6.47 Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top new questions this week: 

[Messages leak out from Block]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73458/messages-leak-out-from-block

When assigning message to a symbol localized by Block, I would expect that this message is not accessible outside of Block, but I observe different behavior:

ClearAll[x] Block[x, x::test1 = ...

- asked by jkuczm (12 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (6 votes)


[Copy Built-in function to new name]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73454/copy-built-in-function-to-new-name

It is know that some built-in functions are system function and changing their properties may cause trouble.

Suppose for example I want to change features of Cases:

SetAttributes[Cases, HoldFirst]


- asked by Algohi (10 votes), answered by Mr.Wizard (8 votes)


[Possible bug: Quantity[2,"meters"] returns 2 None meters]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73259/possible-bug-quantity2-meters-returns-2-none-meters

I’m using 10.0 for Linux.

Trial 1:

Quantity[2,"meters"] 2 None meters

Trial 2:

Quantity[2,"Meters"] 2 meters

Trial 3:

Quantity[2,"meters"] //InputForm Quantity[2*None, "Meters"]

It seems ...

- asked by Jacob Schwartz (10 votes)


[How does $CellContext‘ work?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73530/how-does-cellcontext-work

The only official info about $CellContext‘ I was able to find is:

placeholder for the context of a symbol inside Dynamic

from StandardNamespaces

I have some intuitive understanding how it works ...

- asked by Kuba (9 votes), answered by Kuba (5 votes)


[Solve a PDE over a region defined by a Bezier patch]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73350/solve-a-pde-over-a-region-defined-by-a-bezier-patch

I am using NDSolve to find the solution to a PDE over an arbitrary domain. The domain is specified by a Bezier patch.

pts = 10, 0, 0, 30, 15, 10, 8, 30, 25, 37, 20, 37, 35, ...

- asked by cfdguy (9 votes), answered by Michael E2 (3 votes)


[Triangular mesh of random points on a sphere] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73354/triangular-mesh-of-random-points-on-a-sphere

My employer with a new logo (shown below). I do not have information on how this was created (as it was done by an outside company), though I’m fairly sure it was not done in any formal mathematical ...

- asked by user1375062 (9 votes), answered by ybeltukov (15 votes)


[Slow work of SQLInsert with MS SQL Server in V10] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73444/slow-work-of-sqlinsert-with-ms-sql-server-in-v10

This question is very similar to: Slow work of SQLInsert with SQLite, but for MS SQL Server. Unfortunately the use of SQLBeginTransaction and SQLCommitTransaction do not improved the performance as in ...

- asked by Murta (8 votes), answered by Murta (8 votes)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[How to use Mathematica functions in Python programs?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4643/how-to-use-mathematica-functions-in-python-programs

I’d like to know how can I call Mathematica functions from Python.

I appreciate a example, for example, using the Mathematica function Prime.

I had search about MathLink but how to use it in Python ...

- asked by GarouDan (28 votes), answered by GarouDan (10 votes)


[How do I clear all user defined symbols?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/850/how-do-i-clear-all-user-defined-symbols

Is there some way to do this other than going to Evaluation -> Quit 
kernel and firing a new one up?

- asked by niklasfi (27 votes), answered by Artes (24 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[Problem with DiscretizeRegion] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73470/problem-with-discretizeregion

R = RegionUnion[Disk[{0, 0}, 1, {0, Pi}], Disk[{1/2, 0}, 1/2]] // 
RegionDifference[#, RegionUnion[Disk[{1/2, 0}, 1/6], Disk[{-1/2, 0}, 
1/2]]] & 
(dr = DiscretizeRegion[R]) // Timing

If you run ...

- asked by Apple (6 votes)


[How to get the correct latitude and longitude coordinates using FindGeoLocation on street addresses] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73656/how-to-get-the-correct-latitude-and-longitude-coordinates-using-findgeolocation

Have a list of street addresses:

addresses = {"123 D st, Davis, CA 95616", 
"140 B St, Davis, CA 95616", "212 E st, Davis, CA 95616", 
"325 G St, Davis, CA 95616"};

I used FindGeoLocation to ...

- asked by Rebecca (2 votes)


[Why does Mathematica provide incosistent convergence conditions?]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/73652/why-does-mathematica-provide-incosistent-convergence-conditions

In[1]:= Clear[a, n] 
In[2]:= SumConvergence[(n^(n - 2))/((a^n)*(n!)), n] 
Out[2]= Abs[a] > E 
In[3]:= SumConvergence[(n^(n - 2))/((E^n)*(n!)), n] 
Out[3]= True

All right. So, according to Out[2], the ...

- asked by gaazkam (2 votes)