Number of problems 51.
Solved by Mathematica: 66.67%
Solved by Maple: 68.63%
Links to problems not solved by Mathematica:
[6877 , 11837 , 11838 , 11839 , 11840 , 11849 , 11850 , 11854 , 13962 , 13974 , 13976 , 13979 , 15271 , 16951 , 18612 , 18614 , 19365 ]
Links to problems not solved by Maple:
[6877 , 11837 , 11838 , 11839 , 11840 , 11849 , 11850 , 11854 , 13962 , 13974 , 13976 , 13979 , 15271 , 16927 , 18612 , 19365 ]