| | | |
(751) [TA357.F69 1978] |
Introduction to Fluid
Mechanics |
More... |
(752) [TA357.C475] |
An Introduction
To Computational Fluid
Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(753) [TA357.B47 1984] |
Engineering Fluid
Mechanics |
More... |
(754) [TA357.B27 1983] |
Finite Element
Computational Fluid
Mechanics |
More... |
(755) [TA356.P47 1990] |
Introduction to
Finite Element Vibration
Analysis |
More... |
(756) [TA356.P47 1990] |
Introduction To
Finite Element Vibration
Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(757) [TA355.W57 2006] |
Random Vibrations:
Theory And Practice |
More... |
(758) [TA355.V57 2007] |
Vibration of
Axially-Loaded Structures |
More... |
(759) [TA355.V523 1989] |
Vibration Of Mechanical
And Structural Systems
with microcomputer
applications |
More... |
(760) [TA355.T77 1978] |
Mechanical Vibrations |
More... |
| | | |
(761) [TA355.T55 1974] |
Vibration Problems in
Engineering |
More... |
(762) [TA355.T55 1974] |
Vibration Problems in
Engineering |
More... |
(763) [TA355.T55 1937] |
Vibration Problems in
Engineering |
More... |
(764) [TA355.T47 1988] |
Theory Of Vibration With
Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(765) [TA355.T47 1972] |
Theory of Vibration with
Applications |
More... |
(766) [TA355.T47 1965] |
Vibration theory and
applications |
More... |
(767) [TA355.S74 1989] |
An Introduction to
Mechanical Vibrations |
More... |
(768) [TA355.S47 1964] |
Schaum’s outline
of theory and problems of
mechanical vibrations |
More... |
| | | |
(769) [TA355.R37 1995] |
Mechanical Vibrations |
More... |
(770) [TA355.R37 1990] |
Mechanical Vibrations |
More... |
(771) [TA355.P46 1963] |
Matrix Methods In
Elastomechanics |
More... |
(772) [TA355.P35 1971] |
Elements of the applied
theory of elastic vibration |
More... |
| | | |
(773) [TA355.N47 2006] |
Mechanical vibration
analysis and computation |
More... |
(774) [TA355.M9 1944] |
Vibration analysis |
More... |
(775) [TA355.M43 2001] |
Fundamentals of
Vibrations |
More... |
(776) [TA355.L2413 1983] |
Mechanical Vibrations for
Engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(777) [TA355.J3 1958] |
Engineering Vibrations
With Applications To
Structures and Machinery |
More... |
(778) [TA355.H35 1976] |
Shock and Vibration
Handbook |
More... |
(779) [TA355.H34 1983] |
Generalized Methods Of
Vibration Analysis |
More... |
(780) [TA355.G55 2001] |
Mechanical And
Structured Vibrations
theory and applications |
More... |
| | | |
(781) [TA355.D4 1985] |
Mechanical Vibrations |
More... |
(782) [TA355.D4 1947] |
Mechanical Vibrations |
More... |
(783) [TA352.S615 1999] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Dynamics |
More... |
(784) [TA352.R55 1993] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(785) [TA352.O74 2001] |
Engineering Dynamics: A
Primer |
More... |
(786) [TA352.D96 1982] |
Dynamics of Mechanical
and Electromechanical
Systems |
More... |
(787) [TA352.B39 2007] |
Vector Mechanics for
Engineers: Dynamics |
More... |
(788) [TA352.B39 2007] |
Instructor’s and
solutions Manual, Volume
1 to accompany Vector
mechanics for engineers
(Dynamics) |
More... |
| | | |
(789) [TA352.B39 2007] |
Vector Mechanics
for Engineers: Dynamics
(Instructor’s and
Solutions Manual, Volume
2, Chapters 16-19) |
More... |
(790) [TA352.B39 2007] |
Vector Mechanics
for Engineers: Dynamics
(Instructor’s and
Solutions Manual, Volume
2) |
More... |
(791) [TA352.B39 2007] |
Vector Mechanics
for Engineers: Dynamics
(Instructor’s and
Solutions Manual, Volume
1) |
More... |
(792) [TA351.P54 2010] |
Engineering Mechanics:
statics |
More... |
| | | |
(793) [TA351.P54 2010] |
Engineering Mechanics:
statics |
More... |
(794) [TA351.J3 1983] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Statics and Strength of
Materials |
More... |
(795) [TA351.B43 2002] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Statics |
More... |
(796) [TA351.B39 2000
auppl] |
Problems Supplement to
Accompany Vector
Mechanics for Engineers
Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(797) [TA350.Y6 1927] |
Mechanics of materials |
More... |
(798) [TA350.W574 1997] |
Elements Of Mechanics |
More... |
(799) [TA350.T53 1956] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(800) [TA350.T53 1940] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(801) [TA350.S532 1975] |
Engineering Mechanics
part 1 : Statics |
More... |
(802) [TA350.S532 1954] |
Engineering Mechanics
Dynamics , Part II |
More... |
(803) [TA350.S532 1943] |
Engineering mechanics |
More... |
(804) [TA350.S493 1969] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(805) [TA350.S49 1959] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Statics |
More... |
(806) [TA350.S38 1952] |
Advanced Mechanics of
Materials |
More... |
(807) [TA350.P7 1923] |
Applied Mechanics |
More... |
(808) [TA350.P48 1963] |
More... |
| | | |
(809) [TA350.M56 1952] |
Engineering Mechanics.
Part II Dynamics |
More... |
(810) [TA350.M56 1952] |
Mechanics part I: Statics |
More... |
(811) [TA350.M55 1952] |
Mechanics. Part II
Dynamics |
More... |
(812) [TA350.M458 2007
Suppl.2] |
Solving Dynamics
Problems In Matlab |
More... |
| | | |
(813) [TA350.M458 2001] |
Engineering mechanics
Dynamics |
More... |
(814) [TA350.M458 1992] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Dynamics |
More... |
(815) [TA350.M458 1986] |
Engineering Mechanics,
And Dynamics Combined
(Volumes 1 & 2) |
More... |
(816) [TA350.M37 1959] |
An Introduction to the
Mechanics of Solids |
More... |
| | | |
(817) [TA350.M37 1959] |
An Introduction to the
Mechanics of Solids |
More... |
(818) [TA350.M37 1959] |
An Introduction to the
Mechanics of Solids |
More... |
(819) [TA350.M32 1987] |
Schaum’s Outline Of
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(820) [TA350.M32 1962] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems
of Engineering Mechanics
Static and Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(821) [TA350.L48 1968] |
Introduction To
Mechanics |
More... |
(822) [TA350.I52 1963] |
Applied Mechanics For
Engineers |
More... |
(823) [TA350.H856 1967] |
Engineering Mechanics
Volume 2: Dynamics |
More... |
(824) [TA350.H85 1949] |
Applied Mechanics Statics |
More... |
| | | |
(825) [TA350.H84 v.2
1959] |
Applied Mechanics Vol. 2,
Dynamics |
More... |
(826) [TA350.H5 1955] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(827) [TA350.H5 1949] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(828) [TA350.H48 2017] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Statics & Dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(829) [TA350.H48 2001] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Statics And Dynamics |
More... |
(830) [TA350.H35 1965] |
Mechanics for Engineers:
Statics and Dynamics |
More... |
(831) [TA350.H25 1996] |
Applied Mechanics |
More... |
(832) [TA350.G62 2002] |
Impact |
More... |
| | | |
(833) [TA350.F88 1919] |
Applied Mechanics
Volume 2 |
More... |
(834) [TA350.F88 1913] |
Applied Mechanics Vol. I
Statics and Kinetics |
More... |
(835) [TA350.F28 1946] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(836) [TA350.E36 1980] |
Introduction to the
Mechanics of Solids |
More... |
| | | |
(837) [TA350.D67 1963] |
Introduction to solid
mechanics |
More... |
(838) [TA350.C79 2010] |
Engineering Mechanics:
Dynamics |
More... |
(839) [TA350.B75 1931] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(840) [TA350.B7 1929] |
Engineering mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(841) [TA350.B3552 1988] |
Vector Mechanics for
Engineers: Statics |
More... |
(842) [TA350.B3552 1977] |
Vector Mechanics for
Engineers, statics |
More... |
(843) [TA350.B3552 1977] |
Vector Mechanics for
Engineers, statics |
More... |
(844) [TA350.B348 1986] |
Principles Of Engineering
Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(845) [TA350.B32 1988] |
Statics And Strength Of
Materials |
More... |
(846) [TA350.A4 1948] |
Advances In Applied
Mechanics, Volume 1 |
More... |
(847) [TA350.7.M413 1965] |
Collection of problems in
theoretical mechanics |
More... |
(848) [TA350.7.H37 2007] |
Solving Statics Problems
In Matlab |
More... |
| | | |
(849) [TA350 1987] |
Mechanics for Engineers:
Statics and Dynamics |
More... |
(850) [TA347.F5W4 1984] |
Finite elements for
structural analysis |
More... |
(851) [TA347.F5T66 2008] |
Finite Element Method:
Basic Technique and
Implementation (Dover
Books on Engineering) |
More... |
(852) [TA347.F5S64 1988] |
Programming the Finite
Element Method |
More... |
| | | |
(853) [TA347.F5S43 1984] |
Applied Finite Element
Analysis |
More... |
(854) [TA347.F5J62 2009] |
Numerical Solution of
Partial Differential
Equations by the Finite
Element Method |
More... |
(855) [TA347.F5F67 1977] |
Formulations and
Algorithms in Finite
Element Analysis |
More... |
(856) [TA347.F5B87 1987] |
Finite Elemental Anaysis:
From Concepts
Application |
More... |
| | | |
(857) [TA347.F5B83 1994] |
Schaum’s Outline of Finite
Element Analysis |
More... |
(858) [TA347.F5B83 1994] |
Schaum’s Outline of Finite
Element Analysis |
More... |
(859) [TA347.F5B37 1976] |
Numerical methods in
finite element analysis |
More... |
(860) [TA347.F5A35 1986] |
Finite Element Analysis
for Undergraduates |
More... |
| | | |
(861) [TA347.F5.T66 1977] |
Finite-Element Method |
More... |
(862) [TA347.F5.S78 1994 ] |
Finite Element Modeling
In Engineering Practice |
More... |
(863) [TA347.F5.S72 1985] |
Applied Finite Element
Analysis For Engineers |
More... |
(864) [TA347.F5.R4 1984] |
An Introduction to the
Finite Element Method |
More... |
| | | |
(865) [TA347.F5.L64 2007] |
A First Course In The
Finite Element Method |
More... |
(866) [TA347.F5.L64 2002] |
A First Course in the
Finite Element Method |
More... |
(867) [TA347.F5.L64 1986] |
manual to accompany A
First course in the finite
element method |
More... |
(868) [TA347.F5.L64 1986] |
A first course in the finite
element method |
More... |
| | | |
(869) [TA347.F5.K86 1997] |
The Finite Element
Method Using Matlab |
More... |
(870) [TA347.F5.K65 1993] |
Finite Element Method In
Mechanical Design |
More... |
(871) [TA347.F5.H83 1982] |
The Finite Element
Method For Engineers |
More... |
(872) [TA347.F5.H83 1975] |
The finite element method
for engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(873) [TA347.F5.D47 1979] |
Elementary finite element
method |
More... |
(874) [TA347.F5.D38 1980] |
The Finite Element
Method |
More... |
(875) [TA347.F5.B36 1982] |
Finite Element Procedures
in Engineering Analysis |
More... |
(876) [TA347.F5 R66 1985] |
Finite element methods in
structural mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(877) [TA347.F5 J62 1987] |
Numerical Solutions Of
differential equations by
the finite element method |
More... |
(878) [TA347.F5 H84 2000] |
The finite element method
linear static and dynamic
finite element analysis |
More... |
(879) [TA347.F5 F46 1996] |
Finite Element Methods
for Engineers |
More... |
(880) [TA347.F5 .R36
1989] |
Finite Element Method In
Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(881) [TA347.D4J46 c.1
1985] |
Matrix Computation For
Engineers And Scientist |
More... |
(882) [TA347.B69.K8 2008] |
Numerical Solution Of
Boundary Value Problems
With Applications |
More... |
(883) [TA347.B69.B74
1989] |
Boundary Elements: An
Introductory Course |
More... |
(884) [TA347 F5 F585
1985] |
Finite Element Systems: A
Handbook |
More... |
| | | |
(885) [TA345.W55 1994] |
Advanced Mathematics
and Mechanics
applications using Matlab |
More... |
(886) [TA345.M34 1998] |
Engineering Mathematics
with Mathematica(R) and
MATLAB(R) Volume 1 |
More... |
(887) [TA345.K34 1989] |
Numerical Methods and
Software |
More... |
(888) [TA345.H68 1969] |
More... |
| | | |
(889) [TA345.C47 1998] |
Methods for Engineers:
With Programming and
Software Applications |
More... |
(890) [TA342.O35 2004] |
System Dynamics |
More... |
(891) [TA342.M62 1992 v2] |
Modeling And Simulation
Based Engineering VOL II |
More... |
(892) [TA340.S7 1986] |
Probability, Random
Processes and Estimation
Theory for Engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(893) [TA340.S66 1981] |
Modelling and Analysis in
Science and Engineering |
More... |
(894) [TA340.H425 1984] |
Probability and Stochastic
Processes for Engineers |
More... |
(895) [TA340.D38 1970] |
Probability and Random
Processes an Introduction
for Applied Scientists and
Engineers |
More... |
(896) [TA340.B72 1970] |
Probabilistic Systems
Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(897) [TA335.P43 1986] |
Numerical Methods In
Engineering and Science |
More... |
(898) [TA335.K37 1972] |
Finite Elements Methods
Via Tensors. No 144 |
More... |
(899) [TA335.I598 1989] |
Proceedings of the fifth
international symposium
on numerical methods in
engineering, VOL 1 |
More... |
(900) [TA335.G75 2006] |
Numerical Methods For
Engineers |
More... |
| | | |
(901) [TA335.A38 1994] |
Applied Numerical
Methods for Engineers |
More... |
(902) [TA333.S68 2009] |
Schaum’s Outline
Of Advanced Mathematics
For Engineers
And Scientists (Schaum’s
Outline Series) |
More... |
(903) [TA333.S61 1971] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Advanced Mathematics
for Engineers and
Scientists |
More... |
(904) [TA333.S61 1971] |
Schaum’s Theory
and Problems of Advanced
Mathematics for
Engineers and Scientists |
More... |
| | | |
(905) [TA333.S61 1971] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Advanced Mathematics
for Engineers and
Scientists |
More... |
(906) [TA332.S73 1985] |
Standard Handbook of
Engineering Calculations |
More... |
(907) [TA332.K87 1991] |
Handbook of
Applied Mathematics for
Engineers and Scientists |
More... |
(908) [TA331 .E88 1993] |
Engineering Problem
Solving With Matlab |
More... |
| | | |
(909) [TA330.O53 2006] |
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics |
More... |
(910) [TA330.O53 1997] |
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics |
More... |
(911) [TA330.M32 1984] |
Mathematical Methods In
Engineering |
More... |
(912) [TA330.G725 1998] |
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics |
More... |
| | | |
(913) [TA330.F28 1938] |
Engineering Mechanics |
More... |
(914) [TA330.D64 1936] |
Mathematics Of Modern
Engineering, Volume 1 |
More... |
(915) [TA330.B33 1977] |
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics |
More... |
(916) [TA330.A45 1986] |
Numerical Methods In
Engineering Practice |
More... |
| | | |
(917) [TA330 .K74 2011] |
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics |
More... |
(918) [TA330 .B34 1989] |
Engineering Mathematics |
More... |
(919) [TA177.4.B58 1983] |
Engineering Economy |
More... |
(920) [TA174.E23 1994] |
Design Graphics: Autocad
Release 12 |
More... |
| | | |
(921) [TA174 F68 1971] |
Optimization Methods for
Engineering Design |
More... |
(922) [TA168.C33 2003] |
Dynamics of Physical
Systems |
More... |
(923) [TA161.V4 1954] |
Analysis: An Introduction
to Professional Method. |
More... |
(924) [TA161.V4 1954] |
Analysis: An Introduction
to Professional Method. |
More... |
| | | |
(925) [TA159.L56 1982] |
Solutions Manual for the
Review Manual with a
Sample Examination |
More... |
(926) [TA159.B34 1982] |
Programmed Review of
Fundamentals |
More... |
(927) [TA152.H6 1971] |
Experimental Methods for
Engineers |
More... |
(928) [TA151.H82 1964] |
Schaum’s Basic Equations
of Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(929) [TA151.E8 1952] |
Handbook of Engineering
Fundamentals, College
edition |
More... |
(930) [TA149.J3 1960] |
The Wonderful World of
Engineering |
More... |
(931) [TA145.U7 1959 ] |
Civil Engineering
Handbook |
More... |
(932) [TA16.B85 1986] |
Builders of the Ancient
World |
More... |
| | | |
(933) [TA15.B85 1992] |
The Builders: Marvels of
Engineering |
More... |
(934) [TA15 U67 1976] |
An illustrated history of
civil engineering |
More... |
(935) [TA9.M36 1993] |
Encyclopedia of
Engineering |
More... |
(936) [T385.W543 1994] |
Graphics: Techniques &
Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(937) [T385.T76 2004] |
The Mathematica
Guidebook: Graphics |
More... |
(938) [T385.S62195 2003] |
Creating Web Graphics
for Dummies |
More... |
(939) [T385.R6 1976] |
Mathematical Elements
For Computer Graphics |
More... |
(940) [T385.P53 2000] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Computer Graphics |
More... |
| | | |
(941) [T385.P38 1982] |
Algorithms For Graphics
And Image Processing |
More... |
(942) [T385.O64 1993] |
Opengl Reference Manual
Release 1 |
More... |
(943) [T385.N48 1979] |
Principles of Interactive
Computer Graphics |
More... |
(944) [T385.N435 1993] |
Programming Guide: The
Official Guide to Learning
Opengl, Release 1 |
More... |
| | | |
(945) [T385.M93 1982] |
Microcomputer Graphics |
More... |
(946) [T385.M87 1996 ] |
Encyclopedia of Graphics
File Formats |
More... |
(947) [T385.H69613 1993b] |
Fundamentals of
Computer Aided
Geometric Design |
More... |
(948) [T385.H64 1989] |
and Solid Modeling: An
Introduction |
More... |
| | | |
(949) [T385.H34 1987] |
Computer Graphics: A
Programming Approach |
More... |
(950) [T385.G686 1998] |
Computer Graphics: From
3D Models to Animated
Movies on Your PC |
More... |
(951) [T385.F69173 1998] |
Freehand 8 Authorized |
More... |
(952) [T385.B34 1999] |
Graphica: The World Of
Mathematica Graphics |
More... |
| | | |
(953) [T385.A488 1998] |
Computer Graphics For
Java Programmers |
More... |
(954) [T385.A332 1991] |
Supercharged C++
Graphics |
More... |
(955) [T385 .N34 2002] |
Numerical Analysis And
Graphic Visualization
With Matlab |
More... |
(956) [T212.E63 1978] |
The Encyclopedia of
Inventions |
More... |
| | | |
(957) [T174.B452 2000 ] |
Engineering Tomorrow:
Today’s Technology
Experts Envision the Next
Century |
More... |
(958) [T57.8.S9 1974] |
Nonlinear Programming 2 |
More... |
(959) [T57.74.K64 1980] |
Linear Programming With
Applications |
More... |
(960) [T57.74.H33 1962] |
Linear Programming |
More... |
| | | |
(961) [T57.62.B35 1996] |
Discrete-Event System
Simulation |
More... |
(962) [T57.6.H54 1974] |
Operations Research |
More... |
(963) [T57.6.G56 1976] |
Introduction to
Operations Research |
More... |
(964) [T57.6.C4715 1957] |
Introduction to
Operations Research |
More... |
| | | |
(965) [T57.6.C4715 1957] |
Introduction to
Operations Research |
More... |
(966) [T57.6.A2 1968] |
Fundamentals of
Operations Research |
More... |
(967) [T57.37.A31x ] |
Design of Experiments to
Find Optimal Conditions |
More... |
(968) [T48.C63 1975] |
Concise color encyclopedia
of science |
More... |
| | | |
(969) [T47.M18 1998] |
The New Way Things
Work |
More... |
(970) [T47.H725 1990] |
How In The World?: A
Fascinating Journey
Through The World Of
Human Ingenuity |
More... |
(971) [T47.H68 1990] |
How Things Work |
More... |
(972) [T47 .S43 2000] |
Scientific American. How
Things Work Today |
More... |
| | | |
(973) [T39.F37 1979] |
Scientists & Inventors |
More... |
(974) [T18.I57 1988] |
Inventors & Discoverers:
Changing Our World |
More... |
(975) [T18.I57 1988] |
More... |
(976) [T15.Y4 1955] |
Flight (A Pictorial History
of Aviation by the Editors
of YEAR) |
More... |
| | | |
(977) [T15.H56 1954] |
More... |
(978) [T15.D75 2002] |
The Inventor’s Times |
More... |
(979) [T11.B78 2006] |
Handbook of Technical
Writing |
More... |
(980) [SB473 .S8446 2002] |
What’s In Style outdoor
living |
More... |
| | | |
(981) [SB419.W23 1976] |
Interior decorating with
plants |
More... |
(982) [RC78.7.T6K35
1988] |
Principles of
Tomographic Imaging |
More... |
(983) [RB155.6.W56 1991] |
Mapping Our Genes |
More... |
(984) [RB155.5.B57 1991] |
Genome |
More... |
| | | |
(985) [RB147.S83 1974] |
Fluids and electrolytes: a
practical approach |
More... |
(986) [R850.M43 2003] |
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