| | | |
(501) [TJ213.K8354 1975] |
Automatic control systems |
More... |
(502) [TJ213.K8354 1967] |
Automatic Control
Systems |
More... |
(503) [TJ213.H33 1969] |
Introduction to Automatic
Controls |
More... |
(504) [TJ213.F865 2005] |
Control System
Design: An Introduction
to State-Space Methods |
More... |
| | | |
(505) [TJ213.D33 1988] |
Control System Analysis
and Design: Conventional
and Modern |
More... |
(506) [TJ213.D33 1981] |
Linear Control System
Analysis And Design |
More... |
(507) [TJ213.C54 1964] |
Introduction to Automatic
Control Systems |
More... |
(508) [TJ213.C5 1959] |
Servomechanisms and
regulating system design |
More... |
| | | |
(509) [TJ213.C476 1987] |
Control System Design |
More... |
(510) [TJ213.B73 1955] |
Analysis of Feedback
Control Systems |
More... |
(511) [TJ213.8.P76 1982] |
REA. Automatic Control
/ Robotics Problem Solver
(Problem Solvers) |
More... |
(512) [TJ211.W64 1987] |
Robotics: Basic Analysis
and Design |
More... |
| | | |
(513) [TJ211.S45 1987] |
A robot engineering
textbook |
More... |
(514) [TJ211.S39 1988] |
Inside The Robot
Kingdom |
More... |
(515) [TJ211.R67 1994] |
Robot Evolution: The
Development Of
Anthrobotics |
More... |
(516) [TJ211.M337 1988] |
Robotics |
More... |
| | | |
(517) [TJ211.35.R63 1993] |
Robot Control: Dynamics,
Motion Planning, and
Analysis IEEE press |
More... |
(518) [TJ211 R54 1982] |
Robot Motion : Planning
And Control |
More... |
(519) [TJ211 .M337 1985] |
Robotics : an introduction |
More... |
(520) [TJ175.S54 1941] |
Engineering Kinematics |
More... |
| | | |
(521) [TJ175.S495 1961] |
Theory of Machines (Part
1: Kinematic
Analysis of Mechanisms &
Part 2: Dynamic Analysis
of Machines) |
More... |
(522) [TJ175.N58 2001] |
Design Of Machinery |
More... |
(523) [TJ175.G8 1950] |
More... |
(524) [TJ175.F3 1959] |
Kinematics |
More... |
| | | |
(525) [TJ175.D68 1954] |
More... |
(526) [TJ173.M18 1958] |
Vibration Control |
More... |
(527) [TJ151.S82 1978] |
Marks’ Standard
Handbook for Mechanical
Engineers |
More... |
(528) [TJ151.S82 1967] |
Standard Handbook for
Mechanical Engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(529) [TJ15.B85 1965] |
A History Of Mechanical
Engineering |
More... |
(530) [TJ 213.028 1990] |
Modern Control
Engineering |
More... |
(531) [TJ 21.D67 2001] |
Modern Control Systems |
More... |
(532) [TH7687.J45 1944] |
Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration |
More... |
| | | |
(533) [TH7466.5.H34 1977] |
Control Systems for
Heating, Ventilating, and
Air Conditioning |
More... |
(534) [TH2416.P433 1961] |
Elementary Statics of
Shells |
More... |
(535) [TH1725.J58 1984] |
Noise and Vibration
Control in Buildings |
More... |
(536) [TH1611.P3 1955] |
Simplified design of
structural steel |
More... |
| | | |
(537) [TH845.S32 1967] |
Structural Design In
Architecture |
More... |
(538) [TH145.P45 1979] |
Construction Planning
Equipment and Methods |
More... |
(539) [TG265.S585 1967] |
Mechanics of Materials |
More... |
(540) [TG265.R45 1954] |
Formulas for Stress and
Strain |
More... |
| | | |
(541) [TG265.H33 1959] |
Introduction to Stress
Analysis |
More... |
(542) [TG260.W47 1960] |
Elementary Structural
Analysis |
More... |
(543) [TG260.S62 1928] |
The Theory of Structures |
More... |
(544) [TG260.R572 1962] |
Mechanics of engineering
structures |
More... |
| | | |
(545) [TG260.N32 1956] |
The Plastic Methods of
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(546) [TG260.M773 1959a] |
Linear Structural Analysis |
More... |
(547) [TG260.M39 1946] |
Statically indeterminate
structures |
More... |
(548) [TG260.H72 1942] |
Stresses In Framed
Structures |
More... |
| | | |
(549) [TG260.H63 1959] |
Plastic Analysis of
Structure |
More... |
(550) [TG260.A48 1942] |
(An Application of Slope
Deflection) |
More... |
(551) [TG260 M17 1955] |
Analysis of Symmetric
Cylindrical Shells |
More... |
(552) [TG260 .M47 1956] |
Introduction to Theory of
Structures |
More... |
| | | |
(553) [TD883.P45 1974] |
Air Pollution |
More... |
(554) [TD645.M57 1979] |
Wastewater Engineering
Treatment Disposal Reuse |
More... |
(555) [TD645.M57 1979] |
Wastewater Engineering
Treatment Disposal Reuse |
More... |
(556) [TC1645 .M32] |
Ocean Engineering Wave
Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(557) [TC176 .H89 1983] |
Computational Methods
in Subsurface Flow |
More... |
(558) [TC175.I57 1974] |
Unsteady Flow in Open
Channels Vol 1 |
More... |
(559) [TC175.C45 1959] |
Open-Channel Hydraulics |
More... |
(560) [TC160.R8 1942] |
Hydraulics |
More... |
| | | |
(561) [TC160.K5 1954] |
Handbook of Hydraulics:
For the Solution of
Hydraulic Problems |
More... |
(562) [TC160.D3 1977] |
Fluid Mechanics with
Engineering Applications |
More... |
(563) [TAL WRI W7571w
1980] |
Let’s write English |
More... |
(564) [TA1750.K38 1990] |
Electro-Optical Devices
and Systems |
More... |
| | | |
(565) [TA1750.K35 1974] |
Introduction to
Electrooptic Devices |
More... |
(566) [TA1675.Y37 1985] |
Optical Electronics |
More... |
(567) [TA1637.W44 1996] |
Fundamentals of
Electronic Image
Processing |
More... |
(568) [TA1637.P37 1997] |
for image processing and
computer vision |
More... |
| | | |
(569) [TA1637.P37 1997] |
Algorithms for Image
Processing and Computer
Vision |
More... |
(570) [TA1637.M53 1999] |
Compressed Image File
BMP (ACM Press) |
More... |
(571) [TA1637.L8 1997] |
Fractal Imaging |
More... |
(572) [TA1632.V43 1990] |
Vector Quantization (Ieee
Press Selected Reprint
Series) |
More... |
| | | |
(573) [TA1632.P7 1978] |
Digital Image Processing |
More... |
(574) [TA1632.G66 2002] |
Digital image processing |
More... |
(575) [TA1632.G66 2002] |
Digital Image Processing |
More... |
(576) [TA1632.D53 1975] |
Topics in applied physics:
Vol 6, Picture processing
and digital filtering |
More... |
| | | |
(577) [TA1632.B34 1982] |
Computer Vision |
More... |
(578) [TA775.D8 1962] |
Foundations of Structures |
More... |
(579) [TA775.B63 1968] |
Foundation Analysis and
Design |
More... |
(580) [TA710.S363 1968] |
Soil Mechanics and
Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(581) [TA710.M29 1988] |
Essentials of Soil
and Foundations: Basic
Geotechnics |
More... |
(582) [TA710.B684 1984] |
Physical and Geotechnical
Properties of Soils |
More... |
(583) [TA710 .S635 1981] |
Soil mechanics
(Examination subjects for
engineers and builders) |
More... |
(584) [TA684.S52 1934] |
Structural design in steel |
More... |
| | | |
(585) [TA684.G3 1992] |
Design of Steel Structures |
More... |
(586) [TA684.B36 1958] |
Plastic Design of Steel
Frames |
More... |
(587) [TA683.M587 1996] |
Design Of Concrete
Structures |
More... |
(588) [TA683.2.F4 1965] |
Reinforced Concrete
with emphasis on ultimate
strength |
More... |
| | | |
(589) [TA683.2 C36 1999] |
Strength design of
anchorage to concrete |
More... |
(590) [TA682.F56 1975] |
Handbook Of Concrete
Engineering |
More... |
(591) [TA681.U8 1940] |
Design of Concrete
Structures |
More... |
(592) [TA660.S5G5 1965] |
Linear elastic theory of
thin shells |
More... |
| | | |
(593) [TA660.S5 .S65 1993] |
Vibrations Of Shells And
Plates |
More... |
(594) [TA660.P6.M33] |
Analysis Of Plates |
More... |
(595) [TA660 S5 F53 1968] |
Theory and practice of
shell structures |
More... |
(596) [TA658.G47 1967] |
Basic Structural Design |
More... |
| | | |
(597) [TA658.C56 1983] |
Structural Systems Design |
More... |
(598) [TA658.44.D67 1977] |
Earthquake Resistant
Design |
More... |
(599) [TA658.44.D47 1980] |
Design of Earthquake
Resistant Structures |
More... |
(600) [TA658.2.B68 1975] |
Stress Analysis
by the FEM for practicing
engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(601) [TA656.D95 2002] |
Stability Theory and Its
Applications to Structural
Mechanics |
More... |
(602) [TA656.B39 2003] |
Stability of Structures:
Inelastic, Fracture, and
Damage Theories |
More... |
(603) [TA656.2.C47 1974] |
Principles of Structural
Stability Theory |
More... |
(604) [TA654.P39 2004] |
Structural Dynamics:
Theory and Computation |
More... |
| | | |
(605) [TA654.P39 1985] |
Structural Dynamics:
Theory and Computation |
More... |
(606) [TA654.P39 1985] |
Structural Dynamics:
Theory and Computation |
More... |
(607) [TA654.L5 1976] |
Probabilistic Theory of
Structural Dynamics |
More... |
(608) [TA654.K26 2008] |
Engineering Applications
Of Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(609) [TA654.C72 1981] |
Structural Dynamics: An
Introduction to Computer
Methods |
More... |
(610) [TA654.C6 1975] |
Dynamics of Structures |
More... |
(611) [TA654.B54 1979] |
Formulas For
Natural Frequency And
Mode Shape |
More... |
(612) [TA654.B5 1964] |
Introduction to Structural
Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(613) [TA654.9.M45 1990] |
Dynamics and Control of
Structures |
More... |
(614) [TA654.6.N49 1972] |
Fundamentals of
Earthquake Engineering |
More... |
(615) [TA654.6.N49 1972] |
Fundamentals of
Earthquake Engineering |
More... |
(616) [TA654 .H8 1964] |
Dynamics of Structures |
More... |
| | | |
(617) [TA653.C37 1999] |
A Primer For
Finite Elements In Elastic
Structures |
More... |
(618) [TA650.M3 1959] |
More... |
(619) [TA648.3 H6 1969] |
Finite Element Methods in
Stress Analysis |
More... |
(620) [TA646.T85 1969] |
Schaum’s Outline:
Structural Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(621) [TA646.T85 1969] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems of
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(622) [TA646.T84 1982] |
Schaum’s outline series,
Theory And Problems Of
Space Structural Analysis |
More... |
(623) [TA646.P54 1978] |
Modern Formulas For
Statics And Dynamics |
More... |
(624) [TA646.C66 2001] |
and Applications of Finite
Element Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(625) [TA646.C66 1981] |
and Applications of Finite
Element Analysis |
More... |
(626) [TA646.C66 1974] |
and Applications of Finite
Element Analysis |
More... |
(627) [TA646 .T47] |
Structural analysis by
finite difference calculus |
More... |
(628) [TA645.W36 1980] |
Matrix analysis of framed
structures |
More... |
| | | |
(629) [TA645.W36 1980] |
Matrix Analysis Of
Framed Structures |
More... |
(630) [TA645.W324 1984] |
Introductory Structural
Analysis |
More... |
(631) [TA645.W32 1983] |
Intermediate Structural
Analysis |
More... |
(632) [TA645.V4 1970] |
Structural Mechanics with
to the Theory of Elasticity
and Plasticity |
More... |
| | | |
(633) [TA645.T52 1965] |
Theory Of Structures |
More... |
(634) [TA645.N37 1976] |
Methods of structural
analysis Vol II |
More... |
(635) [TA645.N37 1976] |
Methods of structural
analysis Vol I |
More... |
(636) [TA645.M45 1990] |
Structural engineering
analysis by finite elements |
More... |
| | | |
(637) [TA645.K45 1990] |
Elastic Analysis Of
Structures: Classical And
Matrix Methods |
More... |
(638) [TA645.G65 2003] |
Structures: Or Why
Things Don’t Fall Down |
More... |
(639) [TA645.G44 1967] |
Basic Structural Analysis |
More... |
(640) [TA645.F73 1995] |
Fundamentals of
Structural Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(641) [TA645.D24 1999] |
Introduction to Structural
Mechanics and Analysis |
More... |
(642) [TA645.C6 1980] |
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(643) [TA645.C37 1990] |
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(644) [TA645.B74 2009] |
Engineering Mechanics for
Structures |
More... |
| | | |
(645) [TA645.B7 1966] |
Basic Theory Of
Structures |
More... |
(646) [TA645 .U7 1941] |
Elementary Structural
Engineering |
More... |
(647) [TA642.W3 1970] |
Matrix methods of
structural analysis |
More... |
(648) [TA642.W28 1971] |
Structural Analysis With
Matrix Methods |
More... |
| | | |
(649) [TA642.V3 1974] |
Matrix Structural
Analysis |
More... |
(650) [TA642.S22 1989] |
Matrix Structural
Analysis |
More... |
(651) [TA642.P77 1985] |
Theory of Matrix
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(652) [TA642.P77 1968] |
More... |
| | | |
(653) [TA642.L33 1988] |
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(654) [TA642.L33 1988] |
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(655) [TA642 .L5 1964] |
Matrix Methods Of
Structural Analysis |
More... |
(656) [TA641.W3 1966] |
and matrix methods in
structural mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(657) [TA641.G4 1965] |
Computer methods in
solid mechanics |
More... |
(658) [TA640.4 .M3 1978 ] |
Solution of Problems in
Structures: Problem-based
Textbook |
More... |
(659) [TA640.2.Z5 1989] |
Finite Element Method:
VOL1. Basic Formulation
and Linear Problems |
More... |
(660) [TA640.2.Z5 1977] |
The Finite Element
Method |
More... |
| | | |
(661) [TA640.2.D48 1972] |
Introduction to the Finite
Element Method:
A Numerical Method for
Engineering Analysis |
More... |
(662) [TA640.2.B73 1974] |
Fundamentals of
finite element techniques
for structural engineers |
More... |
(663) [TA635.S77 1990] |
Structural Engineering
Handbook |
More... |
(664) [TA630.S82 1980] |
Structural Engineering
and Structural Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(665) [TA540 .P738 2002] |
Probability & Statistics
for engineers & Scientists |
More... |
(666) [TA444.N38 1986] |
Simplified Reinforced
Concrete |
More... |
(667) [TA418.B667 2000] |
Elasticity in Engineering
Mechanics |
More... |
(668) [TA418.9.C6.T55
1996] |
Applied Elasticity |
More... |
| | | |
(669) [TA418.9.C6 .T55
1996] |
Applied Elasticity |
More... |
(670) [TA418.78.H47 1960] |
Small particle statistics |
More... |
(671) [TA418.22.R313
1969] |
Creep problems in
structural members |
More... |
(672) [TA417.6.S6 1969] |
Elementary Mechanics Of
Deformable Bodies |
More... |
| | | |
(673) [TA410.H38 1950] |
Handbook of
Experimental Stress
Analysis |
More... |
(674) [TA407.B6 1962] |
More... |
(675) [TA407.4.P73 1980] |
REA. Strength of
Materials Problem Solver |
More... |
(676) [TA407.4.N37 1998] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Strength of Materials |
More... |
| | | |
(677) [TA407.4.N37 1972] |
Schaum’s Outline Series.
Strength of Materials |
More... |
(678) [TA407.4.N3 1972 ] |
Schaum’s Outline Series.
Strength of Materials |
More... |
(679) [TA407.4.N3 1957] |
Schaum’s Ouline
of Theory and Problems of
Strength Of Materials |
More... |
(680) [TA407.2.R6 2002] |
Roark’s Formulas for
Stress and Strain |
More... |
| | | |
(681) [TA405.V62 1971] |
Advanced strength of
materials |
More... |
(682) [TA405.U42 1987] |
Advanced Strength And
Applied Elasticity |
More... |
(683) [TA405.U42 1981] |
Advanced strength and
applied elasticity, the SI
version |
More... |
(684) [TA405.T787 1998] |
Computer Applications in
Mechanics of Materials
using MATLAB |
More... |
| | | |
(685) [TA405.T53 1983] |
History of Strength of
Materials |
More... |
(686) [TA405.T52 1940a] |
Elements of strength of
materials |
More... |
(687) [TA405.T5 1956 pt.2
] |
Strength of Materials,
Part II: Advanced Theory
and Problems |
More... |
(688) [TA405.T5 1955 pt.1] |
Strength of Materials.
Part I: Elementary Theory
and Problems |
More... |
| | | |
(689) [TA405.T5 1955 pt.1] |
Strength Of Materials.
Part 1. Elementary
Theory And Problems |
More... |
(690) [TA405.T5 1940 pt.2
] |
Strength of Materials,
Part II: Advanced Theory
and Problems |
More... |
(691) [TA405.S39 1957] |
Strength of materials |
More... |
(692) [TA405.S39 1957] |
Strength of materials |
More... |
| | | |
(693) [TA405.S387 1965] |
Mechanics of Deformable
Solids |
More... |
(694) [TA405.S35 1947] |
Resistance of Materials |
More... |
(695) [TA405.S35 1925] |
More... |
(696) [TA405.S349 1978] |
Advanced Mechanics Of
Materials |
More... |
| | | |
(697) [TA405.P68 1976] |
Mechanics of Materials
(2nd Edition) |
More... |
(698) [TA405.P68 1952] |
Mechanics of Materials |
More... |
(699) [TA405.P678 1968] |
Introduction to Mechanics
of Solids |
More... |
(700) [TA405.P65 1945] |
Strength of Materials |
More... |
| | | |
(701) [TA405.P65 1937] |
Strength of Materials |
More... |
(702) [TA405.P4884 2010] |
Mechanics Of Materials |
More... |
(703) [TA405.P37 1967] |
Applied Strength of
Materials |
More... |
(704) [TA405.O37 1974] |
Elements of mechanics of
materials |
More... |
| | | |
(705) [TA405.M516 1991] |
Mechanics Of Materials |
More... |
(706) [TA405.M45 1946] |
Strength of materials |
More... |
(707) [TA405.L445 1963] |
Mechanics of materials |
More... |
(708) [TA405.L34 1947] |
More... |
| | | |
(709) [TA405.J85 1967] |
Considerations of Stress,
Strain, and Strength |
More... |
(710) [TA405.H68 1966] |
The Analysis of Stress and
Deformation |
More... |
(711) [TA405.H5 1978] |
Mechanics Of Materials |
More... |
(712) [TA405.H5 1967] |
Mechanics Of Materials |
More... |
| | | |
(713) [TA405.G44 2009] |
Mechanics of Materials, SI
Edition |
More... |
(714) [TA405.G44 1990] |
Mechanics Of Materials |
More... |
(715) [TA405.D4 1961] |
Strength of Materials |
More... |
(716) [TA405.D38 1987] |
Advanced Strength of
Materials |
More... |
| | | |
(717) [TA405.D325 1988] |
Statics And Mechanics Of
Materials |
More... |
(718) [TA405.C89 1996] |
Mechanics of materials |
More... |
(719) [TA405.B92 1983] |
Engineering mechanics of
deformable bodies |
More... |
(720) [TA405.B82 1977] |
Advanced Strength and
Applied Stress Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(721) [TA405.B73 1941] |
Strength of Materials |
More... |
(722) [TA405.B53 1990] |
Statics Of Deformable
Solids |
More... |
(723) [TA405.B53 1965] |
Statics of deformable
solids |
More... |
(724) [TA405.B498 1993] |
of Solids: Concepts and
Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(725) [TA405.B39 1992
(sol)] |
Instructor’s Manual To
Accompany Mechanics Of
Materials |
More... |
(726) [TA405.B39 1992] |
Mechanics of Materials |
More... |
(727) [TA405.5.B64 1960] |
Theory of Thermal
Stresses |
More... |
(728) [TA403.W86 v.3
1965] |
Structure and Properties
of Materials |
More... |
| | | |
(729) [TA403.W86 1966] |
Structure and Properties
of Materials Volume 4 |
More... |
(730) [TA403.V351 1964] |
Elements of Materials
an Introductory Text for
Engineering Students |
More... |
(731) [TA403.S515 1985] |
Introduction to Materials
Science for Engineers |
More... |
(732) [TA403.M7 1947] |
Textbook of the materials
of engineering: With a
chapter on concrete, |
More... |
| | | |
(733) [TA403.M64 1955] |
Mechanics of Materials |
More... |
(734) [TA403.F54 1981] |
Engineering Materials and
Their Applications |
More... |
(735) [TA403.C23 1997] |
Science and Engineering:
An Introduction |
More... |
(736) [TA403.A69 1980] |
Engineering Materials: An
to Their Properties and
Applications (Materials
Science & Technology
Monographs) |
More... |
| | | |
(737) [TA357.W54 2000] |
Basic Fluid Mechanics |
More... |
(738) [TA357.S8 1985] |
Fluid Mechanics |
More... |
(739) [TA357.S8 1979] |
Fluid Mechanics |
More... |
(740) [TA357.S8 1979] |
Fluid Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(741) [TA357.S44 1962] |
Mechanics Of Fluids |
More... |
(742) [TA357.O47 1980] |
Essentials of engineering
fluid mechanics |
More... |
(743) [TA357.M86 1998] |
Fundamentals of fluid
mechanics |
More... |
(744) [TA357.H84 1999] |
Schaum’s Outline of Fluid
Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(745) [TA357.H3 1967] |
Fluid Mechanics (Thermal
& Transport Science) |
More... |
(746) [TA357.G515 1962] |
Schaum’s Fluid Mechanics
and Hydraulics |
More... |
(747) [TA357.G515 1962] |
Schaum’s Outline Of Fluid
Mechanics And
Hydraulics |
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(748) [TA357.G515 1962] |
Schaum’s Outline
Of Theory And Problems
Of Fluid Mechanics And
Hydraulics |
More... |
| | | |
(749) [TA357.G46 1992] |
Fundamentals of fluid
mechanics |
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(750) [TA357.F69 1992] |
Introduction to Fluid
Mechanics |
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