| | | |
(1251) [QC23.W4 1973] |
Elementary Modern
Physics |
More... |
(1252) [QC23.T138 1981] |
Physics, its methods and
meanings |
More... |
| | | |
(1253) [QC23.S458 2000] |
Physics: For Scientists and
Engineers, student
solution manual, VOL 1 |
More... |
(1254) [QC23.S3745 1970] |
University Physics part 2 |
More... |
(1255) [QC23.S3696 1950] |
Mechanics, Heat and
Sound |
More... |
(1256) [QC23.R47 1962] |
Modern College Physics
Part I Mechanics and
Thermodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1257) [QC23.M67 1972] |
Modern physics |
More... |
(1258) [QC23.M137 1984] |
Physics |
More... |
(1259) [QC23.L38 1969] |
More... |
(1260) [QC23.H739 1999] |
Physics: Concepts and
Connections |
More... |
| | | |
(1261) [QC23.H3917 1994] |
Physics |
More... |
(1262) [QC23.G399 1998] |
Physics: Principles with
Applications |
More... |
(1263) [QC23.G399 1991] |
Physics |
More... |
(1264) [QC23.G399 1985] |
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1265) [QC23.G355 1966] |
More... |
(1266) [QC23.F773 1949] |
Modern Introductory
Physics |
More... |
(1267) [QC23.F655 1973] |
VOL. 1& 2 |
More... |
(1268) [QC23.F47 V.1
1971] |
The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Vol. 1 |
More... |
| | | |
(1269) [QC23.F47 V.1
1971] |
The Feynman Lectures On
Physics, Vol. 1 |
More... |
(1270) [QC23.F47 v.3 c.4
1971] |
The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Vol. 3 |
More... |
(1271) [QC23.C985 1992] |
Physics |
More... |
(1272) [QC23.B675 1983] |
Principles of Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1273) [QC23.2.K65 2004] |
for scientists and engineers
with modern physics |
More... |
(1274) [QC23.2.H49 2002] |
Practicing Physics:
Worksheets to accompany
Conceptual Physics |
More... |
(1275) [QC23.2.C87 2001] |
Physics |
More... |
(1276) [QC23.2 .B68 2002] |
Physics For Game
Developers |
More... |
| | | |
(1277) [QC23 .W42 1973] |
Modern concepts in
physics |
More... |
(1278) [QC23 .S458 2000b
] |
Physics for Scientists and
Engineers: Volume 3
Chapters 23-34 |
More... |
(1279) [QC23 .S458 2000] |
Physics for Scientist and
Engineers With Modern
Physics |
More... |
(1280) [QC23 .R48 1962] |
Modern College Physics
part 1, Mechanic and
Thermodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1281) [QC23 .R48 1960] |
Modern College Physics
Part 1, mechanics and
thermodynamics |
More... |
(1282) [QC23 .M54 1968] |
Modern Physics |
More... |
(1283) [QC23 .H8836 1994
] |
Physics Quick Review |
More... |
(1284) [QC23 .H56 1993 ] |
Conceptual Physics: With
Expanded Technology |
More... |
| | | |
(1285) [QC23 .G377 1989] |
and classical physics and
modern. Study guide to
accompany Gettys Keller
Skove |
More... |
(1286) [QC22.F47 1971] |
The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Vol. 2 |
More... |
(1287) [QC22.F47 1971] |
The Feynman Lectures On
Physics, Vol. 2 |
More... |
(1288) [QC21.W48 1965] |
VOL 2 |
More... |
| | | |
(1289) [QC21.T33 1959] |
Physics, The
Pioneer Science, Volume
I (1): Mechanics, Heat,
Sound |
More... |
(1290) [QC21.T33 1959] |
Physics The
Pioneer Science, Volume II
(2): Light, Electricity |
More... |
(1291) [QC21.S595 1933] |
More... |
(1292) [QC21.S595 1933] |
More... |
| | | |
(1293) [QC21.H385 1948] |
Physics |
More... |
(1294) [QC21.H385 1948] |
Physics |
More... |
(1295) [QC21.H345 1963] |
Introductory Applied
Physics |
More... |
(1296) [QC21.G148m 1965] |
Mr Tompkins in
Paperback: the Atom |
More... |
| | | |
(1297) [QC21.C7 1958] |
Handbook of Physics |
More... |
(1298) [QC21.C7 1958] |
Handbook of Physics |
More... |
(1299) [QC21.B8413 1960] |
Physics And Microphysics
Expositions On Physics
And The History And
Philosophy Of Science |
More... |
(1300) [QC21.B42 1966] |
Modern Technical Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1301) [QC21.5.R435 1998] |
University Physics |
More... |
(1302) [QC21.3.G56 2010] |
College Physics reasoning
and relationships |
More... |
(1303) [QC21.3.G56 2010] |
College Physics |
More... |
(1304) [QC21.3.F57 2003] |
The Physics Companion |
More... |
| | | |
(1305) [QC21.3 .Y69 1996] |
Physics: Extended Version
With Modern Physics |
More... |
(1306) [QC21.3 .H35 1996] |
Fundamentals of Physics
Volume 2 |
More... |
(1307) [QC21.3 .H35 1996] |
Fundamentals of Physics
Volume 1 |
More... |
(1308) [QC21.2; .Y67 1992
v.1 guide ] |
Study Guide Volume 1 to
University Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1309) [QC21.2.W44 1983] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems
of Physics for Engineering
and Science |
More... |
(1310) [QC21.2.W428
1993] |
Dreams of a Final Theory |
More... |
(1311) [QC21.2.W428
1993] |
Dreams of a Final Theory |
More... |
(1312) [QC21.2.T549 1999] |
Physics for Scientists and
Engineers, Vol.
1: Mechanics, Oscillations
Waves, Thermodynamics
(Chapters 1-21) |
More... |
| | | |
(1313) [QC21.2.T549 1991] |
Physics for Scientists and
Version, Volumes 2
(Chapters 1-42) |
More... |
(1314) [QC21.2.T549 1990] |
Physics for Scientists and
Engineers (Volume 1) |
More... |
(1315) [QC21.2.T548 1976] |
Physics |
More... |
(1316) [QC21.2.T533 1979] |
Contemporary College
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1317) [QC21.2.S382 1994] |
Principles of Physics |
More... |
(1318) [QC21.2.S36 1982] |
University physics |
More... |
(1319) [QC21.2.N49 1989] |
The New Physics |
More... |
(1320) [QC21.2.M57 1994] |
Space, Time and Quanta |
More... |
| | | |
(1321) [QC21.2.L54 2000] |
Great Ideas in Physics |
More... |
(1322) [QC21.2.J66 1990] |
Contemporary College
Physics |
More... |
(1323) [QC21.2.H35 1988b] |
Fundamentals of Physics |
More... |
(1324) [QC21.2.H35 1988] |
Fundamentals of Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1325) [QC21.2.H35 1986b] |
Fundamentals of Physics |
More... |
(1326) [QC21.2.H35 1974] |
Fundamentals of Physics |
More... |
(1327) [QC21.2.G5 1988] |
Physics for Scientists and
Engineers |
More... |
(1328) [QC21.2.G5 1984] |
General Physics, Vol. 2 |
More... |
| | | |
(1329) [QC21.2.F52 1995] |
Six Easy Pieces |
More... |
(1330) [QC21.2.B842 1997] |
Schaum’s Outline of
College Physics |
More... |
(1331) [QC21.2.B842 1988] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems of
College Physics |
More... |
(1332) [QC21.2.B842 1961] |
Schaum’s Outline Series:
Theory and Problems of
College Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1333) [QC21.2.B45 1995] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Applied Physics |
More... |
(1334) [QC21.2.B45 1977] |
Schaum’s Outline
of Theory and Problems of
Applied Physics |
More... |
(1335) [QC21.2 R472 1992
c.2] |
Solutions to Accompany
Volumes One and Two
Extended Physics |
More... |
(1336) [QC21.2 H35 2001b
Supp. ] |
Fundamentals of Physics.
Problem Supplement No.
1 |
More... |
| | | |
(1337) [QC21.2 A23 1977 ] |
Ordinary Level Physics |
More... |
(1338) [QC21.2 1975] |
Introduction To
Physics For Scientists And
Engineers |
More... |
(1339) [QC21.2 .S378 1999
] |
College Physics, Vol. 2 |
More... |
(1340) [QC21.2 .S378 1995
Suppl.] |
Pocket Guide to
Accompany College
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1341) [QC21.2 .S362 1987] |
University Physics |
More... |
(1342) [QC21.2 .S286 1998] |
Saunders core concepts in
physics CD-ROM |
More... |
(1343) [QC21.2 .O37 1985] |
Physics |
More... |
(1344) [QC21.2 .N43 1977 ] |
Advanced Level Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1345) [QC21.2 .M67 1990
] |
The Edges
of Science: Crossing the
Boundary from Physics to
Metaphysics |
More... |
(1346) [QC21.2 .M65 1989] |
The Story Of Physics |
More... |
(1347) [QC21.2 .H35 2001b
] |
Fundamentals of Physics |
More... |
(1348) [QC21.2 .H35 1993] |
Fundamentals of Physics:
Extended, With Modern
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1349) [QC21.2 .B65 1995] |
Physics: A window on our
world |
More... |
(1350) [QC21.2 .B55 1972] |
Modern Physics:
An Introduction to Its
Mathematical Language |
More... |
(1351) [QC21.2 .A28 1987 ] |
The Great
Design: Particles, Fields,
and Creation |
More... |
(1352) [QC21 B6342 1958] |
Introduction to Modern
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1353) [QC21 .R42 pt. 2
1966] |
Physics Vol 2 |
More... |
(1354) [QC21 .R42 pt. 1
1962] |
Physics Vol 1 |
More... |
(1355) [QC21 .H95 1934] |
An elementary survey of
modern physics |
More... |
(1356) [QC20.W27 1984] |
Mathematical Analysis Of
Physical Problems |
More... |
| | | |
(1357) [QC20.T445 1999] |
Computational Physics |
More... |
(1358) [QC20.P35 1979] |
Surprises in Theoretical
Physics |
More... |
(1359) [QC20.M43 1963] |
Analytical And Canonical
Formalism In Physics |
More... |
(1360) [QC20.M4 1961 ] |
Mathematical Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1361) [QC20.L5 1969] |
Concepts And Methods Of
Theoretical Physics |
More... |
(1362) [QC20.L383 1965] |
Problems Of
Mathematical Physics |
More... |
(1363) [QC20.K7 2007] |
Fundamentals of
Mathematical Physics |
More... |
(1364) [QC20.J62 1950] |
Theoretical Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1365) [QC20.H62 1952] |
An Introduction to
Mathematical Physics |
More... |
(1366) [QC20.H393 2003] |
Mathematical Methods
using Mathematica |
More... |
(1367) [QC20.G47 1985] |
Mathematical Physics |
More... |
(1368) [QC20.G37 2000] |
Numerical Methods for
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1369) [QC20.D39 1996] |
Mathematics for
Physicists |
More... |
(1370) [QC20.C65 1958] |
Theoretical Physics |
More... |
(1371) [QC20.82.L413
1979] |
Worked Problems in
Applied Mathematics |
More... |
(1372) [QC20.82.B813
1988] |
A Collection of Problems
in Mathematical Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1373) [QC20.7.K47.B47
2005] |
Kernel Functions And
Differential Equations In
Mathematical Physics |
More... |
(1374) [QC20.7.H35 C35
1996] |
Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian Mechanics:
Solutions to the Exercises |
More... |
(1375) [QC20.7.F56.R43
2004] |
Introduction To Nonlinear
Finite Element Analysis |
More... |
(1376) [QC20.7.E4B3813
2004] |
for Theoretical Physics
classical mechanics and
nonlinear dynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1377) [QC20.7.D5H7
2005] |
Practical Applied
Mathematics: Modelling,
Analysis, Approximation
(Cambridge Texts in
Applied Mathematics) |
More... |
(1378) [QC20.7.D5.G83
1996] |
Partial Differential
Of Mathematical Physics
And Integral Equations |
More... |
(1379) [QC20.7.C36G55
1993] |
Catastrophe Theory for
Scientists and Engineers |
More... |
(1380) [QC20.7.A4P49
2006] |
Physics with MAPLE |
More... |
| | | |
(1381) [QC16.W516A3
1991] |
Joy of Insight: Passions of
a Physicist |
More... |
(1382) [QC16.S29J85 1996] |
Schwinger: The Physicist,
the Teacher, and the Man |
More... |
(1383) [QC16.R8 A5 1978] |
Rutherford and the nature
of the Atom |
More... |
(1384) [QC16.R8 A5 1964] |
Rutherford and the nature
of the atom |
More... |
| | | |
(1385) [QC16.M56L58
1979] |
Master of Light:
A Biography of Albert A.
Michelson |
More... |
(1386) [QC16.H33W45
2002] |
Stephen Hawking A Life in
Science |
More... |
(1387) [QC16.H33A3 1993] |
Holes and Baby Universes
and Other Essays |
More... |
(1388) [QC16.H33A3 1993] |
Holes and Baby Universes
and Other Essays |
More... |
| | | |
(1389) [QC16.F49A3 1988] |
What Do You Care What
Other People Think:
Further Adventures of a
Curious Character |
More... |
(1390) [QC16.F49 A37
1985] |
Surely You’re Joking Mr.
Feynman |
More... |
(1391) [QC16.E5W49 1967] |
More... |
(1392) [QC16.E5F68 2004] |
Einstein A to Z |
More... |
| | | |
(1393) [QC16.E5C5 1971] |
Einstein: The Life and
Times |
More... |
(1394) [QC16.E5A3 1950] |
Out of My Later Years |
More... |
(1395) [QC16.E5A3 1950] |
Out Of My Later Years |
More... |
(1396) [QC16.E5A2 1987 ] |
The Collected Papers of
Albert Einstein, Volume 2:
The Swiss Years: Writings,
1900-1909 |
More... |
| | | |
(1397) [QC16.E5.E37 1979] |
Einstein, A Centenary
volume |
More... |
(1398) [QC16.E5 E37 1979] |
Einstein: A Centenary
Volume |
More... |
(1399) [QC16.E5 E37 1979] |
Einstein: A Centenary
Volume |
More... |
(1400) [QC16.E5 A3 2000] |
Out Of My Later Years |
More... |
| | | |
(1401) [QC16.B63N49
1985] |
Niels Bohr: A Centenary
Volume |
More... |
(1402) [QC16.062A4 1980] |
Oppenheimer: Letters and
Recollections |
More... |
(1403) [QC15.C76 2001] |
Great Physicists: The Life
And Times Of Leading
Physicists From Galileo To
Hawking |
More... |
(1404) [QC15.C4 1987] |
Men Who Made a New
Physics: Physicists and
the Quantum Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(1405) [QC9.U5K48 1978] |
The Physicists |
More... |
(1406) [QC7.S63 1981] |
The Physicists |
More... |
(1407) [QC7.H694 1985] |
of Physics (Readings from
Physics Today, No 2) |
More... |
(1408) [QC7.G74 1987] |
Experiments in Physics:
Firsthand Accounts from
Galileo to Einstein |
More... |
| | | |
(1409) [QC7.E5 1961] |
More... |
(1410) [QC7.B46 1997] |
A history of classical
physics: From antiquity to
the quantum |
More... |
(1411) [QC7.A1 H69 2007] |
Historical Studies in the
Physical Sciences, Annual
Volume 7 |
More... |
(1412) [QC7.5W43 1986] |
World of Physics, Volume
3 |
More... |
| | | |
(1413) [QC7 .T8 1961 ] |
Turning Points in Physics |
More... |
(1414) [QC7 .E5.1960] |
Evolution of Physics |
More... |
(1415) [QC7 .E5 1939 ] |
The Evolution Of Physics |
More... |
(1416) [QC6.T526 1995b] |
Black Holes and Time
Warps: Einstein’s
Outrageous Legacy |
More... |
| | | |
(1417) [QC6.T35 1971] |
Spacetime Physics |
More... |
(1418) [QC6.S87 1926] |
Three Men Discuss
Relativity |
More... |
(1419) [QC6.S74 1996] |
The Six Core Theories of
Modern Physics |
More... |
(1420) [QC6.S628 1965] |
Introduction To Special
Relativity |
More... |
| | | |
(1421) [QC6.S3 1963] |
Space And Time In
Contemporary Physics |
More... |
(1422) [QC6.R388 1968] |
Introduction To Special
Relativity |
More... |
(1423) [QC6.N49 1962] |
Electromagnetism and
Relativity |
More... |
(1424) [QC6.M52 1952] |
The Theory of Relativity |
More... |
| | | |
(1425) [QC6.L42 1957] |
Foundations Of Physics |
More... |
(1426) [QC6.L42 1957] |
Foundation of Physics |
More... |
(1427) [QC6.I6 1934] |
Albert Einstein |
More... |
(1428) [QC6.E37 1958 ] |
Philosophy of Physical
Science |
More... |
| | | |
(1429) [QC6.C277 1984] |
The Tao of Physics |
More... |
(1430) [QC6.C277 1975] |
The Tao of Physics |
More... |
(1431) [QC6.B653 1965] |
Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity |
More... |
(1432) [QC6.B454 1968] |
The Riddle of Gravitation |
More... |
| | | |
(1433) [QC6.B33 1953] |
The Universe and Dr.
Einstein |
More... |
(1434) [QC6.A3 1950] |
The Evolution Of
Scientific Thought. From
Newton to Einstein |
More... |
(1435) [QC6.2 O5 2002] |
On The Shoulders Of
Giants |
More... |
(1436) [QC6 .T526 1994] |
Black Holes And Time
Warps: Einstein’s
Outrageous Legacy |
More... |
| | | |
(1437) [QC6 .R961 1958] |
More... |
(1438) [QC6 .H34 c.2 1962] |
Physics and Philosophy
the Revolution in Modern
Science |
More... |
(1439) [QC5.M425 1983] |
Encyclopedia of Physics |
More... |
(1440) [QC5.M424 1997] |
McGraw-Hill Dictionary
of Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1441) [QC3.R26 1964] |
the Scientific Papers of J.
Willard Gibbs, volume one |
More... |
(1442) [QC3.P3513 2000
vol. 5] |
Wave Mechanics (Vol. 5 of
Pauli Lectures on Physics)
(Pauli Lectures on Physics
Volume 5) |
More... |
(1443) [QC3.P35 2000 vol.
6] |
Selected Topics in Field
Quantization (Vol. 6 of
Pauli Lectures on Physics) |
More... |
(1444) [QC3.P35 2000 vol.
3] |
Thermodynamics and the
Kinetic Theory of Gases
(Vol. 3 of Pauli Lectures
on Phys) |
More... |
| | | |
(1445) [QC3.P35 2000 vol.
2] |
Optics and the Theory of
Electrons (Vol. 2 of Pauli
Lectures on Physics) |
More... |
(1446) [QC3.P35 2000] |
Statistical Mechanics (Vol.
4 of Pauli Lectures on
Physics) |
More... |
(1447) [QC3.P35 2000] |
Electrodynamics (Vol. 1 of
Pauli Lectures on Physics) |
More... |
(1448) [QC3.F52 1960] |
More... |
| | | |
(1449) [QC.21.2.H19 1091] |
Solutions For
Fundamentals Of Physics
2e |
More... |
(1450) [QC.6.M52 1952] |
The Theory Of Relativity |
More... |
(1451) [QC 71.W67 1991] |
The World Treasury of
Physics, Astonomy, and
Mathematics |
More... |
(1452) [QC 6 . E43 1967] |
The Meaning of Relativity |
More... |
| | | |
(1453) [QB991.E94B37
1993] |
Left Hand of Creation:
The Origin and Evolution
of the Expanding Universe |
More... |
(1454) [QB982.D38 1997] |
The Last Three Minutes:
Conjectures About The
Ultimate Fate Of The
Universe |
More... |
(1455) [QB982.D38 1997] |
The Last Three Minutes:
Conjectures About The
Ultimate Fate Of The
Universe |
More... |
(1456) [QB981A35 1999] |
God’s Equation: Einstein,
Relativity, and the
Expanding Universe |
More... |
| | | |
(1457) [QB981.S55 1988] |
The Big Bang |
More... |
(1458) [QB981.R36 1980] |
Theoretical Cosmology |
More... |
(1459) [QB981.P424 1993] |
Principles of Physical
Cosmology |
More... |
(1460) [QB981.M865 1982] |
Powers of Ten |
More... |
| | | |
(1461) [QB981.L33 1984] |
Constructing the Universe |
More... |
(1462) [QB981.K3 1977] |
Relativity and Cosmology |
More... |
(1463) [QB981.H377 1998] |
A Brief History of Time |
More... |
(1464) [QB981.H377 1988] |
A Brief History Of Time
- From The Big Bang To
Black Holes |
More... |
| | | |
(1465) [QB981.H32 1981] |
Cosmology: The Science of
the Universe |
More... |
(1466) [QB981.E3 1958] |
The Expanding Universe |
More... |
(1467) [QB981.C823] |
Cosmology + 1 (Readings
from Scientific American) |
More... |
(1468) [QB843.B55S94
1979] |
Black Holes: The Edge of
Space, The End of Time |
More... |
| | | |
(1469) [QB843.B55S94
1979] |
Black Holes: The Edge of
Space, The End of Time |
More... |
(1470) [QB843.B55S54
1976] |
Black holes, quasars & the
universe |
More... |
(1471) [QB843.B55K38
1979] |
Black Holes and Warped
Spacetime |
More... |
(1472) [QB843.B55B585
1998] |
Black Holes and
Relativistic Stars |
More... |
| | | |
(1473) [QB843.B55A84
1977] |
The Collapsing Universe:
The Story of the Black
Holes |
More... |
(1474) [QB801.S44 2001] |
Stars and Galaxies |
More... |
(1475) [QB801.S35 1958] |
Structure and Evolution of
the Stars |
More... |
(1476) [QB801.S35 1958] |
Structure And Evolution
Of The Stars |
More... |
| | | |
(1477) [QB801.K25 1992] |
Stars (Scientific American
Library) |
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(1478) [QB721.S34 1985] |
Comet |
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(1479) [QB721.5.F5 1982] |
Comets and Meteors (1st
Book) |
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(1480) [QB638.8M8 1988] |
Nemesis The Death Star
The Story of a Scientific
Revolution |
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(1481) [QB637.N5 1970] |
This Island Earth. NASA
SP-250 |
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(1482) [QB631.B38 1964] |
Life Nature Library: THE
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(1483) [QB603.M6.G66
1996] |
Feynman’s Lost Lecture:
The Motion Of Planets
Around The Sun |
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(1484) [QB601.9.P55 1983] |
The Planets: Readings
from ’Scientific American’ |
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(1485) [QB501.S43 2001] |
The Solar System |
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(1486) [QB501.N47 1999] |
The New Solar System |
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(1487) [QB501.2 .M54
1993] |
The Grand Tour |
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(1488) [QB500.K3 1955] |
Design of the Universe |
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(1489) [QB500.K3 1954] |
Design of the Universe |
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(1490) [QB500.268.C48
1994] |
The Hubble Wars |
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(1491) [QB462.65 .R45
1996] |
Relativistic Astrophysics |
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(1492) [QB461.S3913 1979] |
White Dwarfs Black Holes |
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(1493) [QB355.G3 1963] |
Theory Of The Motion
Of The Heavenly Bodies
Moving About The Sun In
Conic Sections |
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(1494) [QB355.G2713
2004] |
Theory of the motion
of the heavenly bodies
moving about the sun in
conic sections |
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(1495) [QB355.B68 1991] |
of Orbit Determination for
the Microcomputer |
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(1496) [QB355.5.C65 1993] |
Solving Kepler’s Equation
over Three Centuries |
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(1497) [QB351.P48 1993] |
Newtons Clock Chaos in
the Solar System |
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(1498) [QB351.M92 1914] |
Introduction To Celestial
Mechanics |
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(1499) [QB209.C34 1983] |
Timescale |
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(1500) [QB209.A8 1965] |
the clock we live on |
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