================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[Drawing picture with straight line (Petros Vrellis’s Art)] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/126161/drawing-picture-with-straight-line-petros-vrelliss-art
I am trying to extend Writing a word with straight lines for any picture/image. I guess the basic idea is to find a set of points in the image region and then draw random lines through them. Let’s ...
- asked by Sumit (16 votes), answered by Rahul (6 votes)
[How do I count the most used functions across a set of notebooks?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125960/how-do-i-count-the-most-used-functions-across-a-set-of-notebooks
WolframLanguageData allows us to view the most used functions across several code bases like Wolfram Alpha, the documentation, or Stack Exchange. I was curious about the results for my own collection ...
- asked by Michael Hale (15 votes), answered by Michael Hale (11 votes)
[How to ReplaceAll except within specified heads] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125918/how-to-replaceall-except-within-specified-heads
ReplaceAll[expr, rule] and ReplaceRepeated[expr, rule] search through all subexpressions of expr applying rule where they match.
Are there built-in Mathematica functions that do the same thing, ...
- asked by QuantumDot (15 votes), answered by JHM (15 votes)
[Is this a bug in Replace?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125771/is-this-a-bug-in-replace
Consider the following minimal examples. This one works as expected, replacing trees starting from the inside with a numerical value.
ClearAll[tree]; x = tree["A", {tree["B", {1, 2}], 3}]; Replace[x, ...
- asked by István Zachar (14 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (17 votes)
[How do I test if a variable represents a sequence?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/126193/how-do-i-test-if-a-variable-represents-a-sequence
I created a variable that represents a sequence:
mySeq = Sequence[1, 2, 3];
I wanted to use that variable as an argument for some functions. But I got in trouble. For example,
FreeQ[mySeq, 1]
- asked by Fernando Saldanha (12 votes), answered by Edmund (8 votes)
[How to calculate the numerical integral more efficiently?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/126001/how-to-calculate-the-numerical-integral-more-efficiently
Rencently, I ecountered the following numerical intergral:
\begin{cases} \mathbf I_1=\displaystyle \int_{t}\mathbf N' {\mathbf N'}^{\text T}{\rm d}t\\ \mathbf I_2=\displaystyle \int_{t}\mathbf N''
- asked by Shutao Tang (11 votes), answered by Anton Antonov (8 votes)
[Optional argument that can be completely omitted?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125929/optional-argument-that-can-be-completely-omitted
I am writing a simple function return similar words.
Clear[similarWords] similarWords[string_]:=Nearest[WordList[],string]
I want to add another argument n which is optional. When it presents, it ...
- asked by matheorem (11 votes), answered by Szabolcs (12 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Writing a word with straight lines] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/113403/writing-a-word-with-straight-lines
Here is an interesting way to write a word: (it is from a poster for the International Museum Day 2006; I believe it even won an award at an international design competition)
by Boris Ljubicic. ...
- asked by VividD (71 votes), answered by Anton Antonov (32 votes)
[Exporting graphics to PDF - huge file] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/1542/exporting-graphics-to-pdf-huge-file
I want to draw some basic surfaces, export them to PDF and include them in a LaTeX file. I create a simple 3D graphics object, for instance with
ParametricPlot3D[{r Cos[\[Theta]], r Sin[\[Theta]], ...
- asked by Matthew Leingang (85 votes), answered by Heike (73 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Finding covariation between datasets] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125963/finding-covariation-between-datasets
For me this is a very fascinating problem, which I however lack the ability to deal with as well as the nomenclature to describe properly. (Please feel free to edit the title).
The conditions are the ...
- asked by MathLind (2 votes)
[Wolfram math on windows using PBSPro cluster] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125861/wolfram-math-on-windows-using-pbspro-cluster
A user wishes to use math application running on our PBSPpro cluster.
Our cluster is accessible to linux users, running qsub to submit their jobs.
We have math10.4 for our cluster users, with ...
- asked by Dvory (2 votes)
[Unexpected view of a vectorial triad in a combination of a Plot3D with Graphics3D] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/126168/unexpected-view-of-a-vectorial-triad-in-a-combination-of-a-plot3d-with-graphics3
I am preparing an illustration for the lecture on differential geometry. In this demonstration I am illustrating the Monge parameterization of the surface:
R = {xx, yy, 55 + xx^2 - xx^3 - 2*yy^2}; (* ...
- asked by Alexei Boulbitch (2 votes)