| | | |
(1001) [QH581.2.B47 1983] |
Cells (Saunders modern
biology series) |
More... |
(1002) [QH541.15.M3.C37
1997] |
Case studies
in mathematical modeling.
ecology, physiology, and
cell biology |
More... |
(1003) [QH508.M48 1966] |
Biological Control
Systems Analysis |
More... |
(1004) [QH506.S76 1996] |
Outline of Molecular and
Cell Biology |
More... |
| | | |
(1005) [QH506.P74 1979] |
Basic Molecular Biology |
More... |
(1006) [QH455.H36 1981] |
Primer of Population
Genetics |
More... |
(1007) [QH455.G34 1980] |
Population genetics
(Tertiary level biology) |
More... |
(1008) [QH447.G85 1994] |
Guide To Human Genome
Computing |
More... |
| | | |
(1009) [QH447.B56 1994] |
informatics and genome
projects |
More... |
(1010) [QH442.W373 1983] |
Deoxyribonucleic Acid: A
Short Course |
More... |
(1011) [QH442.O42 1985] |
Principles of Gene
Manipulation (Studies in
Microbiology) |
More... |
(1012) [QH442.G443 1981] |
Genetic Engineering |
More... |
| | | |
(1013) [QH441.2.M68 2001] |
Bioinformatics: Sequence
and Genome Analysis |
More... |
(1014) [QH438.4.M33W38
1995] |
Introduction to
Biology: Maps, Sequences
and Genomes |
More... |
(1015) [QH436.G66 1983] |
Cartoon Guide to
Genetics |
More... |
(1016) [QH430.I62 1993] |
An Introduction to
Genetic Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(1017) [QH430.H3732
1999] |
Essential Genetics |
More... |
(1018) [QH430.H3732
1996] |
Essential Genetics |
More... |
(1019) [QH430.H373 1988] |
Basic Genetics (The Jones
and Bartlett series in
biology) |
More... |
(1020) [QH366.M24 1977] |
The History of Life |
More... |
| | | |
(1021) [QH365.O8R87
1976] |
Darwin in America |
More... |
(1022) [QH365 .O2 1964] |
On the Origin of Species:
A Facsimile of the First
Edition |
More... |
(1023) [QH325.K388 1995] |
At Home in the Universe:
The Search for the Laws
of Self-Organization and
Complexity |
More... |
(1024) [QH325.J34 1967] |
Red Giant and White
Dwarfs |
More... |
| | | |
(1025) [QH324.S4 1066] |
Matrix Algebra For The
Biological Sciences |
More... |
(1026) [QH324.2.G53 2001] |
Developing Bioinformatics
Computer Skills |
More... |
(1027) [QH323.5.Z37 1974] |
Biostatistical Analysis |
More... |
(1028) [QH308.2.M363
1988] |
Inquiry into life |
More... |
| | | |
(1029) [QH308.2.C87 1985] |
Invitation To Biology |
More... |
(1030) [QH308.2 .T63
2001] |
Asking About Life |
More... |
(1031) [QH305.B67 1988] |
Album of Science: The
Biological Sciences in the
Twentieth Century |
More... |
(1032) [QH303 1973] |
Mathematical Methods
For Science Students |
More... |
| | | |
(1033) [QH302.5.H34 1991] |
HarperCollins Dictionary
of Biology |
More... |
(1034) [QH212.T7R43
1983] |
Springer series in optical
sciences: Transmission
electron microscopy VOL
36 |
More... |
(1035) [QE604.M4 1976] |
Stress and Strain |
More... |
(1036) [QE601.C52 1972] |
Structure of the Earth |
More... |
| | | |
(1037) [QE538.5.B65 1972] |
Methods in computational
physics, Volume 11,
seismology |
More... |
(1038) [QE535.I2 1971] |
Earthquake Country |
More... |
(1039) [QE535 .I2 c.2 1972] |
Earthquake country |
More... |
(1040) [QE534.2.B64 1988] |
Earthquakes |
More... |
| | | |
(1041) [QE521.2.W66
1987] |
Earthquakes and
Volcanoes |
More... |
(1042) [QE521.2.W34
1982] |
Earthquake |
More... |
(1043) [QE516.3.W35
1991] |
Numerical Adventures
With Geochemical Cycles |
More... |
(1044) [QE501.D8 1969] |
More... |
| | | |
(1045) [QD501.R34 1963] |
Reaction Kinetics |
More... |
(1046) [QD501.H573 1986] |
Introduction to Statistical
Thermodynamics |
More... |
(1047) [QD453.2.B37 1988] |
Physical Chemistry |
More... |
(1048) [QD281.P6M34
1965] |
Giant Molecules, LIFE
Science Library |
More... |
| | | |
(1049) [QD271.E8 1965] |
Open tubular columns in
gas chromatography |
More... |
(1050) [QD251.H28 1940] |
Physical Organic
Chemistry |
More... |
(1051) [QD171.C68 1948] |
Theoretical Structural
Metallurgy |
More... |
(1052) [QD101.P5 1948] |
Quantitative Analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(1053) [QD101.H32 1941] |
Textbook of quantitative
analysis |
More... |
(1054) [QD101.E6 1936] |
A textbook of elementary
quantitive analysis |
More... |
(1055) [QD42.S47 1967] |
Chemistry Problems |
More... |
(1056) [QD42.R534 1977] |
REA. Chemistry Problem
Solver |
More... |
| | | |
(1057) [QD33.T757 2001] |
Chemistry in Focus: A
Molecular View of Our
World (with InfoTrac) |
More... |
(1058) [QD33.P34 1988] |
General Chemistry |
More... |
(1059) [QD33.H45 1993] |
Foundations Of College
Chemistry |
More... |
(1060) [QD31.2.N4 1980] |
College chemistry: With
qualitative analysis |
More... |
| | | |
(1061) [QC795.27.M38
1986] |
Radioactivity: From the
Curies to the Atomic Age |
More... |
(1062) [QC794.6.G7 L55
1993] |
The End Of Physics: The
Myth Of A Unified Theory |
More... |
(1063) [QC793.5.Q252R56
1987] |
The Hunting of the Quark |
More... |
(1064) [QC793.5.B62W37
1986] |
Story of the W and Z |
More... |
| | | |
(1065) [QC793.3.A5.B75
1962] |
Angular Momentum |
More... |
(1066) [QC793.26.P3725
2003] |
Particle Physics For
Non-Physicists: A Tour Of
The Microcosmos |
More... |
(1067) [QC793.2.W44
1983] |
The Discovery of
Subatomic Particles |
More... |
(1068) [QC793.2.P38 1990] |
Particles and Forces: At
the Heart of Matter |
More... |
| | | |
(1069) [QC793.2.H83 1985] |
Elementary Particles |
More... |
(1070) [QC793.2.G747
1998] |
Q Is for Quantum |
More... |
(1071) [QC778.F73 1961] |
Atomic Physics Today |
More... |
(1072) [QC778.C34 1978] |
The Key to the Universe:
A Report on the New
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1073) [QC778.5.S79 1995] |
World Of Atoms & Quarks |
More... |
(1074) [QC774.G45J65
1999] |
Strange Beauty: Murray
and the Revolution in
Physics |
More... |
(1075) [QC773.K613 1963] |
The Atomic Nucleus |
More... |
(1076) [QC760.S23 1989] |
Elements of
Electromagnetics |
More... |
| | | |
(1077) [QC760.54.H86
1998] |
Field Solutions On
Computers |
More... |
(1078) [QC760 .S24 1992] |
Numerical Techniques In
Electromagnetics |
More... |
(1079) [QC721.O4 1968] |
Old And New Problems In
Elementary Particles |
More... |
(1080) [QC721.M68 1924] |
The Electron |
More... |
| | | |
(1081) [QC721.L64 1963] |
Elementary Particles |
More... |
(1082) [QC721.F75 1963] |
The world of elementary
particles |
More... |
(1083) [QC718.B76 1959] |
More... |
(1084) [QC680.G74 2008] |
Introduction To
Electrodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1085) [QC680.G74 ] |
Introduction to
Electrodynamics |
More... |
(1086) [QC670.R4 1993] |
Foundations of
Electromagnetic Theory |
More... |
(1087) [QC670.P73 1978] |
Applied Electromagnetics |
More... |
(1088) [QC670.M344 1990] |
Electromagnetic Concepts
and Applications |
More... |
| | | |
(1089) [QC670.H39 1967] |
Electromagnetics |
More... |
(1090) [QC670.C6 1962] |
More... |
(1091) [QC670.C6 1962] |
Introduction to
electromagnetic fields and
waves |
More... |
(1092) [QC670 .R3 1953 ] |
Fields and Waves in
Modern Radio |
More... |
| | | |
(1093) [QC665.E4R36
1984] |
Fields and
Waves in Communication
Electronics |
More... |
(1094) [QC665.E4R36
1984] |
Fields and
Waves in Communication
Electronics |
More... |
(1095) [QC665.E4 .C66
1975] |
The Theory Of The
Electromagnetic Field |
More... |
(1096) [QC661.S63 1948] |
Fundamentals of Electric
Waves |
More... |
| | | |
(1097) [QC661.P3 1969] |
Basic Electromagnetic
Theory |
More... |
(1098) [QC661.K72 1984] |
Electromagnetics |
More... |
(1099) [QC661 .P3 c.3
1969] |
Basic Electromagnetic
Theory |
More... |
(1100) [QC611.92.V53
1993] |
Superconductivity: The
Next Revolution? |
More... |
| | | |
(1101) [QC607.G7 1953] |
Introductory Circuit
Theory |
More... |
(1102) [QC527.2.V64 1985] |
Electricity and Magnetism
(First Book Series) |
More... |
(1103) [QC523.S9 1962 ] |
Basic Electrical and
Electronic Principles |
More... |
(1104) [QC523.G8 1965] |
Basic Electronics |
More... |
| | | |
(1105) [QC518.S55 1939] |
Static and Dynamic
Electricity |
More... |
(1106) [QC518.O7 1965] |
Electromagnetic Theory.
A Critical Examination of
Fundamentals. Vol 2 |
More... |
(1107) [QC518.O7 1965] |
Electromagnetic Theory.
A Critical Examination of
Fundamentals. Vol 1 |
More... |
(1108) [QC518.K5 1969] |
Fundamentals of
Electricity and Magnetism |
More... |
| | | |
(1109) [QC518 .M47 1954] |
Treatise on Electricity and
Magnetism, Vol. 2 |
More... |
(1110) [QC507.G8 1986] |
Electricity: From Faraday
to Solar Generators |
More... |
(1111) [QC475.S4 1972] |
The fundamentals of
X-ray and radium physics |
More... |
(1112) [QC475.S4 1965] |
Fundamentals of X-Ray
and Radium Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1113) [QC451.H453 1944 ] |
Atomic Spectra And
Atomic Structure |
More... |
(1114) [QC355.R68 1957] |
Optics |
More... |
(1115) [QC355.J4 1957] |
More... |
(1116) [QC355.H533 1968] |
What is light? |
More... |
| | | |
(1117) [QC353 .N57 1979] |
Opticks |
More... |
(1118) [QC320.I46 1985] |
Introduction to Heat
Transfer |
More... |
(1119) [QC320.I45 1996] |
Fundamentals of Heat and
Mass Transfer |
More... |
(1120) [QC320.H64 1981] |
Heat Transfer |
More... |
| | | |
(1121) [QC320.A29 1969] |
Advanced Heat Transfer |
More... |
(1122) [QC311.V285 1983] |
Thermodynamics |
More... |
(1123) [QC311.S42 1953] |
An introduction
to thermodynamics, The
kinetic theory of gases,
and statistical mechanics |
More... |
(1124) [QC311.P72 1990] |
Treatise On
Thermodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1125) [QC311.P28 1968] |
Thermodynamics for
Scientists and Engineers |
More... |
(1126) [QC311.O2 1949] |
More... |
(1127) [QC311.O2 1949] |
More... |
(1128) [QC311.H76 1980] |
Thermodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1129) [QC311.H76 1974] |
Thermodynamics |
More... |
(1130) [QC311 .V27 1959] |
Thermodynamics With
Supplementary Problems |
More... |
(1131) [QC311 .M6 1964] |
Thermal Physics |
More... |
(1132) [QC311 .F47 1956
c.2] |
Thermodynamics |
More... |
| | | |
(1133) [QC278.J3 1962] |
Low Temperature Physics |
More... |
(1134) [QC191.K8 1963] |
Stress Waves In Solids |
More... |
(1135) [QC178 .N5 1981 ] |
Gravity: Black Holes & the
Universe |
More... |
(1136) [QC178 .F6 1974] |
Far out physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1137) [QC177 W62 1951] |
A History of the Theories
of Aether and Electricity.
Volume I: The Classical
Theories |
More... |
(1138) [QC176.K5 1966] |
Introduction to Solid State
Physics |
More... |
(1139) [QC176.H6 1992] |
The Nature of Solids |
More... |
(1140) [QC176.8.W3G7
1991] |
Wave Motion in Elastic
Solids |
More... |
| | | |
(1141) [QC176.8.A3 A841
1973] |
Acoustic Fields and Waves
in Solids VOL 1 |
More... |
(1142) [QC175.R4 1995] |
Statistical Physics for
Students of Science and
Engineering |
More... |
(1143) [QC175.P74 1958] |
Kinetic Theory Of Gases |
More... |
(1144) [QC175.M247 1971] |
Statistics For Physicists |
More... |
| | | |
(1145) [QC175.H14 1954] |
Elements of Statistical
Mechanics |
More... |
(1146) [QC175.G5 1960] |
Elementary Principles In
Statistical Mechanics |
More... |
(1147) [QC175.B7213 1995] |
Lectures on Gas Theory |
More... |
(1148) [QC175.2.B6 1972] |
The Boltzmann Equation |
More... |
| | | |
(1149) [QC175 .M18 2006] |
Introductory Statistical
Mechanics for Physicists |
More... |
(1150) [QC174.W5 1966] |
Basic Quantum Mechanics |
More... |
(1151) [QC174.H3 1958] |
Introduction To The
Physics Of Many-Body
Systems |
More... |
(1152) [QC174.F44 1966] |
On Quantum Mechanics;
A Course Given At The
University Of Chicago |
More... |
| | | |
(1153) [QC174.45.S96 1968
] |
Numerical solution of field
problems in continuum
physics, Volume 2 |
More... |
(1154) [QC174.45.S6 1968] |
Numerical solution of field
problems in continuum
physics, vol 2 |
More... |
(1155) [QC174.2.C6 1929] |
Quantum Mechanics |
More... |
(1156) [QC174.17.S9K36
2000] |
Unveiling the Ultimate
Laws of Nature |
More... |
| | | |
(1157) [QC174.13.M55
1997] |
Schrodinger’s Machines:
The Quantum Technology
Reshaping Everyday Life |
More... |
(1158) [QC174.12.W64
1981] |
Taking the
Quantum Leap: The New
Physics for Nonscientists |
More... |
(1159) [QC174.12.W48
1996] |
Einstein, Bohr and the
Quantum Dilemma |
More... |
(1160) [QC174.12.R96713
1996] |
Is Quantum Mechanics? A
Physics Adventure |
More... |
| | | |
(1161) [QC174.12.P415
1998] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Quantum Mechanics |
More... |
(1162) [QC174.12.P39
1985] |
Introduction to
Quantum Mechanics with
Applications to Chemistry |
More... |
(1163) [QC174.12.L52
1980] |
Introductory quantum
mechanics |
More... |
(1164) [QC174.12.H39
2001] |
The Universe in a Nutshell |
More... |
| | | |
(1165) [QC174.12.G35
1985] |
Thirty Years that Shook
Physics: The Story of
Quantum Theory |
More... |
(1166) [QC174.12.C6313
1977] |
Quantum Mechanics,
Volume 1 |
More... |
(1167) [QC174.12.B632
1989] |
Quantum Theory |
More... |
(1168) [QC174.12.B6 1976] |
Elements Of Quantum
Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(1169) [QC174.12.B464
1991] |
Quantum Profiles |
More... |
(1170) [QC174.12.B38
1973] |
Lectures On Quantum
Mechanics |
More... |
(1171) [QC174.12.B34
1992] |
The Meaning of Quantum
Theory |
More... |
(1172) [QC174.12 2002] |
The Greatest Mystery In
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1173) [QC174.12 .M379
2006] |
Quantum Mechanics
Demystified |
More... |
(1174) [QC174.12 .G75
2012] |
Introduction To Quantum
Mechanics |
More... |
(1175) [QC174.1.M413
1961] |
Quantum Mechanics Vol 1 |
More... |
(1176) [QC174.1.H7 1959] |
Principles Of Quantum
Mechanics |
More... |
| | | |
(1177) [QC174.1.G8 1968] |
More... |
(1178) [QC174.1.F5713
1994] |
Practical Quantum
Mechanics |
More... |
(1179) [QC174.1 W3 1968] |
Sources of Quantum
Mechanics |
More... |
(1180) [QC174.1 .S528
1969] |
Concepts And
Development Of Quantum
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1181) [QC173.S6 1956] |
Modern Physics a
textbook for engineers |
More... |
(1182) [QC173.S316 1962] |
Theoretical physics
: lectures presented at the
Seminar on Theoretical
Physics organized by the
International Atomic
Energy Agency |
More... |
(1183) [QC173.F7217 1958] |
Principles of Modern
Physics |
More... |
(1184) [QC173.B56 1966] |
The World of the Atom:
Volume 2 |
More... |
| | | |
(1185) [QC173.B48 1956] |
Elementary Nuclear
Theory |
More... |
(1186) [QC173.B414 1969] |
Perspectives Of Modern
Physics |
More... |
(1187) [QC173.B36 1937] |
Energy and
matter, Building blocks of
the universe |
More... |
(1188) [QC173.B143 1963] |
Concepts of modern
physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1189) [QC173.A254 1968] |
The Elementary
Mathematics of the Atom |
More... |
(1190) [QC173.98.G75
1984] |
In Search of Schrodinger’s
Cat: Quantum Physics
and Reality |
More... |
(1191) [QC173.59.S65S39
1986] |
Einstein’s Legacy: The
Unity of Space and Time |
More... |
(1192) [QC173.59.S65S39
1986] |
Einstein’s Legacy: The
Unity of Space and Time |
More... |
| | | |
(1193) [QC173.59.G44C58
1995] |
Gravitation and Inertia |
More... |
(1194) [QC173.55.R47
1985] |
Concepts in Relativity and
Early Quantum Theory |
More... |
(1195) [QC173.55.C46
1988] |
Relatively Speaking:
Relativity, Black
Holes, and the Fate of the
Universe |
More... |
(1196) [QC173.55.C34
1982] |
Einstein’s Universe |
More... |
| | | |
(1197) [QC173.55.C34
1980] |
Einstein’s Universe |
More... |
(1198) [QC173.55 1981] |
Theory of Relativity |
More... |
(1199) [QC173.55 1961 ] |
Relativity: The Special
and the General Theory |
More... |
(1200) [QC173.55 1961 ] |
Relativity: The Special
And The General Theory |
More... |
| | | |
(1201) [QC173.52.M54
1981] |
Albert Einstein’s Special
Theory Of Relativity |
More... |
(1202) [QC173.52.H63
1983] |
Relativity and Its Roots |
More... |
(1203) [QC171.B624 1970] |
Elements of Physical
Science: The Nature of
Matter and Energy |
More... |
(1204) [QC171 .L33 1965] |
Matter: Life Science
Library |
More... |
| | | |
(1205) [QC168.J6 1969] |
Gas dynamics |
More... |
(1206) [QC157.W3 1964] |
Waves and Oscillations |
More... |
(1207) [QC145.2.T73 2010] |
To The Physics Of Fluids
And Solids |
More... |
(1208) [QC133.T84 1991] |
An Experimental
Approach To Nonlinear
Dynamics And Chaos |
More... |
| | | |
(1209) [QC127 .A6 1914] |
Physics for technical
students Mechanics and
heat |
More... |
(1210) [QC125.S98 1960] |
Mechanics |
More... |
(1211) [QC125.S98 1960] |
Mechanics |
More... |
(1212) [QC125.S45 1940] |
The Modern Theory Of
Solids |
More... |
| | | |
(1213) [QC125.2.S94 1971] |
Mechanics |
More... |
(1214) [QC125.2.M39 1997] |
Classical Mechanics |
More... |
(1215) [QC122.C6 1960] |
The Birth of a New
Physics |
More... |
(1216) [QC122 .C6 1985] |
The Birth of a New
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1217) [QC75.G86 1999] |
The Handy Physics
Answer Book |
More... |
(1218) [QC73.J3 1999] |
Concepts of Force |
More... |
(1219) [QC71.W67 1991] |
The World Treasury of
Physics, Astronomy and
Mathematics |
More... |
(1220) [QC71.W67 1991] |
The World Treasury of
Physics, Astronomy and
Mathematics |
More... |
| | | |
(1221) [QC71.P613 1998] |
Eight Lectures on
Theoretical Physics |
More... |
(1222) [QC71.M19 1970] |
Universe of Physics |
More... |
(1223) [QC71.D55 1978] |
Directions in Physics |
More... |
(1224) [QC71 .R36 1964] |
Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1225) [QC53.B84 1968] |
Model-Making For
Physicists |
More... |
(1226) [QC52.B73 1995] |
Modern Physics
Simulations |
More... |
(1227) [QC39.T4 1982] |
Introduction to Error
Analysis: The Study of
Uncertainties in Physical
Measurements |
More... |
(1228) [QC39.R68 1989] |
Discovering the Natural
Laws: The Experimental
Basis of Physics |
More... |
| | | |
(1229) [QC39.B7 1931] |
Dimensional Analysis |
More... |
(1230) [QC37.I5 1942] |
A Laboratory Mnual of
Experiments in Physics |
More... |
(1231) [QC32.T53 1990] |
Thinking Like a Physicist,
Physics Problems for
Undergraduates |
More... |
(1232) [QC32.P48 2000] |
REA. Physics Problem
Solver |
More... |
| | | |
(1233) [QC32.I723 2015] |
Problems In General
Physics |
More... |
(1234) [QC32.G34 1978] |
Schaum’s Outline of
Modern Physics |
More... |
(1235) [QC32 .M645 1994 ] |
GRE Physics (REA) - The
Best Test Prep for the
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(1236) [QC32 .M32 2002 ] |
Tutorials in Introductory
Physics |
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(1237) [QC32 .M32 2002] |
Tutorials in Introductory
Physics: Homework |
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(1238) [QC32 .H325 1988 ] |
Schaum’s Solved
Problems. 3,000 Solved
Problems in Physics |
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(1239) [QC31.E772 1998] |
Essentials of Physics II |
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(1240) [QC31 .B41 1967 ] |
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(1241) [QC30E484 2006] |
Computer Algebra
An Introductory Guide to
the Mathematical Models
of Science |
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(1242) [QC30.E484 2004] |
Computer Algebra
Recipes for Mathematical
Physics |
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(1243) [QC30.C477 2004] |
Physlet Physics |
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(1244) [QC28 .F4 1965 ] |
The Character of Physical
Law (Messenger Lectures,
1964) |
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(1245) [QC24.5.G85 1995] |
Five Equations That
Changed the World |
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(1246) [QC24.5.A78 1979] |
Asimov on Physics |
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(1247) [QC24.5 .J66 1992] |
Physics for the rest of us |
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(1248) [QC24.5 .H47 1989] |
Than Light: Superluminal
Loopholes in Physics |
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(1249) [QC24.5 .B34 2007] |
50 Physics Ideas You
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(1250) [QC23.W414 1975] |
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