================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Create a torus with a hexagonal mesh for 3D-printing]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39879/creat e-a-torus-with-a-hexagonal-mesh-for-3d-printing} I am new to Mathematica, and I'm looking for a way to create patterns on the surface of 3D objects. One thing I have not been able to do is create a hexagonal mesh on a torus. What I would like to ... - asked by Manna (24 votes), answered by rm -rf (34 votes) ---------------------------- [Benchmarking Mathematica performance on the Raspberry Pi]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39684/benchmarking-m athematica-performance-on-the-raspberry-pi} It is not surprising that Mathematica on the Raspberry Pi is slow and clunky. In Stephen Wolfram's words, the command line is "quite zippy" but the notebook interface is "a trifle sluggish by modern ... - asked by bobthechemist (20 votes), answered by bobthechemist (22 votes) ---------------------------- [Fast DensityPlot]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39826/fast- densityplot} Is it possible to increase the perforamce the DensityPlot? For example, let's try to plot this "flower" f[x_, y_] := (x^2 + y^2) Exp[-x^2 - y^2] Sin[10 Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] + 10 ArcTan[x, y]]^4; ... - asked by ybeltukov (16 votes), answered by ybeltukov (14 votes) ---------------------------- [How to plot ternary density plots?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39733/how-to-plo t-ternary-density-plots} How can I get a ternary density plot just like the plots from OriginLab? ContourPlot and DensityPlot seemingly can solve the [f,{x},{y}]-style, but cannot solve the [f,{x},{y},{z}]-style - asked by Scott Wang (15 votes), answered by Michael E2 (17 votes) ---------------------------- [Get tab key to indent a block of code]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39876/get-tab-key- to-indent-a-block-of-code} Is there some way I can change Mathematica keyboard behavior so I could select a block of text/code, press tab, and the selection would be indented to right? Similarly, I would like shift+tab to ... - asked by Murta (9 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (5 votes) ---------------------------- [Probability of the sum of the largest n samples]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39848/probabili ty-of-the-sum-of-the-largest-n-samples} 15 numbers are randomly chosen from U(0,1), what is the probability that the sum of largest four numbers is greater than 3.5? With[{f = OrderDistribution[{UniformDistribution[], 15}, #] &}, ... - asked by bobbym (9 votes), answered by belisarius (9 votes) ---------------------------- [Create a new infix operator]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39696/create-a -new-infix-operator} It is well known that the infix operator @@ is used as a short form of Apply. For example, both Apply[f,{a,b,c}] and f@@{a,b,c} return f[a,b,c]} Also the infix operator @@@ is used as a short form ... - asked by tchronis (8 votes), answered by Rojo (7 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [How to find the phase difference of two sampled sine waves?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/11046/how-to-fin d-the-phase-difference-of-two-sampled-sine-waves} I'm trying to measure a phase difference between two Sine functions I've acquired with a computer. I'm uploading one of the .txt files with the data I'm working with here: txt file. To remove the ... - asked by Juan (19 votes), answered by bill s (18 votes) ---------------------------- [Finding the best way to visualize rather complicated data]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/33429/finding-the- best-way-to-visualize-rather-complicated-data} I have the following data data = {{7.5, 12.45, 12.45, 12.75, 12.75, 12.25, 12.25, 12.53, 12.53}, {8.5, 12.22, 12.22, 12.23, 12.23, 13, 13, 12.54, 12.54}, {9.5, 11.58, 11.53, 12.75, 13.48, 12.39, ... - asked by Vaggelis_Z (12 votes), answered by Pinguin Dirk (10 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [How can I take a function as data from a text field in order to plot it?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39755/how-can-i-tak e-a-function-as-data-from-a-text-field-in-order-to-plot-it} I would like to create a window where a student may enter an equation and, by clicking on a button, the function gets plotted. (Quiero realizar una ventana en la cual el alumno tenga la opcion de ... - asked by Jenny Ojeda (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Want explanation of when different looping constructs are appropriate]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39704/want- explanation-of-when-different-looping-constructs-are-appropriate} For example when would you use a Do loop over a For loop? For which tasks would you use Map, Table, Scan, et cetera? I'm quite new to Mathematica and I don't really get what the advantages of any of ... - asked by Aron (1 vote) ---------------------------- [Error messages from NDSOlve]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/39820/error-mes sages-from-ndsolve} I am trying to solve a boundary value problem with NDSolve. The code is: sol = Block[{M = 0.0}, NDSolve[{ f'''[x] + f[x]*f''[x] - f'[x]*f'[x] - M*f'[x] == 0, f[0] == 0, f'[0] == 1, f'[15] ... - asked by usman saeed (1 vote)