================================== Top new questions this week: ==================================
[Change Values in Dataset under Condition]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/74165/change-values-in-dataset-under-condition
I have the following Dataset:
ds = Dataset@*Map[AssociationThread[{"ID", "VAL1", "VAL2", "VAL3", "Type"} -> #] &]@ {{"C09", 18.5, 18.5, 18.5, "FE"}, {"C11", 21, 21, 21, "FE"}, {"C10", ...
- asked by Lea (10 votes), answered by WReach (6 votes)
[Drawing a Gradient Between Two Circular Arcs]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73928/drawing-a-gradient-between-two-circular-arcs
Suppose I wanted to use Mathematica graphics primitives to create a gradient of colors between two circular arcs. It’s easy enough to make an area between two circles a solid color, but what if I ...
- asked by Noah Rubin (10 votes), answered by ybeltukov (11 votes)
[How to search Dataset to find all keys share same Value]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/74200/how-to-search-dataset-to-find-all-keys-share-same-value
If I have the following Dataset
ds=Dataset[{ <|"a" -> 1, "b" -> "x", "c" -> 6|>, <|"a" -> 2, "b" -> "y", "c" -> {2, 3}|>, <|"a" -> "x", "b" -> "z", "c" ...
- asked by Algohi (8 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (5 votes)
[Windows command line arguments, stdin & stdout] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/74032/windows-command-line-arguments-stdin-stdout
Is it possible to utilize all three: commandline arguments, stdin, and stdout all at once in script for Windows? Unix is fairly esay, but I can’t get the following to work with Windows.
Using the ...
- asked by William (8 votes), answered by WReach (7 votes)
[How can I replace the Greek symbols in an expression with their plain text names?]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/74047/how-can-i-replace-the-greek-symbols-in-an-expression-with-their-plain-text-names
Suppose I have an expression with Greek symbols in it. How would I convert that expression to another expression where the Greek symbols have been replaces with their names in plain text? I’ve ...
- asked by jmbejara (8 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (11 votes)
[Convert number to word]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73717/convert-number-to-word
I have a big number like: 123 456 789. Now I’ll to writ it like this
123 million 456 thousand 789
I’ve search on the internet but nothing found that works.
How can you do that? Thanks.
- asked by Luis (8 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (10 votes)
[Why does an inert ReplaceAll modify this Dataset?]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73855/why-does-an-inert-replaceall-modify-this-dataset
I cannot see any reason for this behavior besides a bug, but I’ve been wrong before so I put it before the community:
ds = Dataset[{ <|"ID" -> "Alpha", "v1" -> 1, "v2" -> 0|>, ...
- asked by Mr.Wizard (7 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (7 votes)
================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================
[Image processing: Floor plan - detecting rooms’ borders (area) and room names’ texts]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/19546/image-processing-floor-plan-detecting-rooms-borders-area-and-room-names-t
Here is a simple building floor plan. I would like to derive the rooms as (rectangular) components and the names of the rooms. This is very common representation of building floor plans.
The ...
- asked by s.s.o (39 votes), answered by nikie (39 votes)
[Generating visually pleasing circle packs]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/40334/generating-visually-pleasing-circle-packs
EDIT: (my conclusion and thank you note) I want to thank you all guys for this unexpected intellectual and artistic journey. Hope you had fun and enjoyed it the same as I did.
I would like to ...
- asked by VividD (70 votes), answered by level1807 (42 votes)
================================== Can you answer these? ==================================
[Exclusion disappears but style doesn’t work]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73894/exclusion-disappears-but-style-doesnt-work
Consider this code:
f[x_]:=(6 + 4 x + x^2 - x^3)/(x-2) Plot[f[x], {x, -10, 10}, Exclusions -> {2}, ExclusionsStyle -> Directive[Red, Dashed]]
It produces this image.
Note that the vertical ...
- asked by David (4 votes)
[What is Association[Rule["ID",number ] and how it is used]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/74197/what-is-associationruleid-number-and-how-it-is-used
I am trying to understand the structure and the use of Dataset and I came across something new to me.
First check this example:
ds1=Dataset[{ <|"a" -> 1, "b" -> "x", "c" -> 6|>, ...
- asked by Algohi (4 votes)
[Can I get a symbol cross-reference of a Mathematica Notebook?]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73927/can-i-get-a-symbol-cross-reference-of-a-mathematica-notebook
Is there a way to get a cross reference listing for a notebook or set of notebooks?
- asked by Ralph Dratman (1 vote)