824) [QA76.9.C65 .S64
1987] |
Mathematical modeling
and digital simulation for
engineers and scientists |
More... |
| | | |
(2825) [QA76.9.C55O73
1998] |
Programming with Java
and CORBA |
More... |
(2826) [QA76.9.C55H65
1999] |
Apache Server
Commentary |
More... |
(2827) [QA76.9.C55E39
1999] |
3-Tier Server/Client at
Work |
More... |
(2828) [QA76.9.A73S76
1990] |
Computer Architecture |
More... |
| | | |
(2829) [QA76.9.A73M36
1982] |
Computer System
Architecture |
More... |
(2830) [QA76.9.A73K83
1979] |
Structure of Computers
and Computations,
More... |
(2831) [QA76.9.A73I565
1991] |
Asplos-IV Proceedings |
More... |
(2832) [QA76.9.A73H88
1984] |
Computer Architecture
and Parallel Processing |
More... |
| | | |
(2833) [QA76.9.A73H39] |
Computer Architecture
and Organization |
More... |
(2834) [QA76.9.A73B33] |
Computer Systems
Architecture |
More... |
(2835) [QA76.9.A73B33] |
Computer Systems
Architecture |
More... |
(2836) [QA76.9.A73 H88
1984] |
Computer Architecture
and Parallel Processing |
More... |
| | | |
(2837) [QA76.9.A25G36
1995] |
PGP: Pretty Good
Privacy |
More... |
(2838) [QA76.9 C55 O76
1996] |
Essential Client/Server
Survival Guide |
More... |
(2839) [QA76.87.F72 1994] |
Simulating Neural
Networks with
Mathematica |
More... |
(2840) [QA76.87.B69 1998] |
The Book of GENESIS |
More... |
| | | |
(2841) [QA76.8.P2G54
1983] |
Machine and Assembly
Language Programming of
the Pdp-11 |
More... |
(2842) [QA76.8.P2G54
1979] |
Machine and Assembly
Language Programming of
the PDP-11 |
More... |
(2843) [QA76.8.P2E26
1975] |
Minicomputer Systems |
More... |
(2844) [QA76.8.M6895B73
1991] |
Motorola Microprocessor
Family: 68000, 68008,
68010, 68020, 68030, And
68040 |
More... |
| | | |
(2845) [QA76.8.I292R43
1980] |
The 8086 Book |
More... |
(2846) [QA76.8.I292B74
1987] |
8086/8088 Microprocessor |
More... |
(2847) [QA76.8.I29282 I2
1990] |
I486 Microprocessor
Programmer’s Reference
Manual |
More... |
(2848) [QA76.8.I2927M67
1986] |
80286 Architecture |
More... |
| | | |
(2849) [QA76.8.I2674B75
1997] |
Intel Microprocessors
8086/8088, 80186, 80286,
80386, 80486 |
More... |
(2850) [QA76.8.I2594N67
1986b] |
Inside the IBM PC |
More... |
(2851) [QA76.8.I2594N67
1986b] |
Inside the IBM PC |
More... |
(2852) [QA76.8.I2594.N68
1985] |
The Peter Norton
Programmer’s Guide To
The Ibm Pc |
More... |
| | | |
(2853) [QA76.8.I2594 D87
1987 ] |
Programmer’s Guide To
Windows |
More... |
(2854) [QA76.8.I1015N66
1995] |
Peter Norton’s Inside the
Pc/Premier |
More... |
(2855) [QA76.76.W56X215
1990] |
protocol reference manual
for version 11 of the X
Window System, Volume
zero |
More... |
(2856) [QA76.76.W56P55
1993] |
Windows Internals: The
of the Windows Operating
Environment |
More... |
| | | |
(2857) [QA76.76.W56K74
1993] |
High-Speed Windows
Multitasking Design
Methods |
More... |
(2858) [QA76.76.W56K56
1994] |
Inside Windows 95 |
More... |
(2859) [QA76.76.W56.C48
1994] |
How Windows Works |
More... |
(2860) [QA76.76.W56 X2
1994] |
X User Tools |
More... |
| | | |
(2861) [QA76.76.W56 P43
1997] |
Windows NT in a Nutshell |
More... |
(2862) [QA76.76.U84 .O73
1991] |
Managing Projects With
Make |
More... |
(2863) [QA76.76.T49 S72
1986 ] |
Gnu Emacs Manual:
Version 19 |
More... |
(2864) [QA76.76.T49 S72
1986] |
Gnu Emacs Manual:
Emacs Version 19.26 |
More... |
| | | |
(2865) [QA76.76.S46O64
1999] |
Open Sources: Voices from
the Open Source
Revolution |
More... |
(2866) [QA76.76.O63W36
1988] |
An Introduction to
Berkeley Unix |
More... |
(2867) [QA76.76.O63U546
1989] |
Unix Networking (Hayden
Books Unix System
Library) |
More... |
(2868) [QA76.76.O63T359
1992] |
Modern operating systems |
More... |
| | | |
(2869) [QA76.76.O63T359
1992] |
Modern Operating
Systems |
More... |
(2870) [QA76.76.O63T357
1995] |
Distributed Operating
Systems |
More... |
(2871) [QA76.76.O63S755
1999] |
Unix Network
Programming, Volume 1:
Networking APIs: Sockets
and XTI |
More... |
(2872) [QA76.76.O63S755
1990] |
UNIX Network
Programming |
More... |
| | | |
(2873) [QA76.76.O63S754
1992] |
Advanced Programming
in the UNIX(R)
Environment |
More... |
(2874) [QA76.76.O63S733
2001] |
Operating Systems |
More... |
(2875) [QA76.76.O63S733
1995] |
Operating Systems |
More... |
(2876) [QA76.76.O63S656
1994] |
The UNIX and X
Command Compendium |
More... |
| | | |
(2877) [QA76.76.O63S6
1995] |
UNIX System V: A
Practical Guide |
More... |
(2878) [QA76.76.O63S6
1985] |
Practical Guide to the
Unix System 5 |
More... |
(2879) [QA76.76.O63S5948
1997] |
A Practical Guide to
Linux |
More... |
2001] |
Linux Samba Server
Administration |
More... |
| | | |
(2881) [QA76.76.O63R886
1998] |
Answers!: Certified Tech
Support |
More... |
(2882) [QA76.76.O63R63
1985] |
Advanced Unix
Programming |
More... |
(2883) [QA76.76.O63R615
1996] |
Practical UNIX
Programming |
More... |
(2884) [QA76.76.O63Q54
1997] |
Unix Shells by Example |
More... |
| | | |
(2885) [QA76.76.O63P44
1993] |
UNIX Power Tools |
More... |
(2886) [QA76.76.O63N458
1998] |
Learning the bash Shell,
2nd Edition |
More... |
(2887) [QA76.76.O63M845
1995] |
You Need To Know: when
you can’t find your UNIX
system administrator |
More... |
(2888) [QA76.76.O63M53
1987] |
Operating Systems:
Concepts and Design |
More... |
| | | |
(2889) [QA76.76.O63L65
1997] |
Programming With GNU
Software |
More... |
1996] |
LINUX Kernel Internals |
More... |
(2891) [QA76.76.O63L4472
1995] |
Porting UNIX Software
(Nutshell Handbooks) |
More... |
(2892) [QA76.76.O63K86
1994] |
Applied UNIX
Programming Volume 2
(Bk/Disk) |
More... |
| | | |
(2893) [QA76.76.O63K366
1997] |
Windows Annoyances
(Nutshell Handbook) |
More... |
[QA76.76.O63G6633 1994] |
The Magic Garden
Explained: The Internals
of Unix System V Release
4 |
More... |
(2895) [QA76.76.O63G638
1991] |
Vax/Vms Internals and
Data Structures Version
5.2 (VAX-VMS) |
More... |
(2896) [QA76.76.O63G565
1998] |
Unix in a Nutshell: System
V & Solaris 2.0 |
More... |
| | | |
(2897) [QA76.76.O63F78
1995] |
Essential System
Administration |
More... |
(2898) [QA76.76.O63F598
1997] |
Understanding Operating
Systems |
More... |
(2899) [QA76.76.O63D82
1995] |
Using csh & tcsh |
More... |
(2900) [QA76.76.O63C89
1993] |
Inside Windows Nt |
More... |
| | | |
(2901) [QA76.76.O63C65
1984] |
Operating System Design:
The XINU Approach |
More... |
[QA76.76.O63B7185 1996] |
Win 32 System Services |
More... |
(2903) [QA76.76.O63B683
2003] |
Understanding the Linux
Kernel |
More... |
(2904) [QA76.76.O63A765
1997] |
UNIX(r) Shell
Programming, 4th Edition |
More... |
| | | |
(2905) [QA76.76.O63A757
1996] |
Unix Secrets |
More... |
(2906) [QA76.76.O63A534
1990] |
Unix System Architecture |
More... |
(2907) [QA76.76.O63A53
1986] |
Unix C Shell Field Guide |
More... |
(2908) [QA76.76.O63A27
1996] |
UNIX for the Impatient |
More... |
| | | |
(2909) [QA76.76.O63A27
1996] |
UNIX for the Impatient
(2nd Edition) |
More... |
(2910) [QA76.76.O63.R34
1993] |
Unix System V Network
Programming |
More... |
(2911) [QA76.76.O63.D99
1996] |
The Unix Desk Reference |
More... |
(2912) [QA76.76.O63 T365
2000 ] |
Programming |
More... |
| | | |
(2913) [QA76.76.O63 S755
1999] |
Unix network
programming, Volume 2 |
More... |
(2914) [QA76.76.O63 P44
1993] |
UNIX Power Tools (In a
Nutshell) |
More... |
(2915) [QA76.76.O63 M432
1999 ] |
Unix Shell Programming
Tools (Unix Tools) |
More... |
(2916) [QA76.76.O63
M3734 1999] |
UNIX Network
Management Tools |
More... |
| | | |
(2917) [QA76.76.O63 L575
1997] |
Linux Man |
More... |
(2918) [QA76.76.O63 L355
1998] |
Learning the vi Editor |
More... |
(2919) [QA76.76.O63 D349
1998] |
Unix concepts and
applications |
More... |
(2920) [QA76.76.O63 A488
1987 ] |
Unix System V Streams
Primer |
More... |
| | | |
(2921) [QA76.76.O63 1999] |
Unix In A Nutshell: A
Desktop Quick Reference
For Svr4 And Solaris 7
(3rd Edition) |
More... |
(2922) [QA76.76.O63 .S395
2005] |
Linux Cookbook |
More... |
(2923) [QA76.76.O63
.R4448 1999] |
Unix In Plain English |
More... |
(2924) [QA76.76.O63
.P5227 1998] |
Linux Programmer’s
Reference |
More... |
| | | |
(2925) [QA76.76.O63
.N458 2005] |
Learning The Bash Shell
(In A Nutshell (O’reilly)) |
More... |
(2926) [QA76.76.O63
.M37157 1999] |
Beginning Linux
Programming |
More... |
(2927) [QA76.76.O63 .K47
1988] |
Vax/Vms Internals And
Data Structures |
More... |
(2928) [QA76.76.O63 .E35
1988] |
Writing A Unix Device
Driver |
More... |
| | | |
(2929) [QA76.76.J38 .M66
1999] |
Enterprise Javabeans |
More... |
(2930) [QA76.76.H94T563
1998] |
Hip Pocket Guide to Html
4 |
More... |
(2931) [QA76.76.H94R39
1996] |
Html for Dummies Quick
Reference |
More... |
[QA76.76.H94C3698 1998] |
HTML 4 for the World
Wide Web: VQS |
More... |
| | | |
(2933) [QA76.76.H94B77
1998] |
The Xml Companion |
More... |
(2934) [QA76.76.H94 F84
2011] |
Html5 Canvas |
More... |
(2935) [QA76.76.H94 C66
1997 ] |
XML: Principles, Tools,
and Techniques (World
Wide Web Journal) |
More... |
(2936) [QA76.76.E95P27
1988] |
Expert Systems for
Experts |
More... |
| | | |
(2937) [QA76.76.D49R92
1998] |
Linux Device Drivers
(Nutshell Handbook) |
More... |
(2938) [QA76.76.D47M39
1993] |
Code Complete (Microsoft
Programming) |
More... |
(2939) [QA76.76.D47B47
1991] |
Software Engineering with
Abstractions |
More... |
(2940) [QA76.76.C672D39
2005] |
Killer Game Programming
in Java |
More... |
| | | |
(2941) [QA76.76.C672
.W546 2011] |
Learning Html5 Game
Programming |
More... |
(2942) [QA76.76.C65C66
1986] |
Compiler construction:
Theory and practice |
More... |
(2943) [QA76.76.063S6
1991] |
A practical guide to Unix
system V |
More... |
(2944) [QA76.76 O63
S55825 2000] |
Operating System
Concepts |
More... |
| | | |
(2945) [QA76.76 O63 P72
1998] |
the Unix Programming
environment |
More... |
(2946) [QA76.76 O63 B33
1999] |
The Design of the Unix
Operating System |
More... |
(2947) [QA76.76 .H94 H66
1997] |
Instant HTML
Programmer’s Reference
Html |
More... |
(2948) [QA76.754.B52
1986] |
Systems Software Tools |
More... |
| | | |
(2949) [QA76.73.T44W43
1997] |
TCL/TK for Dummies |
More... |
(2950) [QA76.73.T44H37
1998] |
Effective Tcl/Tk
Programming |
More... |
(2951) [QA76.73.T44 H37
1997eb] |
Tcl/Tk Tools |
More... |
(2952) [QA76.73.S67.B453
1998] |
SQL Programmer’s
Reference |
More... |
| | | |
(2953) [QA76.73.S6 .G75
1971] |
Snobol 4 Programming
Language |
More... |
(2954) [QA76.73.P98 .L877
2008] |
Learning Python |
More... |
(2955) [QA76.73.P35 .J46
1975] |
Pascal User Manual And
Report |
More... |
(2956) [QA76.73.P2Y48
1989] |
Using Turbo PASCAL |
More... |
| | | |
(2957) [QA76.73.P2S36
1978] |
Introduction to
and Problem Solving with
More... |
(2958) [QA76.73.P2P725
1990] |
Pascal: A New
Introduction to Computer
Science |
More... |
(2959) [QA76.73.P2C677
1992] |
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PASCAL 6.0 |
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1995] |
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2000] |
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V7652 2002] |
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2007] |
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