Number of problems 630.
Solved by Mathematica: 96.51%
Solved by Maple: 97.78%
Links to problems not solved by Mathematica:
[2592 , 8846 , 8847 , 8850 , 8851 , 8855 , 8857 , 9144 , 11084 , 13984 , 13987 , 13988 , 14017 , 14088 , 14090 , 14484 , 14485 , 17166 , 18036 , 18459 , 18948 , 19620 ]
Links to problems not solved by Maple:
[2592 , 7501 , 8847 , 8855 , 8857 , 11084 , 13984 , 13987 , 13988 , 14017 , 14088 , 14090 , 14485 , 19620 ]