================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[The Game of Hex in Mathematica] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125460/the-game-of-hex-in-mathematica
The Game of Hex is a game originally developed by Nash, and it’s rules are very simple. You start out with a hexagonal tiling of some size:
There are two players. The game is in turns, and every ...
- asked by TreFox (31 votes), answered by C. E. (26 votes)
[Visualize fraction] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125209/visualize-fraction
I would like to visualize a fraction like the square root of 2 with Mathematica. I found this visualization of Pi in the internet and wonder how this would be done with Mathematica. The image shows ...
- asked by Arjihad (22 votes), answered by Kuba (20 votes)
[Monad-like structures in Mathematica] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125537/monad-like-structures-in-mathematica
I have been trying to code monad-like structures in Mathematica. However, I am facing some issues and I was wondering if anyone can help. I will give some background in the hope it can be useful to ...
- asked by Diogo Gomes (16 votes), answered by m_goldberg (6 votes)
[paclets updating awareness and tracking] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125199/paclets-updating-awareness-and-tracking
It turns out that some silent updating may be done in our computers with paclets. See for example here. How are we aware that something has been changed ? Can we track updating/versions of paclets ?
- asked by andre (16 votes)
[Is it important that the front-end has a built-in parser?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125180/is-it-important-that-the-front-end-has-a-built-in-parser
The Notebook interface has a parser that seems aware of all operator-precedences, allowing us to step through the expressions (rather: Box-) hierarchy with Ctrl+.
This is extremely convenient, saving ...
- asked by masterxilo (15 votes), answered by John Fultz (18 votes)
[Package organization] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125579/package-organization
When writing a Mathematica package Foo, with functions f1, f2 and f3, one can use the template:
BeginPackage["Foo`"]; f1::usage = "f1[] ...."; f2::usage = "f2[] ...."; Begin["`Private`"]; f1[]:= ...
- asked by Pixor (14 votes), answered by Szabolcs (17 votes)
[ClearAll::clloc - "Cannot clear local variable x" in Block[x, ...] - why?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125251/clearallclloc-cannot-clear-local-variable-x-in-blockx-why
Block[{x}, ClearAll@x] ClearAll::clloc: Cannot clear local variable x.
The documentation just says
An error occurs because ClearAll cannot be used with a local variable in Block:
- asked by masterxilo (14 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Beautiful dance of the Earth and Venus around the sun] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/115358/beautiful-dance-of-the-earth-and-venus-around-the-sun
I have seen very nice dynamic graphics created by users of Ma. I would like to get help whether the following graphics can be created using Ma. I was not able to create the dynamic picture here. ...
- asked by ramesh (11 votes), answered by ubpdqn (6 votes)
[How can I draw the Olympic rings with Mathematica?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/8885/how-can-i-draw-the-olympic-rings-with-mathematica
How can I draw the 5 interlocking Olympic rings with Mathematica?
(SVG version)
Hard choice, but some pretty cool answers here. I didn’t have 3D answers in mind when I posted the question, ...
- asked by Mike Honeychurch (41 votes), answered by cormullion (18 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Creating notebooks with specific options being editable but not saveable] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125676/creating-notebooks-with-specific-options-being-editable-but-not-saveable
The goal
is to create a notebook whose options, when the notebook is opened, are fixed regardless of edits done to the notebook.
E.g. WindowSize -> Automatic and WindowMargins -> 30 should be ...
- asked by Kuba (8 votes)
[Possible bug with Dataset formatting for incompatible shapes and Missing] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125689/possible-bug-with-dataset-formatting-for-incompatible-shapes-and-missing
Bug introduced in 11.0.0
The problem:
{<|"a" -> Range[5]|>, <|"a" -> Missing["KeyAbsent", "a"]|>} // Dataset
More detailed example shows that 5 is the magic number and ...
- asked by Kuba (10 votes)
[TensorContract applied twice] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125588/tensorcontract-applied-twice
I have a very simple question about TensorContract command: I’m declaring
$Assumptions = {T \[Element] Arrays[{4, 4, 4, 4}], a \[Element] Arrays[{4, 4}], b \[Element] Arrays[{4, 4}]};
so T is a ...
- asked by MaPo (3 votes)