Third and higher order homogeneous ODE

Number of problems 793.

Solved by Mathematica: 94.33%

Solved by Maple: 94.45%

Links to problems not solved by Mathematica:

[1463 , 6877 , 7485 , 11038 , 11089 , 11460 , 11461 , 11462 , 11463 , 11464 , 11465 , 11466 , 11476 , 11477 , 11479 , 11487 , 11492 , 11503 , 11516 , 11517 , 11532 , 11541 , 11542 , 11543 , 11544 , 11571 , 11589 , 11838 , 11839 , 11849 , 11850 , 11854 , 15271 , 15295 , 16951 , 17796 , 17798 , 17799 , 17802 , 17804 , 17805 , 18612 , 18614 , 18984 , 19365 ]

Links to problems not solved by Maple:

[1463 , 6877 , 6878 , 7485 , 11038 , 11089 , 11460 , 11461 , 11462 , 11463 , 11464 , 11465 , 11466 , 11476 , 11477 , 11479 , 11487 , 11492 , 11511 , 11516 , 11532 , 11541 , 11542 , 11543 , 11544 , 11581 , 11589 , 11838 , 11839 , 11849 , 11850 , 11854 , 15271 , 15295 , 16927 , 17796 , 17798 , 17799 , 17802 , 17804 , 17805 , 18612 , 18984 , 19365 ]